This section describes the steps you take to power on the nodes to be installed.
Follow the instructions in the following table to network boot the optional boot/install servers which install and customize the nodes you selected. To monitor installation progress by opening the node's read-only console, issue:
s1term frame_id slot_id
If you have more than eight boot/install servers on a single Ethernet segment, you should network boot those nodes in groups of eight or less. See the "IP performance tuning" section in RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment for more information.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
If you had the Hardware Perspective up before you added the required node
information, you should delete and re-add the Nodes Pane. If you had
the Hardware Perspective up before you partitioned your system, you should
delete and re-add the CWS/System/Syspars Pane and then delete and re-add the
Nodes Pane.
nodecond | Enter:
nodecond frame_id slot_id & Enter: spmon -Led nodenode_number or spled & to check the LCD and LED display for each node. |
When a network installation is in progress, the LED for the nodes involved show various values. These values indicate the installation stage. Since the node installation process can be long, it is hard to determine where you are in that process. Refer to PSSP: Diagnosis Guide for a complete list of PSSP-specific LED values.
Now that the boot/install servers are powered up, run the verification test
from the control workstation to check for correct installation of the System
Management tools on these nodes.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
SYSMAN_test | Enter:
SYSMAN_test |
After the tests are run, the system creates a log in /var/adm/SPlogs called SYSMAN_test.log.
See the section on "Verifying System Management installation" in PSSP: Diagnosis Guide for information on what this test does and what to do if the verification test fails.
Repeat the procedure used in Step 68: Network boot optional boot/install servers to network boot and install, or customize the remaining nodes. You may need to ensure that all setup_server processes have completed on the boot/install nodes prior to issuing a network boot on the remaining nodes. Refer to the /var/adm/SPlogs/sysman/node.console.log file on the boot/install node to see if setup_server has completed.
If any of your boot/install servers have more than eight clients on a single Ethernet segment, you should Network Boot those nodes in groups of eight or less. See the "IP performance tuning" section in RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2, Control Workstation and Software Environment for more information.
If you are using a token ring through a bridge as your default gateway to
your nodes and the token ring bridge is not on the same segment as your LAN,
you must change the value of the broadcast field in the ODM for each
node. The default value is set to No (confine broadcast to
local token-ring) each time you install or customize a node. However,
when you boot the nodes with this bridge setup, the network is
If using: | Do this: |
chdev | Enter:
chdev -P -l tr0 -a allcast=off |
If you have set up system partitions, select a global view to do this step.
Check hostResponds and powerLED indicators for each node.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
spmon | Enter:
spmon -d -G |
Use the splstdata -x command to verify that the connection information for an SP expansion I/O unit is correct. For example, issue:
splstdata -x
If you just installed an SP-attached server, you must ensure that the s1_tty is enabled on the server. Until the login is enabled on the tty, the s1term command from the control workstation to the SP-attached server will not work.
On the SP-attached server, determine which tty is mapped to 01-S1-00-00. For example, issue the following:
lsdev -C -c tty0
In response, the system displays something similar to:
tty0 Available 01-S1-00-00 Asynchronous Terminal tty1 Available 01-S2-00-00 Asynchronous Terminal
In the previous example, tty0 is mapped to 01-S1-00-00.
Set the login to enable. For example, issue the following:
chdev -l tty0 -a login=enable
|Once the node is installed, or as part of firstboot.cust, |the remote command authorization files on the node serviced by the non-control |workstation boot/install server need to be updated |depending on the setting of auth_root_rcmd. Add the |following: |
If you have set up system partitions, do this step in each partition.
This step directs you to run a series of verification tests that check for
correct installation of your selected options on all the nodes.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
SYSMAN_test | Enter:
SYSMAN_test |
After the tests are run, the system creates a log in /var/adm/SPlogs called SYSMAN_test.log.
See the section on "Verifying System Management installation" in PSSP: Diagnosis Guide if the verification test fails.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
Estart | Enter:
EstartIf -p is not specified, the default behavior is to perform this action on all planes. |
Run a verification test to ensure that the switch is installed
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
CSS_test | Enter:
CSS_test |
After the tests are run, the system creates a log in /var/adm/SPlogs called CSS_test.log.
If the verification test fails, see the section on "Diagnosing switch problems" in PSSP: Diagnosis Guide.
Check the switchResponds and powerLED indicators for each node.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
spmon | Enter:
spmon -d -G |
To allow k5 remote command operation between nodes on the switch adapter, additional DCE configuration is needed.
Refer to IBM Distributed Computing Environment for AIX: Administration Commands Reference for more information on the kerberos.dce command.
Various models of the network adapters can have different values for transmit queue sizes. To get peak performance out of the network adapters, increase the transmit and receive queue sizes to their maximum. See Step 5: Tune all control workstation network adapters for valid queue size settings.
If the adapter you are changing is also the adapter for the network you are
logged in through, you will have to make the changes to the database
only. Then reboot the node for the changes to become effective.
If using: | Do this: |
Perspectives |
chdev | Enter
chdev -P -l ent0 -a xmt_que_size=512 |
|If you created an SP administrative principal in Step 22.3: Create SP administrative principals, you may also need to authorize that principal to remotely |run commands on nodes within the system. This is to ensure that SP |commands which both write to the SDR and remotely access the nodes (via AIX |and PSSP remote commands like dsh and rsh) are authorized to |perform such actions. The SP commands that require this type of |authorization include chauthpar, chauthpts, and |spsitenv.
|You must authorize the SP administrative principal to do remote commands by |adding it to the /.k5login file on the control workstation and |on the nodes. The entry format is:
|Software maintenance (PTFs) may now be applied to the ssp and |rsct file sets installed on the nodes. If you installed |software maintenance to the control workstation in Step 27: Apply PSSP PTFs (optional), you must install the service updates to the nodes |now. Refer to Installing updates on a per node basis for detailed instructions.