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Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

as_getsrval64 Kernel Service


Obtains a handle to the virtual memory object for the specified address.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/vmuser.h>
#include <sys/adspace.h>
vmhandle_t as_getsrval64 (addr64)
unsigned long long addr64;


addr64 Specifies the virtual memory address for which the corresponding handle should be returned.


The as_getsrval64 kernel service is used to obtain a handle to the virtual memory object corresponding to the input address(addr64). This handle can then be used with the as_att64 or vm_att kernel services to make the object addressable at a different location.

This service should only be used when it is known that the virtual memory object cannot be deleted, otherwise the as_geth64 kernel service must be used.

The as_puth64 kernel service must not be called for handles returned by the as_getsrval64 kernel service.

The as_getsrval64 kernel service assumes an address space model of fixed-size virtual memory objects.

This service will operate correctly for both 32-bit and 64-bit user address spaces. It will also work for kernel processes (kprocs).

This service only operates on the current process's address space. It is not allowed to operate on another address space.

Execution Environment

The as_getsrval64 kernel service can be called from the process environment only when the current user address space is 64-bits. If the current user address space is 32-bits, or is a kproc, then as_getsrval64 may be called from an interrupt environment.

Return Values

On successful completion this routine returns the appropriate handle.

On error, this routine returns the value INVLSID defined in sys/seg.h. This is caused by an address out of range.

Errors include: Input address out of range.

Related Information

The as_att64 kernel service, as_det64 kernel service, as_geth64 kernel service, and as_puth64 kernel service, as_seth64 kernel service.

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