DMU Space Analysis for DMU Space Engineering Assistant


This page deals with options you need to customize for DMU Space Engineering and located in the following tabs:

DMU Clash - Rule lets you identify the path to the CATProduct containing knowledgeware clash rules

DMU Clash

Click here to know more about DMU Clash tab options

DMU Clash - Detailed Computation

Click here to know more about DMU - Detailed Computation tab options

DMU Clash - Penetration

Retrieve Information

Select the None option (No comparison will be done)

By default, no information is retrieved, the option is set to None

During Intial Computation

Select Compute penetration depth or minimum distance option button to automatically compute and display the penetration depth and minimum distance for all interferences detected.

By default, this option is set to None.

Level of Detail

Select the Product option to give information at product level only

By default, the level of detail is set to Element.

Mode of Penetration

Select the Element option to define how penetration depth is computed

Note: his mode lets you assess the seriousness of a clash.

By default, the level of detail is set to Element.