
Before you start your first working session, you can customize the way you work to suit your habits. This type of customization is stored in permanent setting files. Settings will not be lost if you exit your session.

Other information can be considered as customization:
Electrical Data Exchange Format deals with electrical specifications from external data.

  1. Select the Tools > Options... menu.
    The Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select Equipment & Systems in the left-hand box.

    The Electrical Mapping and the Electrical Process Interfacing tabs appear:
    • The Electrical Mapping tab lets you define the catalog and the electrical objects mapping.
    • The Electrical Process Interfacing tab lets you define the access to external data, the electrical iXF repository path and the identifier for mapping management.
  3. Select Electrical Harness Discipline > Electrical Assembly Design.

    The General and Electrical Library Access tabs appear:
    • The General tab lets you define the Automatic compass option.
    • The Electrical Library Access tab lets you define the library and the compatibility table and their locations.
  4. Set options in these tabs according to your needs.

  5. Click OK in the Options dialog box when done.