Instantiating a Note Object Attribute

This task shows you how to instantiate a Note Object Attribute (NOA) annotation and modify its comments and hyperlinks.
See Creating Note Object Attribute task and Note Object Attribute concept.
Open the Tolerancing_Annotations_01.CATPart document:
  1. Click Display with Browser  in the Tools toolbar.
    The Catalog Browser dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Open File icon and browse for the Component catalog document.

  3. Double-click the Note Object Attribute component family item.

  1. Double-click the Note Object Attribute from a 2D Component component item.

  1. Select the surface as shown on the part.

    This scenario illustrates the instantiation of a note object attribute by selecting geometry,
    but you can also select any Part Design or Generative Shape Design feature in the specification tree.
    In this case, the created annotation will not be attached to the selected feature,
    but to its geometrical elements at the highest level.
    The Note Object Attribute Instance dialog box appears.
    The hidden text specified with the note object attribute is not modifiable.
    To unlock it, in this case, the dialog box is enabled, see Creating from a 2D Component.
  1. Click OK.

    The Note Object Annotation from a 2D Component is instantiated.
    To customize its graphic properties see Managing Graphical Properties.
  1. Double-click the Note Object Attribute from a Text component item in the Catalog Browser dialog box.

  1. Select the surface as shown on the part.

    The Note Object Attribute Instance dialog box appears.
    The hidden text specified with the note object attribute is modifiable.
    To lock it, in this case, the dialog box is disabled, see Creating from a Text.
  1. Click OK.

    The Note Object Annotation from a text is instantiated.
  1. Double-click the Note Object Annotation from a text.2.
    The Note Object Attribute Instance dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the following text to modify the hidden text: This is the first instance of this Note Object Attribute

  3. Click Create/Define hyperlinks.

    The Flag Note Definition dialog box appears.
  4. Add the following link:

  5. Click OK in the Flag Note Definition dialog box.

  1. Click OK in the Note Object Attribute Instance dialog box.

From R18, when a NOA Ditto is instantiated from a catalog, the detail instance points to the reference CATDrawing or catalog and not to the local reference.
Save the above mentioned CATPart as ReferencePart.CATPart with Note Object Attribute from a 2D Component component instantiated in it from the catalog as described in the scenario. Now instantiate Note Object Attribute from a 2D Component component in another CATPart, from this ReferencePart.CATPart. You will see that in both the cases the Note Object Attribute from a 2D Component component points to main catalog and is independent of from where it is instantiated in a CATPart.