Setting Up the Application

This application provides you with powerful tools for creating and managing system designs. Before you can begin using it, however, you need to set it up so that it is correctly tailored to your needs. This task describes broadly the different steps that are needed. The individual steps listed here are explained elsewhere in this manual, and links are provided in most cases. You need to understand these thoroughly.

Most of the steps described here will be performed by a system administrator or someone who is in a similar position. You may be able to change the order in which these steps are laid out, but it is recommended that you follow the order given below, at least in the beginning.

1. Create classes, subclasses and attributes in the feature dictionary

Every component you create will belong to a certain class and subclass, and will have certain attributes. For instance, if you want to create a component, say a blocking valve, it will be under the class "valve function". Some classes and subclasses are provided with the application, but most users will want to create others of their own. In addition, each component you create will have certain attributes, such as size. Attributes are also added in the feature dictionary.

2. Make changes to the project resource management (PRM) file to point to your resources.

(It is recommended that you do not keep your resources in the default installation. That is because when you install a service pack or new release your setup modifications may be overwritten. It is recommended that, after you install the application, you make a copy of the subdirectory ...intel_a\startup\EquipmentandSystems (maintaining the default directory structure) and store your resources at this location. The PRM file should point to resources at this location.)

The PRM file identifies resources (such as line list catalogs, user dictionaries, etc.) to the application. Specifically, the PRM file identifies each resource and its location (directory path). The PRM file also organizes the resources by discipline and application, associating resources to specific applications. Therefore, you get the correct resource, piping catalog for instance, for the resource you are working in.

The project administrator needs to define a PRM file for the project, identifying the location of all resources needed by the application. The file is in XML format and can be edited with any text or XML editor.

At this stage in the setup process you will not be able to enter the location and/or names of all resources, but you need to enter all that you can. You need to return to the project resource management file at the end of the process and enter names and locations of resources you will have created by then.

3. Modify the object naming rules.

Every object that you create (except a run), or component that you place, in your design document can be given a unique identifier. This identifier usually consists of a prefix that identifies the type of object or part it is, followed by a unique number. When you create an object or place a component in your document the application will generate a name as defined by the naming rules that are associated with the object being created. A set of default rules is included with this application, but most users will want to modify these rules to suit their own requirements. You need to do it at this step.

4. If you will be using schematic documents to assist in creation of 3-D documents then you need to complete the setup process for the Piping Design and Equipment Arrangement applications. 2-D functions such as Part Selection will not work if the setup process of the 3-D application you will be working in is not complete.
5. Build components and create a catalog.

You will need to build the component you intend to use and place them in a  catalog. 

6. Create an annotation template catalog.

Annotation tag styles allow you to create associative text based on styles that you create; and store them as templates for placing in a document as needed. This is particularly useful for components or objects that are used frequently. You can create a catalog that contains these templates.

7. Create your report formats.

You can use the report function to obtain the values of properties of objects contained in a document. Before you generate a report, however,  you need to define the format of the report. This means selecting which properties you are interested in. This report format is kept in a file which you can use to generate reports from other documents. You should create these formats at this step.

Do not forget to enter the names and locations of the resources you just created in the project resource management file.