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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions , Volume 2

RSiFirstStat Subroutine


Returns the first statistic of an SpmiCx context.


RSI Library (libSpmi.a)


#include sys/Rsi.h

struct SpmiStatLink *RSiFirstStat(rhandle, context, name,
RSiHandle rhandle;
cx_handle *context;
char **name;
char **descr;


The RSiFirstStat subroutine performs the following actions:

  1. Validates that the context identified by the second argument exists.
  2. Returns a handle to the first element of the list of statistics defined for the context.
  3. Returns the short name and description of the statistic.


rhandleMust be an RSiHandle, which was previously initialized by the RSiOpen (RSiOpen Subroutine) subroutine.

contextMust be a handle of type cx_handle, which was previously returned by a successful RSiPathGetCx (RSiPathGetCx Subroutine) subroutine call.

nameMust be a pointer to a pointer to a character array. The pointer must be initialized to point at a character array pointer. When the subroutine call is successful, the short name of the statistics value is returned in the character array pointer.

descrMust be a pointer to a pointer to a character array. The pointer must be initialized to point at a character array pointer. When the subroutine call is successful, the description of the statistics value is returned in the character array pointer.

Return Values

If successful, the subroutine returns a pointer to a structure of type struct SpmiStatLink. If an error occurs, NULL is returned and an error text may be placed in the external character array RSiEMsg.

Error Codes

All RSI subroutines use external variables to provide error information. To access these variables, an application program must define the following external variables:

If the subroutine returns without an error, the RSiErrno variable is set to RSiOkay and the RSiEMsg character array is empty. If an error is detected, the RSiErrno variable returns an error code, as defined in the enum RSiErrorType. RSi error codes are described in List of RSi Error Codes.

Implementation Specifics

This subroutine is part of the Performance Toolbox for AIX licensed product.


/usr/include/sys/Rsi.h Declares the subroutines, data structures, handles, and macros that an application program can use to access the RSI.

Related Information

For related information, see:

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