Locating Objects

The Locate function can be used any time during the reconciliation process to help you locate objects in the CATIA View. Selecting objects based on specified criteria is particularly useful when you want to automate the valuation the reconciliation rules on a subset of objects (using global sets). 

The Locate function provides the following options:

Filter On Name
Filter On Document
Filter On Mapped Attributes
Select All Documents
Select Sub Tree

  • The wildcard character * is supported when entering a search string.
  • Searches are case-sensitive.
  • The Locate function is available (and operates identically) regardless of the VPDM you are connecting to.


The Locate option uses the attributes displayed in the List View as criteria.    You can search for objects using the attributes displayed in the list view (for example ID or Document), except for customized attributes.

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the default Instance view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select Locate in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    The Locate window appears.

  5. Select an attribute in the Look in column scrolling list, for this scenario select ID.

  6. Enter a string to search for in the Search for objects names field. For this scenario use *Axle*.

  7. Click Apply.
    The instances containing the "Axle" string are highlighted in the CATIA View and in the List View.

  8. Click OK when done to dismiss the Locate window.



Filter On Name

The Filter On Name option is a simple filter using the name of the corresponding document revision as criteria. 

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the default Instance view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select Filter On Name in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    The Apply Filter on whole session window appears.

  5. Enter a string to search for in the Name field, for this scenario use *Axle*.

  6. Click OK.
    The instances (whose corresponding document revision contain the string "Axle*")  are highlighted in the CATIA View.


Filter On Document

The Filter On Document option allows you to use various document information as criteria.

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the default Instance view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select Filter On Document in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    The Apply Filter on whole session window appears.

  5. Enter your criteria in the appropriate boxes.

    • Type:  select either all , Document or Proxy Document (documents pointed at through broken links, i.e. delta mode)  in the Type box.

    • Document Extension: optionally, select one of the extensions from the list (for example, CATPart, CATDrawing, CATAnalysis)

    • File Name: optionally, enter the name of the file.

  6. Click OK.
    The instances whose CATPart documents containing the "Axle" string are highlighted in the CATIA View.




Filter On Mapped Attributes

The Filter On Mapped Attributes option uses an attribute list (based on both CV5 and PLM attributes) as criteria.

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the default Instance view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select Filter On Mapped Attributes in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    The Apply Filter on whole session window appears.

  5. Select a type in the Select a type: list. 

    Define a list of attribute name/value pairs to use as criteria by selecting an attribute from the Attribute list and then entering a value.  Click the Add to list button to add the name/value pair to the list of criteria.  Only string attributes are available in the Attribute list.  Name/value pairs can be removed from the list of criteria by selecting them and then clicking the Delete selected button.

  6. Click OK.
    The instances containing the defined attributes are highlighted in the CATIA View.



Select All Documents

The Select All Documents option is a very simple way to select all documents in the reconciliator session. 

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the Document view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select Select All Documents in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    All documents are highlighted in the CATIA View.


Select SubTree

The Select Sub Tree option enable you to select all objects in the reconciliator session under a particular object.

  1. Click the Connect User to ENOVIA V5 icon to connect to your ENOVIA V5 VPM database.

  2. In CATIA, open the  Skate-100-ABC-1001.CATProduct file or any other product to reconcile.

  3. Launch the Reconciliation window.  In this scenario, the Document view is used, but any view gives similar results.

  4. Select an object in the CATIA View.

  5. Select Select Sub Tree in the Locate... list and click the Locate... button.
    All documents under the selected object are highlighted in the CATIA View. Note that if these documents occur under other assemblies, they are highlighted in there as well.