Sectioning and Visual Comparison

You can section your visual comparison results and browse the section in the Section viewer. Comparison colors identifying common, added and/or removed material are kept in the Section viewer.

This task illustrates the integration between Compare Products and Sectioning commands.

No sample document is provided.

  1. Click the Compare Products and run a visual comparison. The Visual Comparison viewer opens showing the results.

  2. Click Sectioning  . Sectioning tools are available in the main document window: you can manipulate the plane directly, create a 3D section cut and position the plane on a target.

    The Section viewer is automatically tiled vertically alongside the other windows and is locked in a 2D view.

  3. Manipulate the section plane in the document window and browse results in the Section viewer.

    Note: Comparison colors identifying common, added and/or removed material are kept in the Section viewer:

    • Yellow: common material

    • Red: added material

    • Green: removed material.