Using Track Editor and Recorder

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) Information follows about the track capability display, including the Recorder toolbar, and the track editor function.

About the Recorder Toolbar

Recorder Toolbar

  • One click: Records shots one after another.
  • Double-click: Activates the auto insert mode (see Automatic Insert configuration using Tools > Options > Digital Mockup > DMU Fitting > DMU Manipulation).
    • To deactivate this mode: Click once.
  • One click: Records modification(s) on one shot at a time.
  • Double-click: Records modification(s) in continuous mode. You need to be positioned on the required shot.
    • On the Player toolbar, use the Step Backward and Step Forward to position the manipulator on the required shot.
    • To deactivate this mode: Click once.
      See Modifying a Track.
Deletes one shot after another. The cursor must be position on the shot to be deleted.

Note: In track edition context, if you need to delete multiple shots at a time, multi-select them (hold down Ctrl, and select with the left mouse button) and use Del.

Reorders shots.  To use:
  1. Select a track.

  2. Click Reorder .
    The Reorder Shots dialog box appears:

    • To move a shot up one place in the list, select the shot, and click the Up button.

    • To move a shot down one place in the list, select the shot, and click the Down button.

    • To insert a selected shot after next clicked shot, select the shot, click on the shot you wish it to follow, and click After.

  3. Once the reorder is complete, click OK.  (Clicking Cancel returns the shots to their original order).

Reuse enables you to use shots from another track while creating or editing a track. 
ainfo.gif (980 bytes) The Player pop-up toolbar disappears when you start using this command; it reappears once you have finished.

To use:

  1. Click Reuse .

  2. Select the track containing the shots you want to reuse.  The Reuse Shots dialog box appears:

  3. From the dialog box, select the shot you wish to reuse.  The data moves to the selected shot.

  4. On the Recorder toolbar, click Insert .

  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to reuse more than one shot, then click the Done button.

When using the Recorder toolbar, you can use the Player toolbar to select shots.  To do so, set the step unit to Shot (i.e., not Time), and that the value of the Player Parameters sampling step is set to 1.  If this is done, the Player toolbar allows:
  • Step Backward (lets you to jump to the previous shot -- e.g., to be modified).
  • Step Forward (lets you jump to the next shot).
  Alternatively, you can select a shot from the geometric data, if the Object field in the Track dialog box is not selected.  The shot is the initial point for each segment of track.

About the Track Editor

ainfo.gif (980 bytes) The Track dialog boxes shown below show the Activate Analysis and Sectioning I_SectionP2.gif (335 bytes) buttons deactivated. 

For a description of how to use Activate Analysis, see Analyzing in Track Context.

  For a description of how to use Sectioning with tracks, see DMU Fitting Simulator User's Guide : Basic Tasks : Tracks : Associating Sections with Tracks.

Track Interpolator

A track is a time-based trajectory which can be interpolated with different interpolation types:
  • linear (default type for product, shuttles, and section planes)
  • spline (default for cameras and lights)
  • composite spline (enables users to minimize the impact of positions modifications on the entire trajectory)
Product track: Linear
Camera track : Spline
Product track: Composite spline
Edit the track object clicking the Edit button.

Objects and the Dialog Boxes Associated with Editing Them

If the object is a shuttle, the Edit Shuttle dialog box is displayed.
If the object is a camera, the Properties dialog box is displayed.

 If the object is a light, the Properties dialog box is displayed. 
A Real Time Rendering license is required to create lights.
If the object is a section plane, the Properties dialog box  is displayed.
The Edit button is unavailable if the moving object is a product.

Using the More Button

The More button lets you access and edit the duration of each segment (i.e., the amount of time it takes to travel between two positions).  To alter the duration of each segment, you can:
  • Edit segment duration within the Track dialog box.
  • Modify quickly the segment duration using drag and drop capability
  • Enter a value to modify this duration.
Please read Editing Time Line in Tracks.

Selecting an Object and Track Positioning

You can change the object selection during the track creation or while editing it:
  • Click on the Object field, and the Track positioning dialog box appears:
  • Keep positioning:  Lets you keep the current track position.
  • Do not keep positioning(default)Lets you locate the track on the new object.


  • Select a new object either in the geometry or in the specification tree.

About Selecting in Editing Mode

Note: In edition mode, you can select objects to be applied only one track at a time.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use this keyboard key (or combination) To
Insert Record
Shift + M Modify
Delete Key Delete
Page Up To go to the previous step
Page Down  To go to the next step

Another useful shortcut

Clicking an icon lets you run the command associated with that icon only once. However, double-clicking an icon lets you use the associated command as many times as you want without having to click on the icon several times.

Pop-up Toolbar Command Availability During Track Editing

  When performing certain kinds of track editing, some of the Manipulation and Recorder pop-up toolbar commands are not available.  The table below shows what is available under which circumstances.
Icon Command Available
Expand Preview Window Shuttle modification
Reframe Shuttle modification
Smart Target Shuttle and track modification; all Recorder and Player commands are unavailable when using Smart Target
Dynamic Smart Target Shuttle and track modification; all Recorder and Player commands are unavailable when using Dynamic Smart Target
Invert Shuttle modification
Editor Shuttle and track modification
Reset Shuttle modification, after initial change made
Define Snapping Axis Shuttle and track modification
Attach/Detach Shuttle and track modification
Save Initial State Track modification (applies to DPM Assembly Process Simulation workbench only)
Record Track modification
Modify Track Track modification
Delete Track Track modification
Reorder Shot Track modification; all Player and all other Recorder commands are unavailable when using Reorder Shot
Reuse Shot Track modification