Batch Processing XML Export

Results from interference analysis in batch process are written to as many XML files as clash specifications. Two different types of XML files can be generated:

For more information, refer to XML Export: Recommendations and Warnings

Therefore, before launching the batch process, make sure you have set the XML format type options needed:

Generating First XML Type

Is not supported in batch mode

Generating Second XML Type

  1. Select the XML Export for clash process purpose check box in the DMU Clash - Process tab page (Tools > Options > Digital Mockup > DMU Space Analysis).

  2. Federated XML output and Picture generated in XML check boxes are selected by default, clear them if needed.

  3. Execute the batch process following the procedure

  4. When done, you should obtain an XML result file, named 3_6_2005_14_26_36.xml (Federated XML output check box cleared) or Federated_ClashPublish_3_6_2005_15_7_11.xml (if Federated XML output check box is selected).
      image to be added