
Welcome to the Advanced Machining User's Guide. This guide is intended for users who need to become quickly familiar with the Advanced Machining Version 5 product.

This overview provides the following information:

Advanced Machining in a Nutshell

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Advanced Machining easily defines NC programs dedicated to machining complex 3D parts (aerospace, hydraulic, turbo-machinery, and so on) within a single workbench including 2.5 to 5-axis machining technologies. Complementary to other V5 Machining solutions, this product brings new functionalities in order to cover the entire machining process in addition to existing key functionalities that speed up skill oriented operations. All these functionalities overtake previous version CATIA Machining solutions, and therefore surpass existing all-in-one CAM systems.

Advanced Machining offers the following main functions:

  • Accurate tool path definition through a full set of 2.5 to 5 axis milling and drilling machining capabilities
  • Quick tool path definition thanks to an intuitive user interface
  • Flexible management of tools and tool catalogs
  • Definition of machining areas including multi-thickness areas
  • Check and repair tool holder collisions
  • Quick verification of tool path
  • In-process part visualization and material removal simulation in multi-axis mode
  • Tool path editor
  • Fast tool path update after modification
  • Seamless NC data generation
  • Automatic shop-floor documentation
  • Management of NC related documents
  • Multi-CAD management
  • Integration with DELMIA
  • NC know-how capitalization and reuse
  • Productive design change management.

Before Reading this Guide

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Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 5 products. It also describes the general layout of V5 and the interoperability between workbenches.

You may also like to read the following complementary product guides, for which the appropriate license is required:
  • NC Manufacturing Infrastructure User's Guide: explains how to use common Machining functionalities
  • Surface Machining User's Guide: describes 3-axis machining considerations
  • Multi-Axis Machining User's Guide: describes multi-axis machining considerations
  • Prismatic Machining User's Guide: describes 2.5-axis machining considerations
  • Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant User's Guide: describes Machinable Features recognition and associated functionalities for preparing a Design Part for Prismatic Machining.

Getting the Most Out of this Guide

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To get the most out of this guide, we suggest that you start reading and performing the step-by-step Getting Started tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to produce an NC program by using advanced machining techniques.

Once you have finished, you should move on to the User Tasks section, which gives more complete information about the product's functionalities. The Reference section provides useful complementary information.

The Workbench Description section, which describes the commands that are specific to Advanced Machining, the Customizing section, which explains how to customize settings, and the Methodology section, which provides useful information about recommended work methods, will also certainly prove useful.

Accessing Sample Documents

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To perform the scenarios, you will be using sample documents contained in the doc/online/amgug_C2/samples folder. For more information about this, refer to Accessing Sample Documents in the Infrastructure User's Guide.