Customizing Query Results Display

This task shows you how to customize the way query results are displayed in the Reconcile Window. Whatever query type you perform, the result obtained by following the procedure described here is the same for all queries.

Customizing query result display can be done at any time. Note that if you are using SmarTeam databases anterior to Version 5 Release 16 this operation is not mandatory prior to using the Reconcile capability for the first time. If you do not customize the display, this will be based upon the properties set for the query as explained in Customizing Queries.

For reference information about queries, see Identifying SmarTeam Documents.

  1. Launch the Integration Tools Setup utility as explained in the SmarTeam documentation.

  2. From the Integration Tool Setup window, expand the CATIA category.

  3. In the CATIA  category, right-click Mapping Group Types and select Add mapping group type.
    The Mapping Group Type dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter Reconciliator Query Result in the Name field of the Mapping Group Type dialog box.
    The Reconciliator Query Result  mapping group type name is not mandatory: if it is not defined, the reconciliator will displayed the attribute listed in the Reconciliator Query mapping group.

  5. Click OK to confirm.

    The new group type Reconciliator Query Result is now displayed in the Mapping Group Types list.

  6. Right-click Reconciliator Query Result and select Open groups tree.
    The Mapping Groups Tree dialog box is displayed.

  7. Right-click Reconciliator Query Result and select Add.

  8. Enter Generic Query in the Name field of the Manage group attribute dialog box that appears.

  9. Click OK to confirm.
    The Mapping Groups Tree dialog box looks like this:

  10. Right-click Generic Query and select Add.
    The Attribute properties dialog box is displayed.

  11. In this dialog box, you need to enter property names as they appear in CATIA. See Properties and Related Attributes for the complete list of all properties which can be added.

    For the purposes of our example, enter CN_REC_FILE_NAME as property name in the Name field.

  12. Click OK to confirm.
    CN_REC_FILE_NAME is now displayed in the Reconciliator Query tree of the Mapping Groups Tree dialog box.

  13. Right-click CN_REC_FILE_NAME and select Add.

  14. In the Attribute mapping dialog box that is displayed, click to the right of the Class name field to access the list of classes which are available for the CN_REC_FILE_NAME property.

  15. From the Class Tree dialog box which appears, select Documents as the class you want.
    The mapping property should be mapped on the Documents class. The mapping property name is currently not taken into account. The mapping attribute name is the External name displayed in the query panel result.

  16. Click OK to confirm.
    The Attribute mapping dialog box now looks like this:

  17. From the Attribute mapping dialog box, click to the right of the Attribute name field to access the list of attributes which are available for the CN_REC_FILE_NAME property.

  18. From the Select Attribute dialog box which appears, select Application Reference File Name as the attribute you want to assign.

    Note that you need to select Application Reference File Name, not File Name.
  19. Click OK to confirm.
    The Attribute mapping dialog box now displays Application Reference File Name in the Attribute name field.

  20. Click OK to confirm and close this dialog box.
    The Reconciliator Query Result list now looks like this in the Mapping Groups Tree dialog box:

  21. Click OK to confirm your customization and close the Mapping Groups Tree dialog box.

  22. Click Close to close the Integration Tools Setup utility.

    Whatever query type you perform, query results will appear like this in the Reconcile Window:

Properties and Related Attributes

The table below provides a list of all the properties and related attributes which you can set for customizing queries:

Property Name in CATIA Attribute class in SmarTeam Attribute Name in SmarTeam database Attribute Display Name in SmarTeam Mapping Direction
CN_DESCRIPTIONREF Documents TDM_DESCRIPTION Description Not applicable
CN_REC_DocumentID Documents TDM_ID ID Not applicable
CN_REVISION Documents REVISION Revision Not applicable
CN_STATE Documents STATE State Not applicable
CN_PART_NUMBER Documents CN_PART_NUMBER Part Number Not applicable
CN_REC_FILE_NAME Documents CN_REC_FILE_NAME Application Reference File Name Not applicable


For reference information about the SmarTeam Integration Tools Setup Utility, see the SmarTeam documentation.