In the following POWER family and POWER2 Instructions table, Instructions that are supported only in POWER2 implementations are indicated by "POWER2" in the POWER2 Only column:
POWER family and POWER2 Instructions | |||||
Mnemonic | Instruction | POWER2 Only | Format | Primary Op Code | Extended Op Code |
a[o][.] | Add Carrying |
XO | 31 | 10 |
abs[o][.] | Absolute |
XO | 31 | 360 |
ae[o][.] | Add Extended |
XO | 31 | 138 |
ai | Add Immediate |
D | 12 |
ai. | Add Immediate and Record |
D | 13 |
ame[o][.] | Add to Minus One Extended |
XO | 31 | 234 |
and[.] | AND |
X | 31 | 28 |
andc[.] | AND with Complement |
X | 31 | 60 |
andil. | AND Immediate Lower |
D | 28 |
andiu. | AND Immediate Upper |
D | 29 |
aze[o][.] | Add to Zero Extended |
XO | 31 | 202 |
b[l][a] | Branch |
I | 18 |
bc[l][a] | Branch Conditional |
B | 16 |
bcc[l] | Branch Conditional to Count Register |
XL | 19 | 528 |
bcr[l] | Branch Conditional Register |
XL | 19 | 16 |
cal | Compute Address Lower |
D | 14 |
cau | Compute Address Upper |
D | 15 |
cax[o][.] | Compute Address |
XO | 31 | 266 |
clcs | Cache Line Compute Size |
X | 31 | 531 |
clf | Cache Line Flush |
X | 31 | 118 |
cli | Cache Line Invalidate |
X | 31 | 502 |
cmp | Compare |
X | 31 | 0 |
cmpi | Compare Immediate |
D | 11 |
cmpl | Compare Logical |
X | 31 | 32 |
cmpli | Compare Logical Immediate |
D | 10 |
cntlz[.] | Count Leading Zeros |
X | 31 | 26 |
crand | Condition Register AND |
XL | 19 | 257 |
crandc | Condition Register AND with Complement |
XL | 19 | 129 |
creqv | Condition Register Equivalent |
XL | 19 | 289 |
crnand | Condition Register NAND |
XL | 19 | 225 |
crnor | Condition Register NOR |
XL | 19 | 33 |
cror | Condition Register OR |
XL | 19 | 449 |
crorc | Condition Register OR with Complement |
XL | 19 | 417 |
crxor | Condition Register XOR |
XL | 19 | 193 |
dclst | Data Cache Line Store |
X | 31 | 630 |
dclz | Data Cache Line Set to Zero |
X | 31 | 1014 |
dcs | Data Cache Synchronize |
X | 31 | 598 |
div[o][.] | Divide |
XO | 31 | 331 |
divs[o][.] | Divide Short |
XO | 31 | 363 |
doz[o][.] | Difference or Zero |
XO | 31 | 264 |
dozi | Difference or Zero Immediate |
D | 09 |
eciwx | External Control in Word Indexed |
X | 31 | 310 |
ecowx | External Control out Word Indexed |
X | 31 | 438 |
eqv[.] | Equivalent |
X | 31 | 284 |
exts[.] | Extend Sign |
X | 31 | 922 |
fa[.] | Floating Add |
A | 63 | 21 |
fabs[.] | Floating Absolute Value |
X | 63 | 264 |
fcir[.] | Floating Convert to Integer Word |
X | 63 | 14 |
fcirz[.] | Floating Convert to Integer Word with Round to Zero |
X | 63 | 15 |
fcmpo | Floating Compare Ordered |
X | 63 | 32 |
fcmpu | Floating Compare Unordered |
XL | 63 | 0 |
fd[.] | Floating Divide |
A | 63 | 18 |
fm[.] | Floating Multiply |
A | 63 | 25 |
fma[.] | Floating Multiply-Add |
A | 63 | 29 |
fmr[.] | Floating Move Register |
X | 63 | 72 |
fms[.] | Floating Multiply-Subtract |
A | 63 | 28 |
fnabs[.] | Floating Negative Absolute Value |
X | 63 | 136 |
fneg[.] | Floating Negate |
X | 63 | 40 |
fnma[.] | Floating Negative Multiply-Add |
A | 63 | 31 |
fnms[.] | Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract |
A | 63 | 30 |
frsp[.] | Floating Round to Single Precision |
X | 63 | 12 |
fs[.] | Floating Subtract |
A | 63 | 20 |
fsqrt[.] | Floating Square Root | POWER2 | A | 63 | 22 |
ics | Instruction Cache Synchronize |
X | 19 | 150 |
l | Load |
D | 32 |
lbrx | Load Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X | 31 | 534 |
lbz | Load Byte and Zero |
D | 34 |
lbzu | Load Byte and Zero with Update |
D | 35 |
lbzux | Load Byte and Zero with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 119 |
lbzx | Load Byte and Zero Indexed |
X | 31 | 87 |
lfd | Load Floating-Point Double |
D | 50 |
lfdu | Load Floating-Point Double with Update |
D | 51 |
lfdux | Load Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 631 |
lfdx | Load Floating-Point Double Indexed |
X | 31 | 599 |
lfq | Load Floating-Point Quad | POWER2 | D | 56 |
lfqu | Load Floating-Point Quad with Update | POWER2 | D | 57 |
lfqux | Load Floating-Point Quad with Update Indexed | POWER2 | X | 31 | 823 |
lfqx | Load Floating-Point Quad Indexed | POWER2 | X | 31 | 791 |
lfs | Load Floating-Point Single |
D | 48 |
lfsu | Load Floating-Point Single with Update |
D | 49 |
lfsux | Load Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 567 |
lfsx | Load Floating-Point Single Indexed |
X | 31 | 535 |
lha | Load Half Algebraic |
D | 42 |
lhau | Load Half Algebraic with Update |
D | 43 |
lhaux | Load Half Algebraic with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 375 |
lhax | Load Half Algebraic Indexed |
X | 31 | 343 |
lhbrx | Load Half Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X | 31 | 790 |
lhz | Load Half and Zero |
D | 40 |
lhzu | Load Half and Zero with Update |
D | 41 |
lhzux | Load Half and Zero with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 331 |
lhzx | Load Half and Zero Indexed |
X | 31 | 279 |
lm | Load Multiple |
D | 46 |
lscbx | Load String and Compare Byte Indexed |
X | 31 | 277 |
lsi | Load String Immediate |
X | 31 | 597 |
lsx | Load String Indexed |
X | 31 | 533 |
lu | Load with Update |
D | 33 |
lux | Load with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 55 |
lx | Load Indexed |
X | 31 | 23 |
maskg[.] | Mask Generate |
X | 31 | 29 |
maskir[.] | Mask Insert from Register |
X | 31 | 541 |
mcrf | Move Condition Register Field |
XL | 19 | 0 |
mcrfs | Move to Condition Register from FPSCR |
X | 63 | 64 |
mcrxr | Move to Condition Register from XER |
X | 31 | 512 |
mfcr | Move from Condition Register |
X | 31 | 19 |
mffs[.] | Move from FPSCR |
X | 63 | 583 |
mfmsr | Move from Machine State Register |
X | 31 | 83 |
mfspr | Move from Special-Purpose Register |
X | 31 | 339 |
mfsr | Move from Segment Register |
X | 31 | 595 |
mfsri | Move from Segment Register Indirect |
X | 31 | 627 |
mtcrf | Move to Condition Register Fields |
XFX | 31 | 144 |
mtfsb0[.] | Move to FPSCR Bit 0 |
X | 63 | 70 |
mtfsb1[.] | Move to FPSCR Bit 1 |
X | 63 | 38 |
mtfsf[.] | Move to FPSCR Fields |
XFL | 63 | 711 |
mtfsfi[.] | Move to FPSCR Field Immediate |
X | 63 | 134 |
mtmsr | Move to Machine State Register |
X | 31 | 146 |
mtspr | Move to Special-Purpose Register |
X | 31 | 467 |
mtsr | Move to Segment Register |
X | 31 | 210 |
mtsri | Move to Segment Register Indirect |
X | 31 | 242 |
mul[o][.] | Multiply |
XO | 31 | 107 |
muli | Multiply Immediate |
D | 07 |
muls[o][.] | Multiply Short |
XO | 31 | 235 |
nabs[o][.] | Negative Absolute |
XO | 31 | 488 |
nand[.] | NAND |
X | 31 | 476 |
neg[o][.] | Negate |
XO | 31 | 104 |
nor[.] | NOR |
X | 31 | 124 |
or[.] | OR |
X | 31 | 444 |
orc[.] | OR with Complement |
X | 31 | 412 |
oril | OR Immediate Lower |
D | 24 |
oriu | OR Immediate Upper |
D | 25 |
rac[.] | Real Address Compute |
X | 31 | 818 |
rfi | Return from Interrupt |
X | 19 | 50 |
rfsvc | Return from SVC |
X | 19 | 82 |
rlimi[.] | Rotate Left Immediate then Mask Insert |
M | 20 |
rlinm[.] | Rotate Left Immediate then AND with Mask |
M | 21 |
rlmi[.] | Rotate Left then Mask Insert |
M | 22 |
rlnm[.] | Rotate Left then AND with Mask |
M | 23 |
rrib[.] | Rotate Right and Insert Bit |
X | 31 | 537 |
sf[o][.] | Subtract from |
XO | 31 | 08 |
sfe[o][.] | Subtract from Extended |
XO | 31 | 136 |
sfi | Subtract from Immediate |
D | 08 |
sfme[o][.] | Subtract from Minus One Extended |
XO | 31 | 232 |
sfze[o][.] | Subtract from Zero Extended |
XO | 31 | 200 |
si | Subtract Immediate |
D | 12 |
si. | Subtract Immediate and Record |
D | 13 |
sl[.] | Shift Left |
X | 31 | 24 |
sle[.] | Shift Left Extended |
X | 31 | 153 |
sleq[.] | Shift Left Extended with MQ |
X | 31 | 217 |
sliq[.] | Shift Left Immediate with MQ |
X | 31 | 184 |
slliq[.] | Shift Left Long Immediate with MQ |
X | 31 | 248 |
sllq[.] | Shift Left Long with MQ |
X | 31 | 216 |
slq[.] | Shift Left with MQ |
X | 31 | 152 |
sr[.] | Shift Right |
X | 31 | 536 |
sra[.] | Shift Right Algebraic |
X | 31 | 792 |
srai[.] | Shift Right Algebraic Immediate |
X | 31 | 824 |
sraiq[.] | Shift Right Algebraic Immediate with MQ |
X | 31 | 952 |
sraq[.] | Shift Right Algebraic with MQ |
X | 31 | 920 |
sre[.] | Shift Right Extended |
X | 31 | 665 |
srea[.] | Shift Right Extended Algebraic |
X | 31 | 921 |
sreq[.] | Shift Right Extended with MQ |
X | 31 | 729 |
sriq[.] | Shift Right Immediate with MQ |
X | 31 | 696 |
srliq[.] | Shift Right Long Immediate with MQ |
X | 31 | 760 |
srlq[.] | Shift Right Long with MQ |
X | 31 | 728 |
srq[.] | Shift RIght with MQ |
X | 31 | 664 |
st | Store |
D | 36 |
stb | Store Byte |
D | 38 |
stbrx | Store Byte-Reversed Indexed |
X | 31 | 662 |
stbu | Store Byte with Update |
D | 39 | |
stbux | Store Byte with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 247 |
stbx | Store Byte Indexed |
X | 31 | 215 |
stfd | Store Floating-Point Double |
D | 54 |
stfdu | Store Floating-Point Double with Update |
D | 55 |
stfdux | Store Floating-Point Double with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 759 |
stfdx | Store Floating-Point Double Indexed |
X | 31 | 727 |
stfq | Store Floating-Point Quad | POWER2 | DS | 60 |
stfqu | Store Floating-Point Quad with Update | POWER2 | DS | 61 |
stfqux | Store Floating-Point Quad with Update Indexed | POWER2 | X | 31 | 951 |
stfqx | Store Floating-Point Quad Indexed | POWER2 | X | 31 | 919 |
stfs | Store Floating-Point Single |
D | 52 |
stfsu | Store Floating-Point Single with Update |
D | 53 |
stfsux | Store Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 695 |
stfsx | Store Floating-Point Single Indexed |
X | 31 | 663 |
sth | Store Half |
D | 44 |
sthbrx | Store Half Byte-Reverse Indexed |
X | 31 | 918 |
sthu | Store Half with Update |
D | 45 |
sthux | Store Half with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 439 |
sthx | Store Half Indexed |
X | 31 | 407 |
stm | Store Multiple |
D | 47 |
stsi | Store String Immediate |
X | 31 | 725 |
stsx | Store String Indexed |
X | 31 | 661 |
stu | Store with Update |
D | 37 |
stux | Store with Update Indexed |
X | 31 | 183 |
stx | Store Indexed |
X | 31 | 151 |
svc[l][a] | Supervisor Call |
SC | 17 |
t | Trap |
X | 31 | 04 |
ti | Trap Immediate |
D | 03 |
tlbi | Translation Look-aside Buffer Invalidate Entry |
X | 31 | 306 |
xor[.] | XOR |
X | 31 | 316 |
xoril | XOR Immediate Lower |
D | 26 |
xoriu | XOR Immediate Upper |
D | 27 |