Creating Wall Systems

A wall system consists of three major pieces: the lower limit, the upper limit and a sketch of the wall layout. A wall system is a CATPart.

While it is possible to create a wall system that covers the entire length of your deck, it is recommended that you make smaller systems, perhaps bounded by natural boundaries like bulkheads and hull. We recommend that you create wall systems with no more than 20 compartments.

Before creating wall systems, it is recommended that you split up any wrapping surface (such as a hull) into multiple published surfaces.  This way you can select only relevant sections of the hull to define a given wall system.  This avoids ambiguities that can occur if you attempt to intersect a wall system sketch with an entire hull.

One way you can split a hull into multiple surfaces is to use the Split command within the Generative Shape Design workbench. Refer to the documentation for that product for more information on the Split command.  You can then use the Tools - Publication command to publish the split surfaces you create.

The two major steps in creating a wall system are: create a sketch of the layout of the walls; and extract the walls.

It is recommended that you finalize the sketch before extracting the walls, or get the sketch as close to your final layout as possible. It is possible to update the layout after you have extracted the walls, but you should try to keep the changes minimal.

You should avoid changing the layout after you have extracted the compartments. It is possible to update the layout but you are likely to run into several issues because of the complexity of the operation.

The following steps show how to create a wall system.

Building a Wall System Part
Intersecting a Wall System with a Surface
Generating the Walls of a Wall System
Updating a Wall System