Comparison of Result Option in Batch: V4/V5 BREP Info Checker

The following section describes the usage of the V4/V5 BREP Info Checker. During the copy/paste of a SOLID E, a migration report is delivered containing the geometry values: the Volume, Wet Surfaces and Gravity Center properties of the V4 model and the V5 CATPart. The V5 unit is chosen.
  1. The calculation of BRep properties can be done only if the V5 part is updated. These properties cannot be exposed if the V5 update operation fails.

  2. The accuracy of calculation depends on V4 Modeler for V4 models and on V5 Modeler for V5 parts.

  3. During the copy/paste the cpu consumption increases proportionally to the size of the model because of the calculation of properties and the update of the V5 part.

This functionality is activated by the setting:

  • On UNIX: export REPORT_BREP_INFO= 1

  • On Windows: set REPORT_BREP_INFO= 1

The report looks like this (new lines are red colored):


In the field "Input values", you have access to the values calculated on the V4 Model.

In the field "Output values", you have access to the values calculated on the V5 CATPart after the migration and the update operation.