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Performance Management Guide

Tuning for NFS Performance

In an NFS network, the server is the primary target for tuning, but a few things can be tuned on the client as well.

How Many biod and nfsd Daemons Are Needed?

Because biod and nfsd daemons handle one request at a time, and because NFS response time is often the largest component of overall response time, it is undesirable to have threads blocked for lack of a biod or nfsd daemon.

There is a single nfsd daemon and a single biod daemon, each of which is multithreaded (multiple kernel threads within the process). Also, the number of threads is self-tuning in that it creates additional threads as needed. You can, however, tune the maximum number of nfsd threads by using the nfs_max_threads parameter of the nfso command. You can also tune the maximum number of biod threads per mount via the biod mount option.

The general considerations for configuring NFS daemons are as follows:

Choosing Initial Numbers of nfsd and biod daemons

Determining the best numbers of nfsd and biod daemons is an iterative process. Guidelines can give you no more than a reasonable starting point.

The defaults are a good starting point for small systems, but should probably be increased for client systems with more than two users or servers with more than two clients. A few guidelines are as follows:

Tuning the Numbers of nfsd and biod daemons

After you have arrived at an initial number of biod and nfsd daemons, or have changed one or the other, do the following:

To change the number of nfsd daemons, you can use the chnfs command, or set the nfso nfs_max_threads parameter as mentioned earlier.

To change the number of nfsd daemons on a server to 10, both immediately and at each subsequent system boot, use the following:

# chnfs -n 10

To change the number of nfsd daemons on a system to 9, with the change delayed until the next system boot, run the following command:

# chnfs -I -n 9

To change the number of biod daemons per mount, use the biod mount option.

Increasing the number of biod daemons on the client worsens server performance because it allows the client to send more request at once, further loading the network and the server. In extreme cases of a client overrunning the server, it may be necessary to reduce the client to one biod daemon, as follows:

# stopsrc -s biod

This leaves the client with the kernel process biod still running.

Performance Implications of Hard or Soft NFS Mounts

One of the choices you make when configuring NFS-mounted directories is whether the mounts will be hard (-o hard) or soft (-o soft). When, after a successful mount, an access to a soft-mounted directory encounters an error (typically, a timeout), the error is immediately reported to the program that requested the remote access. When an access to a hard-mounted directory encounters an error, NFS retries the operation.

A persistent error accessing a hard-mounted directory can escalate into a perceived performance problem because the default number of retries (1000) and the default timeout value (0.7 second), combined with an algorithm that increases the timeout value for successive retries, mean that NFS continues to try to complete the operation.

It is technically possible to reduce the number of retries, or increase the timeout value, or both, using options of the mount command. Unfortunately, changing these values sufficiently to remove the perceived performance problem might lead to unnecessary reported hard errors. Instead, use the intr option to mount the hard-mounted directories, which allows the user to interrupt from the keyboard a process that is in a retry loop.

Although soft-mounting the directories causes the error to be detected sooner, it runs a serious risk of data corruption. In general, read/write directories should be hard-mounted.

Other mount Options That Affect Performance

The mount command provides some NFS-tuning options that are often ignored or used incorrectly because of a lack of understanding of their use.

Before you start adjusting mount options, make certain that you know what you are trying to achieve with respect to packet delivery and packet turnaround on the server or network. You would use most of the NFS-specific mount options if your goal is to decrease the load on the NFS server, or to work around network problems.

The NFS performance-specific mount options are all specified as a list entry on the -o option for the mount command. Separate the options for the -o option on the command line only by a comma, not by a comma and a space.

The rsize and wsize Options

The most useful options are those for changing the read and write size values. These options define the maximum sizes of each RPC for read and write. Often, the rsize and wsize options of the mount command are decreased to decrease the read/write packet that is sent to the server. There can be two reasons why you might want to do this:

  1. The server may not be capable of handling the data volume and speeds inherent in transferring the read/write packets (8 KB for NFS Version 2 and 32 KB for NFS Version 3). This might be the case if a NFS client is using a PC as an NFS server. The PC will likely have limited memory available for buffering large packets.
  2. If a read/write size is decreased, there may be a subsequent reduction in the number of IP fragments generated by the call. If you are dealing with a faulty network, the chances of a call/reply pair completing with a two-packet exchange are greater than if there must be seven packets successfully exchanged. Likewise, if you are sending NFS packets across multiple networks with different performance characteristics, the packet fragments may not all arrive before the timeout value for IP fragments.

Reducing the rsize and wsize may improve the NFS performance in a congested network by sending shorter package trains for each NFS request. But a side effect is that more packets are needed to send data across the network, increasing total network traffic, as well as CPU utilization on both the server and client.

If your NFS file system is mounted across a high-speed network, such as the SP Switch, then larger read and write packet sizes would enhance NFS file system performance. With NFS Version 3, rsize and wsize can be set as high as 65536. The default is 32768. With NFS Version 2, the largest that rsize and wsize can be is 8192, which is also the default.

Improving sequential I/O throughput

On AIX 5.1 and later, you can improve the performance of sequential I/O operations on very large files in NFS exported file systems by using a mechanism called release-behind.

For more information on release-behind, see Monitoring and Tuning File Systems.

Improving client throughput for large-file I/O

On special cases over NFS Version 3 where you are trying to perform sequential write operations on files that are larger than client memory, you can improve performance by using commit-behind. Under normal circumstances, writing large files causes heavy page replacement activity on the client. This forces commit operations to be performed one page at a time. Commit-behind enables a more aggressive logic for commiting client pages and returning those pages to the free list.

You can enable commit-behind when mounting the file system by specifying the combehind flag with the mount command. You also need to set an appropriate value for the numclust variable. This variable specifies the number of 16-Kilobyte clusters processed by the sequential write-behind algorithm of the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). When the I/O pattern is sequential, use a large value for numclust in order to keep more pages in RAM before scheduling them for I/O. Increase the value for numclust if striped logical volumes or disk arrays are being used. On AIX 5.1, this parameter can be specified as a mount option. On previous versions of AIX, use the vmtune command to specify a value for numclust.

Disabling Unused NFS ACL Support

If your workload does not use the NFS access control list (ACL) support on a mounted file system, you can reduce the workload on both client and server to some extent by specifying the noacl option. This can be done as follows:


Set this option as part of the client's /etc/filesystems stanza for that file system.

Tuning to Avoid Retransmits

Related to the hard-versus-soft mount question is the question of the appropriate timeout duration for a given network configuration. If the server is heavily loaded, is separated from the client by one or more bridges or gateways, or is connected to the client by a WAN, the default timeout criterion may be unrealistic. If so, both server and client are burdened with unnecessary retransmits. For example, if the following command:

# nfsstat -c

reports a significant number (greater 5 percent of the total) of both timeouts and badxids, you could increase the timeo parameter with the following SMIT fast path:

# smitty chnfsmnt

Identify the directory you want to change, and enter a new value on the line NFS TIMEOUT. In tenths of a second.

The default time is 0.7 second (timeo=7), but this value is manipulated in the NFS kernel extension depending on the type of call. For read calls, for instance, the value is doubled to 1.4 seconds.

To achieve control over the timeo value for operating system version 4 clients, you must set the nfs_dynamic_retrans option of the nfso command to 0. There are two directions in which you can change the timeo value, and in any given case, there is only one right way to change it. The correct way, making the timeouts longer or shorter, depends on why the packets are not arriving in the allotted time.

If the packet is only late and does finally arrive, then you may want to make the timeo variable longer to give the reply a chance to return before the request is retransmitted.

However, if the packet has been dropped and will never arrive at the client, then any time spent waiting for the reply is wasted time, and you want to make the timeo shorter.

One way to estimate which option to take is to look at a client's nfsstat -cr output and see if the client is reporting lots of badxid counts. A badxid value means that an RPC client received an RPC call reply that was for a different call than the one it was expecting. Generally, this means that the client received a duplicate reply for a previously retransmitted call. Packets are thus arriving late and the timeo should be lengthened.

Also, if you have a network analyzer available, you can apply it to determine which of the two situations is occurring. Lacking that, you can try setting the timeo option higher and lower and see what gives better overall performance. In some cases, there is no consistent behavior. Your best option then is to track down the actual cause of the packet delays/drops and fix the real problem; that is, server or network/network device.

For LAN-to-LAN traffic through a bridge, try 50 (tenths of seconds). For WAN connections, try 200. Check the NFS statistics again after waiting at least one day. If the statistics still indicate excessive retransmits, increase timeo by 50 percent and try again. You will also want to examine the server workload and the loads on the intervening bridges and gateways to see if any element is being saturated by other traffic.

Dropped Packets

Given that dropped packets are detected on an NFS client, the real challenge is to find out where they are being lost. Packets can be dropped at the client, the server, and somewhere on the network.

Packets Dropped by the Client

Packets are rarely dropped by a client. Because each client RPC call is self-pacing, that is, each call must get a reply before going on, there is little opportunity for overrunning system resources. The most stressful operation is probably reading, where there is a potential for 1 MB+/sec of data flowing into the machine. While the data volume can be high, the actual number of simultaneous RPC calls is fairly small and each biod daemon has its own space allocated for the reply. Thus, it is very unusual for a client to drop packets.

Packets are more commonly dropped either by the network or by the server.

Packets Dropped by the Server

Two situations exist where servers will drop packets under heavy loads:

  1. Adapter Driver

    When an NFS server is responding to a very large number of requests, the server will sometimes overrun the interface driver output queue. You can observe this by looking at the statistics that are reported by the netstat -i command. Examine the columns marked Oerrs and look for any counts. Each Oerrs is a dropped packet. This is easily tuned by increasing the problem device driver's transmit queue size. The idea behind configurable queues is that you do not want to make the transmit queue too long, because of latencies incurred in processing the queue. But because NFS maintains the same port and XID for the call, a second call can be satisfied by the response to the first call's reply. Additionally, queue-handling latencies are far less than UDP retransmit latencies incurred by NFS if the packet is dropped.

  2. Socket Buffers

    The second common place where a server will drop packets is the UDP socket buffer. Dropped packets here are counted by the UDP layer and the statistics can be seen by using the netstat -p udp command. Examine the statistics marked UDP: for the socket buffer overflows statistic.

    NFS packets will usually be dropped at the socket buffer only when a server has a lot of NFS write traffic. The NFS server uses a UDP socket attached to NFS port 2049 and all incoming data is buffered on that UDP port. The default size of this buffer is 60,000 bytes. You can divide that number by the size of the default NFS write packet (8192) to find that it will take only eight simultaneous write packets to overflow that buffer. This overflow could occur with just two NFS clients (with the default configurations).

    In this situation there is either high volume or high burst traffic on the socket.

    Each of the two situations is handled differently.

You might see cases where the server has been tuned and no dropped packets are arriving for either the socket buffer or the driver Oerrs, but clients are still experiencing timeouts and retransmits. Again, this is a two-case scenario. If the server is heavily loaded, it may be that the server is just overloaded and the backlog of work for nfsd daemons on the server is resulting in response times beyond the default timeout set on the client. See NFS Tuning Checklist for hints on how to determine if this is the problem. The other possibility, and the most likely problem if the server is known to be otherwise idle, is that packets are being dropped on the network.

Dropped Packets On the Network

If there are no socket buffer overflows or Oerrs on the server, the client is getting lots of timeouts and retransmits and the server is known to be idle, then packets are most likely being dropped on the network. What is meant by when network is mentioned? It means a large variety of things including media and network devices such as routers, bridges, concentrators, and the whole range of things that can implement a transport for packets between the client and server.

Anytime a server is not overloaded and is not dropping packets, but NFS performance is bad, assume that packets are being dropped on the network. Much effort can be expended proving this and finding exactly how the network is dropping the packets. The easiest way of determining the problem depends mostly on the physical proximity involved and resources available.

Sometimes the server and client are in close enough proximity to be direct-connected, bypassing the larger network segments that may be causing problems. Obviously, if this is done and the problem is resolved, then the machines themselves can be eliminated as the problem. More often, however, it is not possible to wire up a direct connection, and the problem must be tracked down in place.

Tuning the NFS File-Attribute Cache

NFS maintains a cache on each client system of the attributes of recently accessed directories and files. Five parameters that can be set in the /etc/filesystems file control how long a given entry is kept in the cache. They are as follows:

Absolute time for which file and directory entries are kept in the file-attribute cache after an update. If specified, this value overrides the following *min and *max values, effectively setting them all to the actimeo value.
Minimum time after an update that file entries will be retained. The default is 3 seconds.
Maximum time after an update that file entries will be retained. The default is 60 seconds.
Minimum time after an update that directory entries will be retained. The default is 30 seconds.
Maximum time after an update that directory entries will be retained. The default is 60 seconds.

Each time the file or directory is updated, its removal is postponed for at least acregmin or acdirmin seconds. If this is the second or subsequent update, the entry is kept at least as long as the interval between the last two updates, but not more than acregmax or acdirmax seconds.

Tuning for Maximum Caching of NFS Data

NFS does not have a data-caching function, but the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) caches pages of NFS data just as it caches pages of disk data. If a system is essentially a dedicated NFS server, it may be appropriate to permit the VMM to use as much memory as necessary for data caching. For a server exporting JFS file systems, this is accomplished by setting the maxperm parameter, which controls the maximum percentage of memory occupied by JFS file pages, to 100 percent.

For example:

# vmtune -P 100

On a server exporting Enhanced JFS file systems, this is accomplished by setting the maxclient parameter. The maxclient parameter controls the maximum percentage of memory occupied by client-segment pages which is where Enhanced JFS file data is cached.

For example:

# vmtune -t 100

The same technique could be used on NFS clients, but would only be appropriate if the clients were running workloads that had very little need for working-segment pages.

Cache File System (CacheFS)

The Cache File System can be used to enhance performance of remote file systems or slow devices such as CD-ROM. When a file system is cached, the data read from the remote file system or CD-ROM is stored in a cache on the local system, thereby avoiding the use of the network and NFS server when the same data is accessed for the second time. CacheFS is designed as a layered file system; this means that CacheFS provides the ability to cache one file system (the NFS file system, also called the back-file system) on another (your local file system, also called the front-file system), as shown in the following figure:

Figure 29. Cache File System (CacheFS). This illustration show a client machine and a server that are connect by a network. The storage media on the server contains the back file system. The storage media on the client contains the cached file system or the front file system. Artwork for h10f11

Note that in AIX 4.3, only NFS Version 2 and NFS Version 3 are supported as back-file systems, and JFS is the only supported front-file system.

CacheFS works as follows:

  1. After creating a CacheFS file system on a client system, the system administrator specifies which file systems are to be mounted in the cache.
  2. When a user on the client attempts to access files that are part of the back file system, those files are placed in the cache. The cache does not get filled until a user requests access to a file or files. Therefore, the initial request to access a file will be at typical NFS speeds, but subsequent accesses to the same file will be at local JFS speeds.
  3. To ensure that the cached directories and files are kept up to date, CacheFS periodically checks the consistency of files stored in the cache. It does so by comparing the current modification time to the previous modification time.
  4. If the modification times are different, all data and attributes for the directory or file are purged from the cache, and new data and attributes are retrieved from the back file system.

An example where CacheFS would be suitable is in a CAD environment where master-copies of drawing components can be held on the server and cached-copies on the client workstation when in use.

CacheFS does not allow reads and writes on files that are 2 GB or larger in size.

CacheFS Benefits

Because NFS data is cached on the local disk once it is read from the server, read requests to the NFS file system can be satisfied much faster than if the data had to be retrieved over the net again. Depending on the memory size and usage of the client, a small amount of data might be held and retrieved from memory, so that the benefits of cached data on the disk applies to a large amount of data that cannot be kept in memory. An additional benefit is that data on the disk cache will be held at system shutdown, whereas data cached in memory will have to be retrieved from the server again after the reboot.

Other potential NFS bottlenecks are a slow or busy network and a weak performing server with too many NFS clients to serve. Therefore, access from the client system to the server is likely to be slow. CacheFS will not prevent you from having to do the first read over the network and to access the server, but you can avoid reads over the network for further requests for the same data.

If more read requests can be satisfied from the client's local disk, the amount of NFS accesses to the server will decrease. This means that more clients can be served by the server; thus, the client per server ratio will increase.

Fewer read requests over the network will decrease your network load and, therefore, allow you to get some relief on very busy networks or space for other data transfers.

Not every application will benefit from CacheFS. Because CacheFS will only speed up read performance, mainly applications that have huge read requests for the same data over and over again will benefit from CacheFS. Large CAD applications will certainly benefit from CacheFS, because of the often very large models that they have to load for their calculations.

Performance tests showed that sequential reads from the CacheFS file system are 2.4 times to 3.4 times faster than reads from the NFS server's memory or disk.

What CacheFS Does Not Do

CacheFS will not increase the write performance to NFS file systems. However, you have two write options to choose as parameters to the -o option of the mount command, when mounting a CacheFS. They will influence the subsequent read performance to the data. The write options are as follows:

The write-around mode (the default) handles writes the same way that NFS does; that is, writes are made to the back file system, and the affected file is purged from the cache. This means that write-around voids the cache and new data must be obtained back from the server after the write.
You can use the non-shared mode when you are certain that no one else will be writing to the cached file system. In this mode, all writes are made to both the front and the back file system, and the file remains in the cache. This means that future read accesses can be done to the cache, rather than going to the server.

Small reads might be kept in memory anyway (depending on your memory usage); so there is no benefit in also caching the data on the disk. Caching of random reads to different data blocks does not help, unless you will access the same data over and over again.

The initial read request still has to go to the server because only by the time a user attempts to access files that are part of the back file system will those files be placed in the cache. For the initial read request, you will see typical NFS speed. Only for subsequent accesses to the same data, you will see local JFS access performance.

The consistency of the cached data is only checked at intervals. Therefore, it is dangerous to cache data that is frequently changed. CacheFS should only be used for read-only or read-mostly data.

Write Performance over a cached NFS file system differs from NFS Version 2 to NFS Version 3. Performance tests have shown that:

Configuring CacheFS

CacheFS is not implemented by default or prompted at the time of the creation of an NFS file system.

Make sure to install fileset level for enhanced CacheFS write performance over NFS in AIX 4.3.1.

The system administrator must specify explicitly which file systems are to be mounted in the cache as follows:

  1. Create the local cache file system by using the cfsadmin command:
    # cfsadmin -c -o parameters cache-directory

    where parameters specify the resource parameters and cache-directory is the name of the directory where the cache should be created.

  2. Mount the back file system onto the cache:
    # mount -V cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache-directory remhost:/rem-directory local-mount-point

    where rem-directory is the name of the remote host and file system where the data resides, and local-mount-point is the mount point on the client where the remote file system should be mounted.

  3. Alternately, you could administer CacheFS using the SMIT command (use the smitty cachefs fast path).

Several parameters can be set at creation time, as follows:

Sets the maximum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. Default = 90 percent.
Sets the minimum number of blocks that CacheFS is allowed to claim within the front file system. Default = 0 percent.
Sets the number of blocks that must be available in the JFS file system on the client side before CacheFS can claim more than the blocks specified by minblocks. Default = 85 percent.
Maximum number of files that CacheFS can use, expressed as a percentage of the total number of i-nodes in the front file system. Default = 90 percent.
Minimum number of files that CacheFS is always allowed to use, expressed as a percentage of the total number of i-nodes in the front file system. Default = 0 percent.
Largest file size, expressed in megabytes, that CacheFS is allowed to cache. Default = 3.

RPC Tuning for NFS

The rpc.lockd daemon is multi-threaded and, by default, can create up to 33 threads. In situations where there is heavy remote procedure call (RPC) file locking activity, the rpc.lockd daemon might become a bottleneck once it reaches the maximum number of threads. When that maximum is reached, any subsequent requests will have to wait, which may result in other timeouts. If there are more than one client, the NFS server should have more lockd threads than the client side. The number of lockd threads can be adjusted to a limit of 511 with the following:

# chsys -s rpc.lockd -a <# of threads> 
# stopsrc -s rpc.lockd; startsrc -s rpc.lockd

Tuning Other Layers to Improve NFS Performance

NFS uses UDP or TCP to perform its network I/O. Ensure that you have applied the tuning techniques described in Tuning TCP and UDP Performance and Tuning mbuf Pool Performance. In particular, you should:

Increasing NFS Socket Buffer Size

In the course of tuning UDP, you may find that the netstat -s command indicates a significant number of UDP socket buffer overflows. As with ordinary UDP tuning, increase the sb_max value. You also need to increase the value of nfs_socketsize, which specifies the size of the NFS socket buffer. Following is an example:

# no -o sb_max=131072
# nfso -o nfs_socketsize=130972

The previous example sequence sets sb_max to a value at least 100 bytes larger than the desired value of nfs_socketsize and sets nfs_socketsize to 130972.

In AIX Version 4, the socketsize is set dynamically. Configurations using the no and nfso command must be repeated every time the machine is booted. Add them in the /etc/rc.net or /etc/rc.nfs file immediately before the nfsd daemons are started and after the biod daemons are started. The position is crucial.

NFS Server Disk Configuration

NFS servers that experience high levels of write activity can benefit from configuring the journal logical volume on a separate physical volume from the data volumes. See Disk Preinstallation Guidelines for further details.

It is often necessary to achieve high parallelism on data access. Concurrent access to a single file system on a server by multiple clients or multiple client processes can result in throughput being bottlenecked on the disk I/O for a particular device. You can use the iostat command to evaluate disk loading.

For large NFS servers, the general strategy should be to divide evenly the disk I/O demand across as many disk and disk adapter devices as possible. This results in greater parallelism and the ability to run greater numbers of nfsd daemons. On a system where disk I/O has been well-distributed, it is possible to reach a point where CPU load becomes the limiting factor on the server's performance.

Misuses of NFS That Affect Performance

Many of the misuses of NFS occur because people do not realize that the files that they are accessing are at the other end of an expensive communication path. A few examples of this are as follows:

It can be argued that these are valid uses of the transparency provided by NFS. Perhaps this is so, but these uses do cost processor time and LAN bandwidth and degrade response time. When a system configuration involves NFS access as part of the standard pattern of operation, the configuration designers should be prepared to defend the consequent costs with offsetting technical or business advantages, such as:

Another type of application that should not be run across NFS file systems is an application that does hundreds of lockf() or flock() calls per second. On an NFS file system, all the lockf() or flock() calls (and other file locking calls) must go through the rpc.lockd daemon. This can severely degrade system performance because the lock daemon may not be able to handle thousands of lock requests per second.

Regardless of the client and server performance capacity, all operations involving NFS file locking will probably seem unreasonably slow. There are several technical reasons for this, but they are all driven by the fact that if a file is being locked, special considerations must be taken to ensure that the file is synchronously handled on both the read and write sides. This means there can be no caching of any file data at the client, including file attributes. All file operations go to a fully synchronous mode with no caching. Suspect that an application is doing network file locking if it is operating over NFS and shows unusually poor performance compared to other applications on the same client/server pair.

NFS Tuning Checklist

Following is a checklist that you can follow when tuning NFS:

  1. Check to see if you are overrunning the server.

    The general method is to see if slowing down the client will increase the performance. The following methods can be tried independently:

  2. Check for Oerrs.

    This is probably the most common under-configuration error that affects NFS servers.

    If there are any Oerrs, increase the transmit queues for the network device. This can be done with the machine running, but the interface must be detached before it is changed (rmdev -l). You cannot shut down the interface on a diskless machine, and you may not be at liberty to shut down the interface if other work is going on. In this case, you can use the chdev command to put the changes in ODM so they will be activated on the next boot. Start by doubling the current value for the queue length, and repeat the process (adding an additional 30 each time) until no Oerrs are reported. On SP2 systems where NFS is configured to run across the high-speed switch, Oerrs may occur on the switch when there has been a switch fault and the switch was temporarily unavailable. An error is counted towards Oerr for each attempt to send on the switch that fails. These errors cannot be eliminated.

  3. Look for any Errors.

    Any counts that are very large indicate problems.

  4. Check for NFS UDP/TCP buffer overruns.

    When using UDP, buffer overruns on the NFS server are another frequent under-configuration for NFS servers. TCP sockets can be similarly overrun on very busy machines. Tuning for both is similar, so this section discusses only UDP.

    Run the netstat -s command and examine the UDP statistics for the socket buffer overflows statistic. If it is anything other than 0, you are probably overrunning the NFS UDP buffer. Be aware, however, that this is the UDP socket buffer drop count for the entire machine, and it may or may not be NFS packets that are being dropped. You can confirm that the counts are due to NFS by correlating between packet drop counts on the client using the nfsstat -cr command to socket buffer overruns on the server while executing an NFS write test.

    Socket buffer overflows can happen on heavily stressed servers or on servers that are slow in relation to the client. Up to 10 socket buffer overflows are probably not a problem. Hundreds of overflows are. If this number continually goes up while you watch it, and NFS is having performance problems, NFS needs tuning.

    Two factors can tune NFS socket buffer overruns. First try increasing the number of nfsd daemons that are being run on the server. If that does not solve the problem, you must adjust two kernel variables, sb_max(socket buffer max) and nfs_socketsize (the size of the NFS server socket buffer). Use the no command to increase sb_max. Use the nfso command to increase the nfs_socketsize variable.

    The sb_max parameter must be set larger than nfs_socketsize. It is hard to suggest new values. The best values are the smallest ones that also make the netstat report 0 or just produce a few socket buffer overruns.

    Remember, in AIX Version 4, the socket size is set dynamically. Configurations using the no and nfso command must be repeated every time the machine is booted. Add them in the /etc/rc.nfs file, right before the nfsd daemons are started and after the biod daemons are started. The position is crucial.

  5. Check for mbuf problems.

    See if there are any requests for mbufs denied or delayed. If so, increase the number of mbufs available to the network. For more information about tuning to eliminate mbuf problems, see Tuning mbuf Pool Performance.

  6. Check for very small interpacket delays.

    There have been rare cases where this has caused problems with machines. If there is a router or other hardware between the server and client, you can check its documentation to see if the interpacket delays can be configured. If so, try increasing the delay.

  7. Check for media mismatches.

    When packets are traversing two media with widely different speeds, the router might drop packets when taking them off the high speed net and trying to get them out on the slower net. This has been seen particularly when a router was trying to take packets from a server on FDDI and send them to a client on Ethernet. It could not send out the packets fast enough on Ethernet to keep up with the FDDI. The only solution is to try to slow down the volume of client requests, use smaller read/write sizes, and limit the number of biod daemons that can be used on a single file system.

  8. Check for MTU mismatches.

    Run the netstat -i command and check the MTU on the client and server. If they are different, try making them the same and see if the problem is eliminated. Also be aware that slow or wide area networks between the machines, routers, or bridges. may further fragment the packets to traverse these network segments. Attempt to determine the smallest MTU between source and destination, and change the rsize/wsize on the NFS mount to some number lower than that lowest-common-denominator MTU.

  9. Check for routing problems.

    Use the traceroute command to look for unexpected routing hops or delays.

  10. Check for errlog entries.

    Run the errpt command and look for reports of network device or network media problems. Also look for any disk errors that might be affecting NFS server performance on exported file systems.

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