Accessing NC Manufacturing Verification

This procedure describes how to access NC Manufacturing Verification through NC Manufacturing Review. You may use the file provided in the samples directory or your own data.

  1. From the Start menu, select Machining > NC Manufacturing Review.

  2. From the samples directory, open the Processfinal.CATProcess file.

  3.  In the PPR tree, select any machining operation (e.g., Pocketing 6).

  4. Click Replay Tool Path on the NC Output Management toolbar.

    You can also right-click the operation in the PPR tree and select Replay Tool Path .
    The machining operation replay (e.g., Pocketing.6) dialog box appears.
    Throughout this manual, the Replay dialog box is illustrated by the dialog box that appears when the machining operation Pocketing.6 is replayed.  Therefore, the title that appears on the dialog box is Pocketing.6, although the dialog box's name is Replay.
  5. Go to Comparing the Machined Stock Part and the Design Part.