This task shows you
how to copy the specifications or geometry of a CATIA Version 4 model to
CATIA Version 5.
The following data can be copied from CATIA Version 4 to
CATIA Version 5: |
- surfaces (both polynomial and
- faces,
- volumes,
- skins and exact solids,
- mockup solids (see remarks regarding
copy/pasting mockup solids
- polyhedral surfaces and
- circles,
- ellipses,
- points,
- lines,
- planes,
- clouds of points,
- edges,
- parabolas,
- hyperbolas,
- curves (both polynomial and
- CCVs,
- NURBs (curves and
- PIP elements (Tubing),
- GPR elements (AEC Primitives),
- STR elements (planar structures, linear structures).
following task describes how an entire model is pasted from Version 4 to
Version 5. You can also select the geometric elements listed above and
insert them into an already existing Version 5 document. |
Open the
document LAMP.model. You should have already completed the task
Checking CATIA Version 4 Model Data Before Copying It to CATIA Version 5.
You may want to customize certain settings before proceeding with this
task. For more information, see
Customizing Compatibility Settings. |
Open a new CATIA Version 5 CATPart document. To do this,
refer if necessary to "Creating
New Documents" in the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide.
In the specification tree or geometry area where the
Version 4 model is displayed, select the geometrical element or elements
you wish to convert.
If you intend to copy the geometry you
can either:
- drag and drop the elements onto the appropriate location in
the CATIA Version 5 document. The cursor changes slightly i.e. the
appears indicating where a drop is allowed. If the cursor changes
to the symbol
the drop is not allowed in that location.
- or:
a. Put the element you have selected in the
clipboard by clicking Copy
, select the Edit > Copy command or
select the Copy
command in the contextual menu.
b. In the specification tree of the CATIA
Version 5 document, select the appropriate item (for example,
PartBody or Body.1, Body.2, etc. in the PartDesign workbench).
c. Click Paste
or select the Edit > Paste command
or select the Paste
command in the contextual menu.
This operation recovers the specifications previously put in the
If you intend to copy the specifications:
a. Put the element(s) you have
selected in the clipboard by clicking the Copy
, selecting the Edit > Copy command
or selecting the Copy
command in the contextual menu.
b. In the specification tree of the
CATIA Version 5 document, select the appropriate item (for example,
PartBody or Body.1, Body.2, etc. in the PartDesign workbench).
c. Select the
Edit > Paste Special... command or select the Paste Special...
command in the contextual menu.
The dialog box below appears:
d. Select CATIA_SPEC
and click OK. This operation
recovers the specifications previously put in the clipboard.
Click the Update icon
to view the copied data or use Edit > Update.
You may want to click the Fit All In icon
to fit all data in the window.
Notice that the toolbars change depending on whether
a CATIA Version 4 model or a CATIA Version 5 document is selected.
If you copied the geometry the
result should look something like this (using the
Window > Tile
Horizontally command):
If you copied the specifications the
result should look something like this (using the
Window > Tile
Horizontally command):
Bear in mind the
following when copying / pasting:
- on UNIX: in /u/users/username/CATReport , but this depends on
the path setting in env file.
If you used the
CATIA_SPEC option mentioned above note that only the paste operation is
included in the report i.e. the actual update of the CATPart document is
not taken into account. |
For more information
about the usage of the V4/V5 BREP Info Checker, please refer to
Comparison of Result Option in Batch: V4/V5 BREP
Info Checker. |
copy/pasting mockup solids: If the solid has a history then the V5 specifications are
created. However, if the solid has no history or if the
CATIA_RESULT option is selected (using the
Paste Special...
command) then a cgr file is generated containing the visualization
information of the solid. The name of this file is "mymodel_SOLMxxx" and is
located in the same directory as the V4 CATIA model. This file can be
inserted into the Product Structure application. When copy/pasting
sets of surfaces : If you want to get a unique surface in V5, it is
more efficient to perform the join in V4 before the migration than in V5 on
the resulting surfaces. |