Reporting Capabilities - Simulation Reports

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You can include analyses of a walk distance (for each walk) and a cumulative walk distance (for a simulation) in a report under the Reports node of manikin. When you run a task or process simulation, the report node under the manikin will be updated with the walk distance of all walks executed by manikin in that run, and the walk distance of the entire simulation. The start and end time of the walk activities and the simulation also will be reported.  ceremonies..

The Reporting capability during a simulation provides a way to automate a task that otherwise would have been tedious to perform manually.  It dynamically puts the results of a large number of interpolated postures into one global view, giving the user all the data they need to analyze intelligently.  Because of this view, a lot of implications of the analyses, that would otherwise remain hidden, can be revealed.  The reports can easily be shared with other team members in a project, and this alone can help enhance the validating steps of a design, in the Assembly world in particular.

It will not be possible to change the load attributes during simulation.  That is, the weight of the picked objects will not be taken into account for the analyses performed in simulation.  For example, if the manikin carries a 5kg load by picking Object1,and then carries a 7.5kg load by picking Object2, this will not be recognized by the biomechanical analysis.  The biomechanical report will reflect the same load from beginning to end of a simulation. There will be no reports available for the Lift/Lower Analysis, during simulation, since it requires a manual input of some postures.

With both of these projects a manikin with a walk, or multiple walks has been created.

Walk Distance - Each Walk

Cumulative Walk Distance - Simulation

Updating Active Reports in a Simulation

In order for the report objects to be properly updated during simulation, the option Update Analyses During Simulation must be enabled.  This setting exists in the Tools > Options > Ergonomics Design & Analysis > Human Task Simulation >General tab. If you run the simulation without enabling this option, no report object will be updated.

Walk Distance - Each Walk

  1. In the Human Builder workbench select the Inserts a new Report that is located in the Insert menu and/or in the Manikin Tools toolbar.

  2. Selecting the Inserts a new Report, you are then prompted to select the manikin the new object will belong to.  Once the manikin is selected, the Report Definition panel appears:

  3. Select the Walk Distance - Single Walk and use the Arrow over to place the selection in to the Selected window.

  4. Select your directory for the Output File, and OK.

  5. From the Simulation toolbar, select the Process Simulation, and run the simulation.

  6. The data is copulated and depending on the selection for saving the files the data is stored in the directory.

  7. The log file  report generated :

    Walk Distance (each walk)

    Thu Jun 17 11:15:11 2004  [40d1b57f] Walk Distance (mm):  Activity Autowalk.1 in HumanTask.2  :   3525.56    Manikin1     Report1  Simulation time :2.5  duration: 5.2   

    Thu Jun 17 11:15:11 2004  [40d1b57f] Walk Distance (mm):  Activity WalkFwd.1 in HumanTask.3  :   6000. 64  Manikin1     Report1      Simulation time :4.0  duration: 2.2   


    For Reporting Capabilities see:

    Log File txt Format

    Log File HTML Format

Cumulative Walk Distance - Simulation

  1. The Human Task Simulation workbench, select the Inserts a new Report   which is located in the Menu bar under Tools / Manikin Tools, or in the Manikin Tools toolbar.

  2. Selecting the Inserts a new Report command, you are then prompted to select the manikin the new object will belong to.  Once the manikin is selected, the Report Definition panel appears:


  3. Select the Walk Distance - Cumulative and use the Arrow over to place the selection in to the Selected window.

  4. Select your directory for the Output File, and OK.

  5. From the Simulation toolbar, select the Process Simulation, and run the simulation.

  6. The data is copulated and depending on the selection for saving the files the data is stored in the directory.

  7. The log file  report generated :

    Cumulative Walk Distance (simulation)

    Tue May 17 11:15:11 2005  [40d1b57f] Cumulative Walk Distance (mm) :  from Activity Autowalk.1 in HumanTask.2 to Activity WalkFwd.1 in HumanTask.3 :   9525.56    Manikin1    Report1 Simulation time :2.5  Duration: 6.2

  8. The cumulative walk distance will be set to zero; each time the jump to start is pressed on Process Simulation panel,  or when the Process Simulation command is started. Walk distance for each walk will be reported immediately after each walk is simulated. The cumulative walk distance will be published only after user exits Process Simulation command. Also, there will be a Report object stored with the instance of manikin inside the CATProcess file that will relate to that Walk Analysis specification.

    Walk postures generated through a Track Trajectory are not covered. This is a technical limitation until the track trajectory function is enhanced to generate a walk activity to aggregate all walk postures generated by it.


For Reporting Capabilities see:

Log File txt Format

Log File HTML Format