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System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

Command Summary for Files

* Wildcard, matches any characters.
? Wildcard, matches any single character.
[ ] Metacharacters, matches enclosed characters.

File Handling Procedures

cat Concatenates or displays files.
cmp Compares two files.
colrm Extracts columns from a file.
cp Copies files.
cut Writes out selected bytes, characters, or fields from each line of a file.
diff Compares text files.
file Determines the file type.
find Finds files with a matching expression.
grep Searches a file for a pattern.
head Displays the first few lines or bytes of a file or files.
more Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
mv Moves files.
nl Numbers lines in a file.
pg Formats files to the display.
rm Removes (unlinks) files or directories.
paste Merges the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file.
page Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
sort Sorts files, merges files that are already sorted, and checks files to determine if they have been sorted.
tail Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point.
wc Counts the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file.

Linking Files and Directories

ln Links files and directories.

DOS Files

dosdel Deletes DOS files.
dosdir Lists the directory for DOS files.
dosread Copies DOS files to Base Operating System files.
doswrite Copies Base Operating System files to DOS files.

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