The extended mnemonics for fixed-point compare instructions are shown in the following table. The input format of operands are different for POWER family and PowerPC. The L field for PowerPC supports 64-bit implementations. This field must have a value of 0 for 32-bit implementations. Since the POWER family architecture supports only 32-bit implementations, this field does not exist in POWER family. The assembler ensures that this bit is set to 0 for POWER family implementations. These extended mnemonics are in the com assembly mode.
Extended Mnemonic | Equivalent to | Meaning |
cmpdi ra, value | cmpi 0, 1, ra, value | Compare Word Immediate |
cmpwi bf, ra, si | cmpi bf, 0, ra, si | Compare Word Immediate |
cmpd ra, rb | cmp 0, 1, ra, rb | Compare Word |
cmpw bf, ra, rb | cmp bf, 0, ra, rb | Compare Word |
cmpldi rA, value | cmpli 0, 1, ra, value | Compare Logical Word Immediate |
cmplwi bf, ra, ui | cmpli bf, 0, ra, ui | Compare Logical Word Immediate |
cmpld ra, rb | cmpl 0, 1, ra, rb | Compare Logical Word |
cmplw bf, ra, rb | cmpl bf, 0, ra, rb | Compare Logical Word |
Extended Instruction Mnemonics.
Extended Mnemonics of Branch Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Condition Register Logical Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Load Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Logical Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Fixed-Point Trap Instructions.
Extended Mnemonics of Moving from or to Special-Purpose Registers.
Extended Mnemonics of 32-bit Fixed-Point Rotate and Shift Instructions.
cmpi (Compare Immediate) Instruction, cmp (Compare) Instruction, cmpli (Compare Logical Immediate) Instruction, cmpl (Compare Logical) Instruction.