add[o][.] |
Add |
XO |
31 |
266 |
addc[o][.] |
Add Carrying |
XO |
31 |
10 |
adde[o][.] |
Add Extended |
XO |
31 |
138 |
addi |
Add Immediate |
D |
14 |
addic |
Add Immediate Carrying |
D |
12 |
addic. |
Add Immediate Carrying and Record |
D |
13 |
addis |
Add Immediate Shifted |
D |
15 |
addme[o][.] |
Add to Minus One Extended |
XO |
31 |
234 |
addze[o][.] |
Add to Zero Extended |
XO |
31 |
202 |
and[.] |
X |
31 |
28 |
andc[.] |
AND with Complement |
X |
31 |
60 |
andi. |
AND Immediate |
D |
28 |
andis. |
AND Immediate Shifted |
D |
29 |
b[l][a] |
Branch |
I |
18 |
bc[l][a] |
Branch Conditional |
B |
16 |
bcctr[l] |
Branch Conditional to Count Register |
XL |
19 |
528 |
bclr[l] |
Branch Conditional Link Register |
XL |
19 |
16 |
cmp |
Compare |
X |
31 |
0 |
cmpi |
Compare Immediate |
D |
11 |
cmpl |
Compare Logical |
X |
31 |
32 |
cmpli |
Compare Logical Immediate |
D |
10 |
cntlzd |
Count Leading Zeros Doubleword |
X |
31 |
58 |
cntlzw[.] |
Count Leading Zeros Word |
X |
31 |
26 |
crand |
Condition Register AND |
XL |
19 |
257 |
crandc |
Condition Register AND with Complement |
XL |
19 |
129 |
creqv |
Condition Register Equivalent |
XL |
19 |
289 |
crnand |
Condition Register NAND |
XL |
19 |
225 |
crnor |
Condition Register NOR |
XL |
19 |
33 |
cror |
Condition Register OR |
XL |
19 |
449 |
crorc |
Condition Register OR with Complement |
XL |
19 |
417 |
crxor |
Condition Register XOR |
XL |
19 |
193 |
dcbf |
Data Cache Block Flush |
X |
31 |
86 |
dcbi |
Data Cache Block Invalidate |
X |
31 |
470 |
dcbst |
Data Cache Block Store |
X |
31 |
54 |
dcbt |
Data Cache Block Touch |
X |
31 |
278 |
dcbtst |
Data Cache Block Touch for Store |
X |
31 |
246 |
dcbz |
Data Cache Block Set to Zero |
X |
31 |
1014 |
divd |
Divide Doubleword |
XO |
31 |
489 |
divdu |
Divide Doubleword Unsigned |
XO |
31 |
457 |
divw[o][.] |
Divide Word |
XO |
31 |
491 |
divwu[o][.] |
Divide Word Unsigned |
XO |
31 |
459 |
eciwx |
External Control in Word Indexed (opt.) |
X |
31 |
310 |
ecowx |
External Control out Word Indexed (opt.) |
X |
31 |
438 |
eieio |
Enforce In-order Execution of I/O |
X |
31 |
854 |
eqv[.] |
Equivalent |
X |
31 |
284 |
extsb[.] |
Extend Sign Byte |
X |
31 |
954 |
extsh[.] |
Extend Sign Halfword |
XO |
31 |
922 |
extsw |
Extend Sign Word |
X |
31 |
986 |
fabs[.] |
Floating Absolute Value |
X |
63 |
264 |
fadd[.] |
Floating Add |
A |
63 |
21 |
fadds[.] |
Floating Add Single |
A |
59 |
21 |
fcfid |
Floating Convert from Integer Doubleword |
X |
63 |
846 |
fcmpo |
Floating Compare Ordered |
X |
63 |
32 |
fcmpu |
Floating Compare Unordered |
XL |
63 |
0 |
fctid |
Floating Convert to Integer Doubleword |
X |
63 |
814 |
fctidz |
Floating Convert to Integer Doubleword with Round Toward Zero |
X |
63 |
815 |
fctiw[.] |
Floating Convert to Integer Word |
X |
63 |
14 |
fctiwz[.] |
Floating Convert to Integer Word with Round to Zero |
XL |
63 |
15 |
fdiv[.] |
Floating Divide |
A |
63 |
18 |
fdivs[.] |
Floating Divide Single |
A |
59 |
18 |
fmadd[.] |
Floating Multiply-Add |
A |
63 |
29 |
fmadds[.] |
Floating Multiply-Add Single |
A |
59 |
29 |
fmr[.] |
Floating Move Register |
X |
63 |
72 |
fmsub[.] |
Floating Multiply-Subtract |
A |
63 |
28 |
fmsubs[.] |
Floating Multiply-Subtract Single |
A |
59 |
28 |
fmul[.] |
Floating Multiply |
A |
63 |
25 |
fmuls[.] |
Floating Multiply Single |
A |
59 |
25 |
fnabs[.] |
Floating Negative Absolute Value |
X |
63 |
136 |
fneg[.] |
Floating Negate |
X |
63 |
40 |
fnmadd[.] |
Floating Negative Multiply-Add |
A |
63 |
31 |
fnmadds[.] |
Floating Negative Multiply-Add Single |
A |
59 |
31 |
fnmsub[.] |
Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract |
A |
63 |
30 |
fnmsubs[.] |
Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract Single |
A |
59 |
30 |
fres[.] |
Floating Reciprocal Estimate Single (optional) |
A |
59 |
24 |
frsp[.] |
Floating Round to Single Precision |
X |
63 |
12 |
frsqrte[.] |
Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate (optional) |
A |
63 |
26 |
fsel[.] |
Floating-Point Select (optional) |
A |
63 |
23 |
fsub[.] |
Floating Subtract |
A |
63 |
20 |
fsubs[.] |
Floating Subtract Single |
A |
59 |
20 |
icbi |
Instruction Cache Block Invalidate |
X |
31 |
982 |
isync |
Instruction Synchronize |
X |
19 |
150 |
lbz |
Load Byte and Zero |
D |
34 |
lbzu |
Load Byte and Zero with Update |
D |
35 |
lbzux |
Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
119 |
lbzx |
Load Byte and Zero Indexed |
X |
31 |
87 |
ld |
Load Doubleword |
DS |
58 |
0 |
ldarx |
Load Doubleword and Reserve Indexed |
X |
31 |
84 |
ldu |
Load Doubleword with Update |
DS |
58 |
1 |
ldux |
Load Doubleword with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
53 |
ldx |
Load Doubleword Indexed |
X |
31 |
21 |
lfd |
Load Floating-Point Double |
D |
50 |
lfdu |
Load Floating-Point Double with Update |
D |
51 |
lfdux |
Load Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
631 |
lfdx |
Load Floating-Point Double Indexed |
X |
31 |
599 |
lfs |
Load Floating-Point Single |
D |
48 |
lfsu |
Load Floating-Point Single with Update |
D |
49 |
lfsux |
Load Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
567 |
lfsx |
Load Floating-Point Single Indexed |
X |
31 |
535 |
lha |
Load Half Algebraic |
D |
42 |
lhau |
Load Half Algebraic with Update |
D |
43 |
lhaux |
Load Half Algebraic with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
375 |
lhax |
Load Half Algebraic Indexed |
X |
31 |
343 |
lhbrx |
Load Half Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X |
31 |
790 |
lhz |
Load Half and Zero |
D |
40 |
lhzu |
Load Half and Zero with Update |
D |
41 |
lhzux |
Load Half and Zero with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
331 |
lhzx |
Load Half and Zero Indexed |
X |
31 |
279 |
lmw |
Load Multiple Word |
D |
46 |
lswi |
Load String Word Immediate |
X |
31 |
597 |
lswx |
Load String Word Indexed |
X |
31 |
533 |
lwa |
Load Word Algebraic |
DS |
58 |
2 |
lwarx |
Load Word and Reserve Indexed |
X |
31 |
20 |
lwaux |
Load Word Algebraic with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
373 |
lwax |
Load Word Algebraic Indexed |
X |
31 |
341 |
lwbrx |
Load Word Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X |
31 |
534 |
lwz |
Load Word and Zero |
D |
32 |
lwzu |
Load Word with Zero Update |
D |
33 |
lwzux |
Load Word and Zero with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
55 |
lwzx |
Load Word and Zero Indexed |
X |
31 |
23 |
mcrf |
Move Condition Register Field |
XL |
19 |
0 |
mcrfs |
Move to Condition Register from FPSCR |
X |
63 |
64 |
mcrxr |
Move to Condition Register from XER |
X |
31 |
512 |
mfcr |
Move from Condition Register |
X |
31 |
19 |
mffs[.] |
Move from FPSCR |
X |
63 |
583 |
mfmsr |
Move from Machine State Register |
X |
31 |
83 |
mfspr |
Move from Special-Purpose Register |
X |
31 |
339 |
mfsr |
Move from Segment Register |
X |
31 |
595 |
mfsrin |
Move from Segment Register Indirect |
X |
31 |
659 |
mtcrf |
Move to Condition Register Fields |
31 |
144 |
mtfsb0[.] |
Move to FPSCR Bit 0 |
X |
63 |
70 |
mtfsb1[.] |
Move to FPSCR Bit 1 |
X |
63 |
38 |
mtfsf[.] |
Move to FPSCR Fields |
63 |
711 |
mtfsfi[.] |
Move to FPSCR Field Immediate |
X |
63 |
134 |
mtmsr |
Move to Machine State Register |
X |
31 |
146 |
mtspr |
Move to Special-Purpose Register |
X |
31 |
467 |
mtsr |
Move to Segment Register |
X |
31 |
210 |
mtsrin |
Move to Segment Register Indirect |
X |
31 |
242 |
mulhd |
Multiply High Doubleword |
XO |
31 |
73 |
mulhdu |
Multiply High Doubleword Unsigned |
XO |
31 |
9 |
mulhw[.] |
Multiply High Word |
XO |
31 |
75 |
mulhwu[.] |
Multiply High Word Unsigned |
XO |
31 |
11 |
mulld |
Multiply Low Doubleword |
XO |
31 |
233 |
mulli |
Multiply Low Immediate |
D |
07 |
mullw[o][.] |
Multiply Low Word |
XO |
31 |
235 |
nand[.] |
X |
31 |
476 |
neg[o][.] |
Negate |
XO |
31 |
104 |
nor[.] |
X |
31 |
124 |
or[.] |
OR |
X |
31 |
444 |
orc[.] |
OR with Complement |
X |
31 |
412 |
ori |
OR Immediate |
D |
24 |
oris |
OR Immediate Shifted |
D |
25 |
rfi |
Return from Interrupt |
X |
19 |
50 |
rldcl |
Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Left |
30 |
8 |
rldcr |
Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Right |
30 |
9 |
rldic |
Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear |
MD |
30 |
2 |
rldicl |
Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Left |
MD |
30 |
0 |
rldicr |
Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Right |
MD |
30 |
1 |
rldimi |
Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Mask Insert |
MD |
30 |
3 |
rlwimi[.] |
Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert |
M |
20 |
rlwinm[.] |
Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask |
M |
21 |
rlwnm[.] |
Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask |
M |
23 |
sc |
System Call |
SC |
17 |
si |
Subtract Immediate |
D |
12 |
si. |
Subtract Immediate and Record |
D |
13 |
slbia |
SLB Invalidate All |
X |
31 |
498 |
slbie |
SLB Invalidate Entry |
X |
31 |
434 |
sld |
Shift Left Doubleword |
X |
31 |
27 |
slw[.] |
Shift Left Word |
X |
31 |
24 |
srad |
Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword |
X |
31 |
794 |
sradi |
Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword Immediate |
XS |
31 |
413 |
srd |
Shift Right Doubleword |
X |
31 |
539 |
sraw[.] |
Shift Right Algebraic Word |
X |
31 |
792 |
srawi[.] |
Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate |
X |
31 |
824 |
srw[.] |
Shift Right Word |
X |
31 |
536 |
stb |
Store Byte |
D |
38 |
stbu |
Store Byte with Update |
D |
39 |
stbux |
Store Byte with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
247 |
stbx |
Store Byte Indexed |
X |
31 |
215 |
std |
Store Doubleword |
DS |
62 |
0 |
stdcx |
Store Doubleword Conditional Indexed |
X |
31 |
214 |
stdu |
Store Doubleword with Update |
DS |
62 |
1 |
stdux |
Store Doubleword with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
181 |
stdx |
Store Doubleword Indexed |
X |
31 |
149 |
stfd |
Store Floating-Point Double |
D |
54 |
stfdu |
Store Floating-Point Double with Update |
D |
55 |
stfdux |
Store Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
759 |
stfdx |
Store Floating-Point Double Indexed |
X |
31 |
727 |
stfiwx |
Store Floating-Point as Integer Word Indexed (optional) |
X |
31 |
983 |
stfs |
Store Floating-Point Single |
D |
52 |
stfsu |
Store Floating-Point Single with Update |
D |
53 |
stfsux |
Store Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
695 |
stfsx |
Store Floating-Point Single Indexed |
X |
31 |
663 |
sth |
Store Half |
D |
44 |
sthbrx |
Store Half Byte-Reverse Indexed |
X |
31 |
918 |
sthu |
Store Half with Update |
D |
45 |
sthux |
Store Half with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
439 |
sthx |
Store Half Indexed |
X |
31 |
407 |
stmw |
Store Multiple Word |
D |
47 |
stswi |
Store String Word Immediate |
X |
31 |
725 |
stswx |
Store String Word Indexed |
X |
31 |
661 |
stw |
Store |
D |
36 |
stwbrx |
Store Word Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X |
31 |
662 |
stwcx. |
Store Word Conditional Indexed |
X |
31 |
150 |
stwu |
Store Word with Update |
D |
37 |
stwux |
Store Word with Update Indexed |
X |
31 |
183 |
stwx |
Store Word Indexed |
X |
31 |
151 |
subf[o][.] |
Subtract from |
XO |
31 |
40 |
subfc[o][.] |
Subtract from Carrying |
XO |
31 |
08 |
subfe[o][.] |
Subtract from Extended |
XO |
31 |
136 |
subfic |
Subtract from Immediate Carrying |
D |
08 |
subfme[o][.] |
Subtract from Minus One Extended |
XO |
31 |
232 |
subfze[o][.] |
Subtract from Zero Extended |
XO |
31 |
200 |
sync |
Synchronize |
X |
31 |
598 |
td |
Trap Doubleword |
X |
31 |
68 |
tdi |
Trap Doubleword Immediate |
D |
2 |
tlbie |
Translation Look-aside Buffer Invalidate Entry (optional) |
X |
31 |
306 |
tlbsync |
Translation Look-aside Buffer Synchronize (optional) |
X |
31 |
566 |
tw |
Trap Word |
X |
31 |
04 |
twi |
Trap Word Immediate |
D |
03 |
xor[.] |
X |
31 |
316 |
xori |
XOR Immediate |
D |
26 |
xoris |
XOR Immediate Shift |
D |
27 |