What's New?

New Functionalities

Sequential Axial and Groove Operations
Two new operations are provided Sequential Axial and Sequential Groove in order to define all elementary motions and PP word syntaxes to be applied at each point of a machining pattern of holes or grooves.
New operation to support 4-axis pocket machining
This new 4-axis Pocketing operation is provided in order to compute a tool path to mill a pocket on a cylindrical or conical surface.

Enhanced Functionalities

Tool compensation as Guiding Point
New option Compensation application mode: Guiding point/Output point is available on all axial machining operations.  Allows managing toolpath computation according to the tool compensation point.
Support of Helical strategy in Profile Contouring
Helix tool path style is now possible in Between two Planes mode.
Helix approach macro
When a cutter approaches raw material, a new Helix approach macro can be used rather than a Ramping approach macro. This capability is available in Pocketing and Profile Contouring operations.
Capability to manage machinable features in Manufacturing View
Capability allows user to sort and filter Machinable Axial features and Machinable Milling features. Also user can now delete unused Machinable Area features.