Returns the number of adapters discovered on the system.
Common Host Bus Adapter Library (libHBAAPI.a)
#include <hbaapi.h> HBA_UINT32 HBA_GetNumberOfAdapters ()
The HBA_GetNumberOfAdapters subroutine returns the number of adapters that support the Common Host Bus Adapter API library. The HBA_GetNumberOfAdapters subroutine queries the ODM for an active FCP adapter present on the machine. The number of adapters is used to build a table to store adapter information. The number of adapters will be used to build an internal table containing all the FCP adapters available on the machine.
The HBA_GetNumberOfAdapters subroutine returns an integer representing the number of adapters on the machine.
The HBA_GetAdapterName Subroutine.
Special Files in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Files Reference describes specific qualities of the files that define devices.