Designing Higher Pair Joints

The following list shows these 7 particular joint types which do not associate assembly constraints during creation:

The conditions under which you can create these joints are the following:

Point Curve and Point surface joints: the point has to be located on the curve.
Slide and Roll curves joints: the two curves are in contact and tangent in this point.

Note: to create these four kinematics joints, the parts involved in the joint creation must be well positioned.
Read Tips for Point and Curve Joints Creation.

Create Point Curve joints: select Insert > New Mechanism... from the menu bar or click the Point Curve Joint icon, then click New Mechanism in the dialog box displayed. Select one curve and one point and click Ok.
Create Slide Curve joints: select Insert > New Mechanism... from the menu bar or click the Slide Curve Joint icon, then click New Mechanism in the dialog box displayed. Select two curves and click Ok.
Create Roll Curve joints: select Insert > New Mechanism... from the menu bar or click Roll curve Joint, then click New Mechanism in the dialog box displayed. Select two curves and click Ok.
  You can easily modify Curve Joint specifications either editing the existing geometry (positioning or definition) or replacing the existing geometry with a new one. The V5 joint mechanism is updated accordingly.

Please refer the following Chapter:

Editing Joints -Introduction and read the three corresponding step-by-step scenarios

Create Point Surface joints: select Insert > New Mechanism... from the menu bar or click the Point Surface Joint icon, then click New Mechanism in the dialog box displayed. Select one surface and one point, when done click Ok.