IBM Books

Installation and Migration Guide

Appendix D. Boot/install server configuration commands

This appendix lists the names of the boot/install server configuration commands which make up setup_server. For more information on these commands, refer to the PSSP: Command and Technical Reference.

Table 8. Boot/Install Server Configuration Commands
Command Description.
allnimres Allocates NIM resources from NIM server to client and prepares the client node for boot/installation.
unallnimres Unallocates NIM resources from NIM server to client.
mknimclient Makes a node a NIM client of its boot server as specified in the SDR.
delnimclient Deletes the NIM client definition of a node on it's boot server.
mknimmast Configures a node as a NIM master.
delnimmast Unconfigures a node as a NIM master.
mknimint Creates the necessary interfaces on a NIM master.
mknimres Creates the necessary NIM resources on a NIM master.
mkconfig Creates the file on the server (must run on the server).
mkinstall Creates the file on the server (must run on the server).
setup_CWS Set up the necessary files and other conditions on the control workstation.
create_krb_files Creates the necessary Kerberos V4 and tftp access files on a boot server.
export_clients Exports required file systems from a NIM master to its clients.
setup_server Sets up a boot/install server (same function, different internals).

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