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Programmer's Reference
Network Receives network-specific data each time it is coded by the kernel user and called by generic data link control (GDLC).
name2inst Retrieves instances of variables from various forms of data.
nearest The floor subroutine, floorl subroutine, ceil subroutine, ceill subroutine, nearest subroutine, trunc subroutine, and rint subroutine round floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values. The itrunc subroutine and uitrunc subroutine round floating-point numbers to signed and unsigned integers, respectively. The fmod subroutine and fmodl subroutine compute the modulo remainder. The fabs subroutine and fabsl subroutine compute the floating-point absolute value.
netname2host Converts an operating-system-independent network name to a domain-specific host name.
netname2user Converts from an operating-system-independent network name to a domain-specific user number (UID).
newpad Pad management functions
newpass Generates a new password for a user.
newterm Initializes curses and its data structures.
newwin Window creation subroutines.
next2inst Retrieves instances of variables from various forms of data.
nextafter Computes certain binary floating-point arithmetic functions.
nextgroup Accesses the group information in the user database.
nextgrpacl Accesses the group screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
nexthost Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
nextkey Returns the next key in a database.
nextot2inst Retrieves instances of variables from various forms of data.
nextrole Accesses the role information in the roles database.
nextuser Accesses the user information in the user database.
nextusracl Accesses the user screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
nftw Walks a file tree.
nftw64 Walks a file tree.
nice Gets or sets the nice value.
nis_add_entry Used to add the NIS+ object to the NIS+ table_name.
nis_first_entry Used to fetch entries from a table one at a time.
nis_list Used to search a table in the NIS+ namespace.
nis_local_directory Returns the name of the NIS+ domain for this machine.
nis_lookup Used to resolve an NIS+ name and return a copy of that object from an NIS+ server.
nis_modify_entry Used to modify an NIS+ object identified by name.
nis_next_entry Used to fetch entries from a table one at a time.
nis_perror Prints the error message corresponding to status as "label: error message" on standard error.
nis_remove_entry Used to remove an NIS+ object from the NIS+ table_name.
nis_sperror Returns a pointer to a string that can be used or copied using the strdup function.
nl Enables/disables newline translation.
nl_langinfo Returns information on the language or cultural area in a program's locale.
nlist Gets entries from a name list.
nlist64 Gets entries from a name list.
nocbreak Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
nodelay Enables or disables block during read.
noecho Enables/disables terminal echo.
noenable Prevents a queue from being scheduled.
nonl Enables/disables newline translation.
noraw Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
notimeout Controls blocking on input.
noutrefresh Refreshes windows and lines.
nrand48 Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
nrand48_r Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
ns_addr XNS address conversion routines.
ns_ntoa XNS address conversion routines.
nsleep Suspends a current process from execution.
ntohl Converts an unsigned long integer from Internet network standard byte order to host byte order.
ntohs Converts an unsigned short integer from Internet network byte order to host byte order.