Perform the following steps on the control workstation:
If the file set ssp.spmgr is not already installed on the
control workstation, install it now by issuing the following commands:
If using: | Do this: |
When the installation is complete, check the SMIT log file for the
installation status. If errors occur, see the IBM AIX Problem
Solving Guide and Reference.
installp | You can use installp to install multiple file sets. For
example, to install all of the file sets, enter:
installp -a -d /spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/code_version -X ssp.spmgr
To list all of the options for ssp, enter: installp -l -d /spdata/sys1/install/pssplpp/code_version/pssp.installp |
Once ssp.spmgr is installed on the control workstation, UDP port 162 becomes reserved for SNMP traffic between the SP Extension Node SNMP Manager and the SNMP Agent on the extension node. This port is the default SNMP trap port for any SNMP Manager. If another LP which includes an SNMP Manager is configured on the control workstation, there is a conflict which you would need to resolve by modifying the entry for spmgrd-trap in /etc/services on the control workstation to specify an unused UDP port number.
Issue the endefnode command to add an extension node definition in the SDR. You need to issue this command for each extension node you want to configure. For more information, refer to the PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.
Issue the endefadapter command to add an extension node adapter definition in the SDR. You need to issue this command for each extension node adapter you want to configure.