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Assembler Language Reference

bclr or bcr (Branch Conditional Link Register) Instruction


Conditionally branches to an address contained in the Link Register.


Bits Value
0-5 19
6-10 BO
11-15 BI
16-18 ///
19-20 BH
21-30 16
31 LK
bclr BO, BI, BH
bclrl BO, BI, BH
POWER family 
bcr BO, BI, BH
bcrl BO, BI, BH

See Extended Mnemonics of Branch Instructions for more information.


The bclr and bcr instructions branch to an instruction specified by the branch target address. The branch target address is the concatenation of bits 0-29 of the Link Register and b'00'.

The bclr and bcr instructions have two syntax forms. Each syntax form has a different effect on the Link bit and Link Register.

Syntax Form Absolute Address Bit (AA) Fixed-Point Exception Register Link Bit (LK) Condition Register Field 0
bclr None None 0 None
bclrl None None 1 None
bcr None None 0 None
bcrl None None 1 None

The two syntax forms of the bclr and bcr instruction never affect the Fixed-Point Exception Register or Condition Register Field 0. If the Link bit (LK) is 1, then the effective address of the instruction that follows the branch instruction is placed into the Link Register.

The Branch Option field (BO) is used to combine different types of branches into a single instruction. Extended mnemonics are provided to set the Branch Option field automatically.

The encoding for the BO field is defined in PowerPC architecture. The following list gives brief descriptions of the possible values for this field:

BO Description
0000y Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is not 0 and the condition is False.
0001y Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0 and the condition is False.
001zy Branch if the condition is False.
0100y Decrement the CTR; then branch if bits the decremented CTR is not 0 and the condition is True.
0101y Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0 and the condition is True.
011zy Branch if the condition is True.
1z00y Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is not 0.
1z01y Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0.
1z1zz Branch always.

In the PowerPC architecture, the bits are as follows:

In the POWER family Architecture, the z and y bits can be either 0 or 1.

The encoding for the BO field using V2.00 encoding is briefly described below:

Table 33. BO Field Values Using V2.00 Encoding
BO Description
0000z Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is not 0 and the condition is False.
0001z Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0 and the condition is False.
001at Branch if the condition is False.
0100z Decrement the CTR; then branch if bits the decremented CTR is not 0 and the condition is True.
0101z Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0 and the condition is True.
011at Branch if the condition is True.
1a00t Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is not 0.
1a01t Decrement the CTR; then branch if the decremented CTR is 0.
1z1zz Branch always.

The a and t bits of the BO field can be used by software to provide a hint about whether a branch is likely to be taken, as shown below:

at Hint
00 No hint is given.
01 Reserved
01 The branch is very likely not to be taken.
11 The branch is very likely to be taken.

The Branch Hint field (BH) is used to provide a hint about the use of the instruction, as shown below:

BH Hint
00 The instruction is not a subroutine return; the target address is likely to be the same as the target address used the preceding time the branch was taken.
01 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 The target address is not predictable.


BO Specifies Branch Option field.
BI Specifies bit in Condition Register for condition comparison.
BH Provides a hint about the use of the instruction.


The following code branches to the calculated branch target address dependent on bit 0 of the Condition Register, and no branch hint is given:

bclr 0x0,0,0
# The Count Register is decremented.
# A branch occurs if the LT bit is set to zero in the
# Condition Register and if the Count Register 
# does not equal zero.
# If the conditions are met, the instruction branches to
# the concatenation of bits 0-29 of the Link Register and b'00'.

Related Information

Assembler Overview.

Branch Processor.

Branch Instructions.

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