IBM Books

Installation and Migration Guide

Task D. Customize the nodes

Step 60: Change the default network tunable values

When a node is installed, migrated, or customized (set to customize and rebooted), and that node's boot/install server does not have a /tftpboot/tuning.cust file, a default file of system performance tuning variable settings in /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/tuning.default is copied to /tftpboot/tuning.cust on that node. You can override these values by following one of the methods described in the following list:

  1. Select an IBM-Supplied Alternate Tuning File

    IBM supplies three alternate tuning files which contain initial performance tuning parameters for three different SP environments:

    1. /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/tuning.commercial contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical commercial environment.
    2. /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/tuning.development contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical interactive/development environment.
    3. /usr/lpp/ssp/install/config/tuning.scientific contains initial performance tuning parameters for a typical engineering/scientific environment.
      The SP-attached servers should not use the tuning.scientific file because of the large number of processors and the amount of traffic that they can generate.

    To select one of these files for use throughout the nodes in your system, use SMIT or issue the cptuning command. When you select one of these files, it is copied to /tftpboot/tuning.cust on the control workstation and is propagated from there to each node in the system when it is installed, migrated, or customized. Each node inherits its tuning file from its boot/install server. Nodes that have as their boot/install server another node (other than the control workstation) obtain their tuning.cust file from that server node so it is necessary to propagate the file to the server node before attempting to propagate it to the client node. The settings in the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file are maintained across a boot of the node.

  2. Create and Select Your Own Alternate Tuning File

    The following steps enable you to create your own customized set of network tunable values and have them propagated throughout the nodes in your system. These values are propagated to each node's /tftpboot/tuning.cust file from the node's boot/install server when the node is installed, migrated, or customized and are maintained across the boot of the node.

    1. On the control workstation, create the file /tftpboot/tuning.cust. You can choose to begin with a copy of the file located in /usr/lpp/ssp/samples/tuning.cust which contains a template of performance tuning settings which have been commented out. Or you may prefer to begin with a copy of one of the IBM-supplied alternate tuning files.
    2. Select the tunable values that are best for your system.
    3. Edit the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file by ensuring the appropriate lines are uncommented and that the tunable values have been properly set.

If using: Do this:

smit select_tuning
  • The Select System Tuning Parameters menu appears.

The desired tuning file

Once you have updated tuning.cust, continue installing the nodes. After the nodes are installed and customized, on all subsequent boots, the tunable values in tuning.cust will be automatically set on the nodes.

Note that each of the supplied network tuning parameter files, including the default tuning parameter file, contains the line /usr/sbin/no -o ipforwarding=1. IBM suggests that on non-gateway nodes, you change this line to read /usr/sbin/no -o ipforwarding=0. After a non-gateway node has been installed, migrated, or customized, you can make this change in the /tftpboot/tuning.cust file on that node.

If you are configuring more than eight of one particular adapter type, you must change the ifsize parameter in the tuning.cust file.

For the latest performance and tuning information, refer to the RS/6000 Web site at:

You can also access this information using the RS/6000 SP Resource Center.

Step 61: Perform additional node customization

Do this step to perform additional customization such as:

IBM provides the opportunity to run customer-supplied scripts during node installation:

This script is run from the PSSP NIM customization script (pssp_script) after the node's AIX and PSSP software have been installed, but before the node has been rebooted. This script is run in a limited environment where not all services are fully configured. Because of this limited environment, you should restrict your use of script.cust to function that must be performed prior to the post-installation reboot of the node.

This script is run during the first boot of the node immediately after it has been installed. This script runs in a more "normal" environment where most all services have been fully configured. This script is a preferred location for node customization functions that do not require a reboot of the node to become fully enabled. |

|When in restricted root access mode and secure remote command mode, this |sysctl script is run on the control workstation |during node installation to copy critical files from the control workstation to the nodes. It is enabled in |the firstboot.cust script. See the |firstboot.cmds and firstboot.cust files for |information on how to set up and enable this script for sysctl.
Your security environment is not set up during script.cust processing. If you are using AIX remote commands or SP Trusted Services, perform your customization during firstboot.cust processing. See Appendix E, User-supplied node customization scripts for additional information.

See Appendix E, User-supplied node customization scripts for more detailed information on:

Appendix E, User-supplied node customization scripts also discusses migration and coexistence issues and techniques to use the same set of customization scripts across different releases and versions of AIX and PSSP.

When PSSP installs a node, it uses the AIX sysdumpdev -e command to estimate the size of the dump for the node. PSSP creates a dump logical volume that is approximately 10 percent larger than the estimated dump size, and makes that logical volume the primary dump device. However, you may find that this dump device is not large enough to contain an entire dump due to large processes or applications running on your node.

Once your node is up and running, use:

sysdumpdev -e
To get the estimated size of the node's dump

sysdumpdev -l
To find the name of the primary dump device

To list the amount of space available in the primary dump device

To expand the size of the dump logical volume if the estimated dump space is greater than the dump space available

There are special considerations that you must take into account if you are installing your system with the following security setup:

|splstdata -p
|List System Partition Information
|auth_install k4
|auth_root_rcmd k4
|auth_methods k5:k4:std
|ts_auth_methods compat

Because auth_install does not contain DCE, you must ensure that DCE is installed on the nodes before psspfb_script sets the authentication methods during the install process. This same requirement existed for PSSP 3.1, so you may have already implemented a process to do mksysb installs. To mksysb install a node, you will need to add code to your /tftpboot/script.cust. The new code in script.cust will need to mount the directory containing DCE and install your required DCE clients.

Installing with secure remote command methods enabled

|There are special considerations to take into account if you are |going to install nodes with secure remote command methods enabled. See Step 30: Enter site environment information and RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control |Workstation and Software Environment for additional |information.

When the node is installed, the secure remote command software must also be installed, configured, and the daemon started. The root public keys must be |copied from the control workstation to the node |and from the boot/install server nodes to nodes that they serve and |from the boot/install server nodes to the control workstation to enable the PSSP installation and configuration scripts to be able to run the secure remote commands from the control workstation and any other BIS nodes to the nodes being installed.

To enable the secure remote command software on the nodes during the node installation, the /tftpboot/script.cust file must be edited to install the secure remote command software and move the root public keys to the nodes. Examples are shipped in the script.cust sample file with |PSSP 3.4. The script.cust file also |adds the start of the daemon to /etc/inittab to ensure that the |secure remote command daemon is restarted after any node reboot.

The PSSP code must be able to issue secure remote commands and copies to the nodes without being prompted for passwords or passphrases during installation and configuration.

If additional files must be copied to the nodes during the installation process with secure remote command and restricted root remote commands enabled, the firstboot.cmds sample file gives examples of how to enable the copy from the control workstation to the nodes in the restricted access environment and in the secure remote command enabled environment.

Step 62: Set up the switch

If you do not have a switch, skip this step and proceed to Step 65: Set up system partitions (SP Switch or switchless systems only).

The optional switch connects all the nodes in the system to increase the speed of internal system communications. It supports the high volume of message passing that occurs in a parallel environment with increased bandwidth and low latency.

The switch includes software called the Worm which verifies the actual switch topology against an anticipated topology as specified in the switch topology file. This file tells the Worm your switch configuration. You create this file by copying one of the default topology files provided for each SP configuration.

The Worm verifies the switch connections beginning at a node designated as the primary node. By default, the primary node is the first node in the system or the partition. You can override the default and designate another node as the primary node. You must do this if the first node is not operational.

In addition to the primary node, a primary backup node exists that will take over for the primary node when it detects that the primary node is no longer functional. The primary backup node passively listens for activity from the primary node. When the primary backup node detects that it has not been contacted by the primary node for a specified amount of time, it assumes the role of the primary node. This takeover involves nondisruptively reinitializing the switch fabric, selecting another primary backup, and updating the SDR. By default, a node is selected from a frame that is different from the primary node. If no other frame exists (for example, a single frame system), a node is selected from a switch chip that is different from the primary node. If no other switch chip is available, any available node on the switch is selected. By default, the backup node is the last node in the system or the partition.

Step 62.1: Select a topology file

Select the correct switch topology file by counting the number of node switch boards (NSBs) and intermediate switch boards (ISBs) in your system, then apply these numbers to the naming convention. |If you have an SP Switch2 two plane system, count only the number of |NSBs and ISBs on one plane. The switch topology files are in the /etc/SP directory on the control workstation.

|NSBs are switches mounted in slot 17 of frames containing nodes or |SP Switch2 switches mounted in slots 2 through 16 of frames designed as |multiple NSB frames. Multiple NSBs are used in systems that require a |large number of switch connections for SP-attached servers or clustered |enterprise server configurations. ISBs are switches mounted in the |switch frame. ISBs are used in large systems, where more than four |switch boards exist, to connect many processor frames together. |SP-attached servers never contain a node switch board, therefore, never |include non-SP frames when determining your topology files.

The topology file naming convention is as follows:


For example, is a file for a two frame and two switch system with no ISB switches.

The exception to this naming convention is the topology file for the SP Switch-8 configuration, which is

See the Etopology command in PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for additional information on topology file names.

Step 62.2: Managing the switch topology files

The switch topology file must be stored in the SDR. The switch initialization code uses the topology file stored in the SDR when starting the switch (Estart). When the switch topology file is selected for your system's switch configuration, it must be annotated with Eannotator, then stored in the SDR with Etopology. The switch topology file stored in the SDR can be overridden by having an file in /etc/SP on the primary node. Estart always checks for an file in /etc/SP before using the one stored in the SDR. The file is used when debugging or servicing the switch.


  1. Be aware that Estart distributes the topology file to all the nodes in the system partition on the switch. In the case of, this is significant because if the topology file is left on a node and the primary is changed to that node, the topology file will be used. If you have an file in /etc/SP on any of the nodes, make sure that you remove it when it is no longer needed.

  2. Depending upon your configuration, the first Estart of the switch may take longer than subsequent Estarts.

  3. |In a two plane SP Switch2 system, the function of |/etc/SP/ is taken over by |/etc/SP/ for plane 0 and by |/etc/SP/ for plane 1.

Step 62.3: Annotating a switch topology file

Annotate a switch topology file before storing it in the SDR. Refer to the following table for instructions.
If using: Do this:

The smit cluster_mgmt icon
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

From this point, you can follow the rest of the SMIT steps described in the next row of this table.


smit cluster_mgmt
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Perform Switch Operations
  • The Perform Switch Operations menu appears.

Topology File Annotator
  • The Topology File Annotator menu appears.

Topology File Annotator using File Selection
  • The Topology File Annotator using File Selection menu appears.


The appropriate topology file (for example, /etc/SP/

The data in the fields, as follows:
  • The fully-qualified name of the file in which you want to store the annotated topology file (for example, /etc/SP/
  • yes to store the topology file in the SDR


Eannotator Use Eannotator to update the switch topology file's connection labels with their correct physical locations. Use the -O yes flag to store the switch topology file in the SDR. If -p is not specified, the default behavior is to perform this action on all planes. Using Eannotator makes the switch hardware easier to debug because the switch diagnostics information is based on physical locations.

For example, to annotate a two-switch or maximum 32-node system, enter:

Eannotator -F /etc/SP/ \
           -f /etc/SP/ -O yes

Step 62.4: Storing the switch topology file in the SDR

If you entered Eannotator -O yes or yes on the Topology File Annotator menu in Step 62.3: Annotating a switch topology file, skip this step.
If using: Do this:

The smit cluster_mgmt icon
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

From this point, you can follow the rest of the SMIT steps described in the next row of this table.


smit cluster_mgmt
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Perform Switch Operations
  • The Perform Switch Operations menu appears.

Fetch / Store Topology Files
  • The Fetch / Store Topology Files menu appears.

Store a Selected Topology File
  • The Store a Selected Topology File menu appears.


The appropriate topology file.


Etopology Use Etopology to store the switch topology file in the SDR and make sure that it has been annotated. If -p is not specified, the default behavior is to perform this action on all planes. For example, to store the annotated topology file in the current directory, enter:

Step 63: Verify the switch primary and primary backup nodes

Frame 1, node 1 is the default oncoming primary node for the switch.

A node type exists called the primary backup node for the switch. The primary backup node passively listens for activity from the primary node. When the primary backup node detects that it has not been contacted by the primary node for a specified amount of time, it assumes the role of the primary node. This takeover involves nondisruptively reinitializing the switch fabric, selecting another primary backup, and updating the SDR. The default is the last node in the frame, not the last node slot. For partitions, the default primary is the first node and the default backup is the last node in the partition. You must override this selection if the node slot is not operational. Use SMIT or the Eprimary command to verify this node or change the primary to another node.

|The oncoming primary and backup nodes should not both be assigned to |partitions on a single pSeries 690 server, if alternatives exist.
If using: Do this:

The smit cluster_mgmt icon
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

From this point, you can follow the rest of the SMIT steps described in the next row of this table.


smit cluster_mgmt
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Perform Switch Operations
  • The Perform Switch Operations menu appears.

Set Primary/Primary Backup Node
  • The Set Primary and Primary Backup Node menu appears.

Ok to show defaults.

Cancel to return to the Set Primary and Primary Backup Node Menu.

Cancel to keep defaults


A different primary node


Eprimary Enter:
Eprimary [new_primary_node] [-backup new_primary_backup_node_number]
If -p is not specified, the default behavior is to perform this action on all planes.

The Eprimary command, without any parameters, returns the node number of the current primary node, the primary backup node, the oncoming primary node, and the oncoming primary backup node.

Step 64: Set the switch clock source for all switches (SP Switch only)

Use SMIT or the Eclock command to initialize the switch's clock source. The SMIT and Eclock interfaces require that you know the number of Node Switch Boards (NSBs) and Intermediate Switch Boards (ISBs) in your RS/6000 SP system.

Select the Eclock topology file from the control workstation's /etc/SP subdirectory, based on these numbers. For example, if your RS/6000 SP system has six node switch boards and four intermediate switch boards, you would select /etc/SP/ as an Eclock topology file.

See PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for the Eclock topology file names.
If using: Do this:

The smit cluster_mgmt icon
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Perform Switch Operations

From this point, you can follow the rest of the SMIT steps described in the next row of this table.


smit cluster_mgmt
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Perform Switch Operations
  • The Perform Switch Operations menu appears.

Change/Show Switch Clock Source Settings (SP Switch Only)
  • The Change/Show Switch Clock Source Settings menu appears.

Initialize Switch Clock Source Settings (SP Switch Only)
  • The Initialize Switch Clock Source Settings menu appears.


The correct Eclock file


Eclock Use the Eclock command to set the switch's clock source for all switches.

For example, if your RS/6000 SP system has six node switch boards and four intermediate switch boards, select /etc/SP/ as an Eclock topology file. Enter:

Eclock -f /etc/SP/

This command sets the proper clock source settings on all switches within a 96-way (6 nsb, 4 isb) RS/6000 SP system.

To verify the switch configuration information, enter:

splstdata -s

Step 65: Set up system partitions (SP Switch or switchless systems only)

This step is optional. The PSSP installation code sets up a default system partition configuration to produce an initial, single-system partition including all nodes in the system. This system partition is created automatically. If you do not want to divide your system into partitions, continue with |Step 66: Configure the control workstation as the boot/install server.

|System partitioning is not supported on a switchless clustered |enterprise server. |

If you want to partition your system, you can select an alternate configuration from a predefined set of system partitions to implement before booting the nodes or you can use the System Partitioning Aid to generate and save a new layout. Follow the procedure described in the "Managing system partitions" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide and refer to information in the "The System Partitioning Aid" section of the "Planning SP system partitions" chapter in RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment. You do not have to partition your system now as part of this installation. You can partition it later.

For information on how to set a security setting in an established system partition, see Chapter 5, Reconfiguring security.

Step 66: Configure the control workstation as the boot/install server

This step uses the information entered in the previous steps to set up the control workstation and optional boot/install servers on nodes. It configures the control workstation as a boot/install server and configures the following options (when selected in your site environment):

You can perform this step more than once. If you encounter any errors, see PSSP: Diagnosis Guide for further explanation. After you correct your errors, you can start the task again.

In previous releases of PSSP, most of the installation function which configured boot/install servers and clients was performed in the single program called setup_server which you could run by issuing the setup_server command. This is still the suggested way for configuring the control workstation. For more experienced system administrators, IBM has provided a set of Perl scripts you can issue to also configure the control workstation that enable you to diagnose how the setup_server program is progressing. For more information, refer to Appendix D, Boot/install server configuration commands.

If you are using AFS, you cannot run setup_server from Perspectives or SMIT.

If using: Do this:

smit cluster_mgmt from the Launch Pad.
  • The RS/6000 SP Cluster Management menu appears.

Run setup_server Command


smit enter_data
  • The Enter Database Information window appears.

Run setup_server Command




with no parameters.

The first time setup_server runs, depending upon your configuration, it can take a significant amount of time to configure the control workstation as a NIM master.

Step 67: Verify that the System Management tools were correctly installed

This step directs you to run a verification test that checks for correct installation of the System Management tools on the control workstation.
If using: Do this:

smit SP_verify on CWS from the Launch Pad.
  • The RS/6000 SP Installation/Configuration Verification menu appears.

From this point, you can follow the rest of the SMIT steps described in the next row of this table.


smit SP_verify
  • The RS/6000 SP Installation/Configuration Verification Menu appears.

System Management

sysman Enter:

After the tests are run, the system creates a log in /var/adm/SPlogs called SYSMAN_test.log.

After performing this step, you can ignore any messages that you receive about the number of nodes tested. Since nodes are not available during this operation, they will not be tested.

See PSSP: Diagnosis Guide for information about what this test does and what to do if the verification fails.

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