The following table lists instructions that have been added to PowerPC, but are not in POWER family. These instructions are supported by the PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor.
dcbf | dcbi | dcbst | dcbt |
dcbtst | dcbz | divw[o][.] | divwu[o][.] |
eieio | extsb[.] | fadds[.] | fdivs[.] |
fmadds[.] | fmsubs[.] | fmuls[.] | fnmadds[.] |
fnmsubs[.] | fsubs[.] | icbi | lwarx |
mfear | mfpvr | mfsprg | mfsrin |
mtear | mtsprg | mulhw[.] | mulhwu[.] |
stwcx. | subf[o][.] |
The following table lists instructions that have been added to PowerPC, but are not in POWER family. These instructions are not supported by the PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor.
mfdbatl | mfdbatu | mtdbatl | mtdbatu |
mttb | mttbu | mftb | mftbu |
mfibatl | mfibatu | mtibatl | mtibatu |
Functional Differences for POWER family and PowerPC Instructions.
Differences between POWER family and PowerPC Instructions with the Same Op Code.
POWER family Instructions Deleted from PowerPC.
Instructions Available Only for the PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor.