You must use bodies as entities you will eventually associate to the Part Body using the capabilities described below to finish the design of your part.
Insert a New Body: Click the icon or select Insert > Body. | |
Insert a Body into an Ordered Geometrical Set: Click the icon and fill in the fields of the dialog box that appears. | |
Insert a Geometrical Set: Click the icon and fill in the fields of the dialog box that appears. | |
Insert Features into a New Body: Click the icon or select Insert > Insert in new body. | |
Assemble Bodies: Select the required body, Insert > Boolean Operations > Assemble and the target body. | |
Intersect Bodies: Select the first body, Insert > Boolean Operations > Intersect and the second body. | |
Add Bodies: Select the body to be added, Insert > Boolean Operations > Add and the target body. | |
Remove Bodies: Select the body to be removed, Insert > Boolean Operations > Remove and the target body. | |
Trim Bodies: Select the body to be trimmed and Insert > Body.1.object > Union Trim... . Click the Faces to remove field and select the desired faces. Click the Faces to keep field and select the desired faces. | |
Remove Lumps: Select Part Body and right-click Part Body object > Remove Lump.... Click the Faces to remove field and select the desired faces. | |
Change a Boolean Operation into Another One: use the contextual menu item. | |
For reference information about how to associate bodies of different types, see Mixed Boolean Operations. |