Measuring with Arc through 3 Points

This procedure describes how to use Arc through 3 Points .

This command is used to measure the center and radius/diameter of circular entities using accurate point information.

To use this command, point visibility must be ON. Also, in the Performance section of the Tools > Options > Machining > Photo/Video tab, set the Tool and faceting option to Smaller.

In addition, complete the procedures as described in Accessing NC Manufacturing Verification and Comparing the Machined Stock Part and the Design Part, including:

  • Accessing NC Manufacturing Verification via Replay Tool Path .
  • Clicking Full Video   within the Replay dialog box.
  • Clicking Measure within the Replay dialog box.
  • Selecting Measure from the Window menu.
    The Measure dialog box appears:
  1. In the Measure dialog box, click Arc through 3 Points .

    The Measure Arc Section dialog box appears.
  2. In the 3D view, select three points in the machined part geometry: the start point, the center point, and the end point.

    An arc is fitted through the three selected points and the Measure Arc Section dialog box is updated with the length, angle, angle at vertex, and radius or diameter of the arc. Start, end and center point coordinates are also shown.