View Manipulation Toolbar

Theses toolbars are only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license.

Stretch View
See Stretch View Analysis Tool (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
See Manipulating Mode Sub-toolbar below (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Interactive Viewpoint Definition
See Defining Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Reverse Viewpoint
See Defining Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Previous View
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Next View
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)

Manipulating Mode Sub-toolbar

Manipulating Mode
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Rotation About Z Screen Axis
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Rotation About X Screen Axis
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Rotation About Y Screen Axis
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)
Zoom And Translate
See Manipulating Views (Only available with the Freestyle Optimizer license)