Document Lifecycle States

When a new object is created, it has the status New. Its file is not yet placed in the vault. When you perform a Check In operation on the object its file is then placed in the vault and cannot be modified until the object is checked out of the vault. Lifecycle management operations can now be applied to this object; after each Lifecycle operation, the object's status is changed.

The table below lists all Lifecycle operations, the resulting state and a description of the state.

Lifecycle Options Resultant State Description
Check in - Checks in a new object and places its file in the vault or places an object that is checked out (being modified) back in the vault. Checked In The object's file is placed in the vault, and cannot be modified but may be accessed. You can copy it to view it but not modify it. In order to change a file, a SmarTeam - Web Editor user must check the object out of the vault.
Check Out - checks out a Checked In object from the vault.
New Release - makes a new copy of the Released object placed in the Released vault. The resultant object is a new revision of the source object.
Checked Out


This state is assigned to an object that has been checked out. The object's file is undergoing changes and is in a user's work directory. No other user can currently modify the file but other users can view the file of the parent revision. After the object is checked back in or released, the state is changed to Checked In or Released.
Release - transfers an object to the Released state. Released After a stage of development is completed, the object's file is saved in the vault for released files.

Checking In Documents
Checking Out Documents
Releasing Documents
Creating a New Release
Undoing Check Out Operations