Inserting Elements

This task shows how to create a geometric element and automatically inserting it next to its main parent in the specification tree.
This may be useful to add an element that was not not initially designed, while retaining its logical positioning within the specification tree.
All children of the main present are then attached to the inserted element.
Open the Insert01.CATPart document.
It contains, amongst other geometric elements, an extruded surface that has been translated.
  1. Click Insert Mode .

    It stays active and you can select another icon.
  2. Click Split .

  3. Successively select the extruded surface (Extrude.1) as the element to cut and the plane (Plane.1) as the cutting element.

  4. Click OK in the Split Definition dialog box.

    The Split.1 element is created and inserted directly below the Extrude.1 element, and the translated surface is split as well, as the splitting operation takes place chronologically before the translation.
  5. Right-click the Split.1 element in the specification tree and choose the Parent/Children... contextual item.

    The Parents and Children dialog box is displayed.
    You can see that Extrude.1 and Plane.1 are parents of the split surface, whose child is the translated surface (Translate.1):
    Would the insert mode not been activated, the splitting operation would have been recorded in the specification tree, at the end of the currently active geometrical set, and the translated surface would not have been split:
  1. Click OK to exit the command.

This insertion capability is available when creating: