Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions , Volume 2
About This Book
Chapter 1. Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services (Q-Z)
qsort Subroutine
quotactl Subroutine
raise Subroutine
rand or srand Subroutine
rand_r Subroutine
random, srandom, initstate, or setstate Subroutine
read, readx, readv, readvx, or pread Subroutine
readdir_r Subroutine
readlink Subroutine
read_real_time or time_base_to_time Subroutine
realpath Subroutine
reboot Subroutine
re_comp or re_exec Subroutine
regcmp or regex Subroutine
regcomp Subroutine
regerror Subroutine
regexec Subroutine
regfree Subroutine
reltimerid Subroutine
remove Subroutine
rename Subroutine
revoke Subroutine
rmdir Subroutine
rpmatch Subroutine
RSiAddSetHot Subroutine
RSiChangeFeed Subroutine
RSiChangeHotFeed Subroutine
RSiClose Subroutine
RSiCreateHotSet Subroutine
RSiCreateStatSet Subroutine
RSiDelSetHot Subroutine
RSiDelSetStat Subroutine
RSiFirstCx Subroutine
RSiFirstStat Subroutine
RSiGetHotItem Subroutine
RSiGetRawValue Subroutine
RSiGetValue Subroutine
RSiInit Subroutine
RSiInstantiate Subroutine
RSiInvite Subroutine
RSiMainLoop Subroutine
RSiNextCx Subroutine
RSiNextStat Subroutine
RSiOpen Subroutine
RSiPathAddSetStat Subroutine
RSiPathGetCx Subroutine
RSiStartFeed Subroutine
RSiStartHotFeed Subroutine
RSiStatGetPath Subroutine
RSiStopFeed Subroutine
RSiStopHotFeed Subroutine
rsqrt Subroutine
rstat Subroutines
_safe_fetch Subroutine
scandir or alphasort Subroutine
scanf, fscanf, sscanf, or wsscanf Subroutine
sched_yield Subroutine
select Subroutine
semctl Subroutine
semget Subroutine
semop Subroutine
setacldb or endacldb Subroutine
setaudithostdb or endaudithostdb Subroutine
setbuf, setvbuf, setbuffer, or setlinebuf Subroutine
setcsmap Subroutine
setgid, setrgid, setegid, or setregid Subroutine
setgroups Subroutine
setjmp or longjmp Subroutine
setlocale Subroutine
setpcred Subroutine
setpenv Subroutine
setpgid or setpgrp Subroutine
setpri Subroutine
setpwdb or endpwdb Subroutine
setroledb or endroledb Subroutine
setsid Subroutine
setuid, setruid, seteuid, or setreuid Subroutine
setuserdb or enduserdb Subroutine
sgetl or sputl Subroutine
shmat Subroutine
shmctl Subroutine
shmdt Subroutine
shmget Subroutine
sigaction, sigvec, or signal Subroutine
sigaltstack Subroutine
sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, or sigismember Subroutine
siginterrupt Subroutine
sigpending Subroutine
sigprocmask, sigsetmask, or sigblock Subroutine
sigset, sighold, sigrelse, or sigignore Subroutine
sigsetjmp or siglongjmp Subroutine
sigstack Subroutine
sigsuspend or sigpause Subroutine
sigthreadmask Subroutine
sigwait Subroutine
sin, sinl, cos, cosl, tan, or tanl Subroutine
sinh, sinhl, cosh, coshl, tanh, or tanhl Subroutine
sleep, nsleep or usleep Subroutine
snprintf Subroutine
SpmiAddSetHot Subroutine
SpmiCreateStatSet Subroutine
SpmiDdsAddCx Subroutine
SpmiDdsDelCx Subroutine
SpmiDdsInit Subroutine
SpmiDelSetHot Subroutine
SpmiDelSetStat Subroutine
SpmiExit Subroutine
SpmiFirstCx Subroutine
SpmiFirstHot Subroutine
SpmiFirstStat Subroutine
SpmiFirstVals Subroutine
SpmiFreeHotSet Subroutine
SpmiFreeStatSet Subroutine
SpmiGetCx Subroutine
SpmiGetHotSet Subroutine
SpmiGetStat Subroutine
SpmiGetStatSet Subroutine
SpmiGetValue Subroutine
SpmiInit Subroutine
SpmiInstantiate Subroutine
SpmiNextCx Subroutine
SpmiNextHot Subroutine
SpmiNextHotItem Subroutine
SpmiNextStat Subroutine
SpmiNextVals Subroutine
SpmiNextValue Subroutine
SpmiPathAddSetStat Subroutine
SpmiPathGetCx Subroutine
SpmiStatGetPath Subroutine
sqrt, sqrtl, or cbrt Subroutine
src_err_msg Subroutine
src_err_msg_r Subroutine
srcrrqs Subroutine
srcrrqs_r Subroutine
srcsbuf Subroutine
srcsbuf_r Subroutine
srcsrpy Subroutine
srcsrqt Subroutine
srcsrqt_r Subroutine
srcstat Subroutine
srcstat_r Subroutine
srcstathdr Subroutine
srcstattxt Subroutine
srcstattxt_r Subroutine
srcstop Subroutine
srcstrt Subroutine
ssignal or gsignal Subroutine
statacl or fstatacl Subroutine
statfs, fstatfs, or ustat Subroutine
statvfs or fstatvfs Subroutine
statx, stat, lstat, fstatx, fstat, fullstat, ffullstat, stat64, lstat64, or fstat64 Subroutine
strcat, strncat, strxfrm, strcpy, strncpy, or strdup Subroutine
strcmp, strncmp, strcasecmp, strncasecmp, or strcoll Subroutine
strerror Subroutine
strfmon Subroutine
strftime Subroutine
strlen, strchr, strrchr, strpbrk, strspn, strcspn, strstr, or strtok Subroutine
strncollen Subroutine
strtol, strtoul, strtoll, strtoull, atol, or atoi Subroutine
strptime Subroutine
stty or gtty Subroutine
swab Subroutine
swapoff Subroutine
swapon Subroutine
swapqry Subroutine
symlink Subroutine
sync Subroutine
_sync_cache_range Subroutine
sysconf Subroutine
sysconfig Subroutine
SYS_CFGDD sysconfig Operation
SYS_CFGKMOD sysconfig Operation
SYS_GETPARMS sysconfig Operation
SYS_KLOAD sysconfig Operation
SYS_KULOAD sysconfig Operation
SYS_QDVSW sysconfig Operation
SYS_QUERYLOAD sysconfig Operation
SYS_SETPARMS sysconfig Operation
SYS_SINGLELOAD sysconfig Operation
syslog, openlog, closelog, or setlogmask Subroutine
syslog_r, openlog_r, closelog_r, or setlogmask_r Subroutine
sys_parm Subroutine
system Subroutine
tcb Subroutine
tcdrain Subroutine
tcflow Subroutine
tcflush Subroutine
tcgetattr Subroutine
tcgetpgrp Subroutine
tcsendbreak Subroutine
tcsetattr Subroutine
tcsetpgrp Subroutine
termdef Subroutine
timezone Subroutine
thread_post Subroutine
thread_post_many Subroutine
thread_self Subroutine
thread_setsched Subroutine
thread_wait Subroutine
tmpfile Subroutine
tmpnam or tempnam Subroutine
towctrans Subroutine
towlower Subroutine
towupper Subroutine
t_rcvreldata Subroutine
t_rcvv Subroutine
t_rcvvudata Subroutine
t_sndv Subroutine
t_sndreldata Subroutine
t_sndvudata Subroutine
t_sysconf Subroutine
trcgen or trcgent Subroutine
trchook or utrchook Subroutine
trcoff Subroutine
trcon Subroutine
trcstart Subroutine
trcstop Subroutine
truncate, truncate64, ftruncate, or ftruncate64 Subroutine
tsearch, tdelete, tfind or twalk Subroutine
ttylock, ttywait, ttyunlock, or ttylocked Subroutine
ttyname or isatty Subroutine
ttyslot Subroutine
ulimit Subroutine
umask Subroutine
umount or uvmount Subroutine
uname or unamex Subroutine
ungetc or ungetwc Subroutine
unlink Subroutine
unload Subroutine
unlockpt Subroutine
usrinfo Subroutine
utimes or utime Subroutine
varargs Macros
vfwprintf, vwprintf Subroutine
vmgetinfo Subroutine
vmount or mount Subroutine
vsnprintf Subroutine
vwsprintf Subroutine
wait, waitpid, wait3, or wait364 Subroutine
wcscat, wcschr, wcscmp, wcscpy, or wcscspn Subroutine
wcscoll Subroutine
wcsftime Subroutine
wcsid Subroutine
wcslen Subroutine
wcsncat, wcsncmp, or wcsncpy Subroutine
wcspbrk Subroutine
wcsrchr Subroutine
wcsrtombs Subroutine
wcsspn Subroutine
wcsstr Subroutine
wcstod Subroutine
wcstok Subroutine
wcstol or wcstoll Subroutine
wcstombs Subroutine
wcstoul or wcstoull Subroutine
wcswcs Subroutine
wcswidth Subroutine
wcsxfrm Subroutine
wctob Subroutine
wctomb Subroutine
wctrans Subroutine
wctype or get_wctype Subroutine
wcwidth Subroutine
wlm_assign Subroutine
wlm_change_class Subroutine
wlm_check subroutine
wlm_classify Subroutine
wlm_class2key Subroutine
wlm_create_class Subroutine
wlm_delete_class Subroutine
wlm_endkey Subroutine
wlm_get_bio_stats subroutine
wlm_get_info Subroutine
wlm_init_class_definition Subroutine
wlm_initialize Subroutine
wlm_initkey Subroutine
wlm_key2class Subroutine
wlm_load Subroutine
wlm_read_classes Subroutine
wlm_set Subroutine
wlm_set_tag Subroutine
wmemchr Subroutine
wmemcmp Subroutine
wmemcpy Subroutine
wmemmove Subroutine
wmemset Subroutine
wordexp Subroutine
wordfree Subroutine
write, writex, writev, writevx or pwrite Subroutines
wstring Subroutine
wstrtod or watof Subroutine
wstrtol, watol, or watoi Subroutine
yield Subroutine
Chapter 2. Curses Subroutines
Chapter 3. FORTRAN Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)
Appendix A. Base Operating System Error Codes for Services That Require Path-Name Resolution
Appendix B. ODM Error Codes
Appendix C. Notices