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General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

List of ODM Commands and Subroutines

You can create, add, change, retrieve, display, delete, and remove objects and object classes with ODM. You enter ODM commands on the command line.

You can put ODM subroutines in a C language program to handle objects and object classes. An ODM subroutine returns a value of -1 if the subroutine is unsuccessful. The specific error diagnostic is returned as the odmerrno external variable (defined in the odmi.h include file). ODM error-diagnostic constants are also included in the odmi.h include file.

Note: If the application is linking statically, use option -binitfini:__odm_initfini_init:__odm_initfini_fini.


ODM commands are:

odmadd Adds objects to an object class. The odmadd command takes an ASCII stanza file as input and populates object classes with objects found in the stanza file.
odmchange Changes specific objects in a specified object class.
odmcreate Creates empty object classes. The odmcreate command takes an ASCII file describing object classes as input and produces C language .h and .c files to be used by the application accessing objects in those object classes.
odmdelete Removes objects from an object class.
odmdrop Removes an entire object class.
odmget Retrieves objects from object classes and puts the object information into odmadd command format.
odmshow Displays the description of an object class. The odmshow command takes an object class name as input and puts the object class information into odmcreate command format.


ODM subroutines are:

odm_add_obj Adds a new object to the object class.
odm_change_obj Changes the contents of an object.
odm_close_class Closes an object class.
odm_create_class Creates an empty object class.
odm_err_msg Retrieves a message string.
odm_free_list Frees memory allocated for the odm_get_list subroutine.
odm_get_by_id Retrieves an object by specifying its ID.
odm_get_first Retrieves the first object that matches the specified criteria in an object class.
odm_get_list Retrieves a list of objects that match the specified criteria in an object class.
odm_get_next Retrieves the next object that matches the specified criteria in an object class.
odm_get_obj Retrieves an object that matches the specified criteria from an object class.
odm_initialize Initializes an ODM session.
odm_lock Locks an object class or group of classes.
odm_mount_class Retrieves the class symbol structure for the specified object class.
odm_open_class Opens an object class.
odm_rm_by_id Removes an object by specifying its ID.
odm_rm_obj Removes all objects that match the specified criteria from the object class.
odm_run_method Invokes a method for the specified object.
odm_rm_class Removes an object class.
odm_set_path Sets the default path for locating object classes.
odm_unlock Unlocks an object class or group of classes.
odm_terminate Ends an ODM session.

Related Information

Chapter 17, Object Data Manager (ODM).

ODM Example Code and Output.

ODM Error Codes in AIX 5L Version 5.1 Technical Reference.

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