Auxiliary Commands Toolbar

This toolbar contains a number of auxiliary commands.

Open Catalog
See procedure for Applying machining processes.
Import/List Tools
See procedure for searching tools described in Edit the Tool of a Machining Operation.
Import/List Tool Assemblies
See procedure for searching tool assemblies described in
Import Tool Assemblies from a Catalog or Database.
Replace Tools
See procedure described in Replace Tools.

The Activity Selection sub-toolbar offers a choice between:

No Display of Tool path or Geometry of selected operation

Display Tool Path of selected operation

Display Geometry of selected operation.

Display Status of Selected Activities
Allows display of activity status in tree. This command is available when the Update Activity Status Automatically check box is not selected in the Tools > Options > Machining > General tab.
Synchronize Process
See methodology dealing with NC Synchronization in Manufacturing Hub Context.
Process Table
See procedure dealing with Process Table.
NC Gantt Chart
This command is available for machines that have multiple turrets. For more information, please refer to the Multi-Slide Lathe Machining User's Guide.

For machining operations that use part and check surfaces, you can now choose to show or hide that geometry using commands of the Hide/Show Geometry as follows:

Hide/Show part elements

Hide/Show check elements