3153 Terminal: Common Application Display and Keyboard Problems
About this document
Related documentation
3153 key not working: any key on the keyboard
3153 key not working: F1, F3, F7, F8, or F12 (function keys)
3153 key not working: Page Up or Page Down
3153 key not working: Insert
3153 key not working: Delete
3153 key not working: Enter
3153 key not working: Return
3153 displays nothing (no video), has a blank screen, or its cursor does not move
3153 displays application or menus incorrectly
3153 displays extra blank lines between lines of data
3153 displays a large block in screen center
3153 displays a single row or line of characters or data
3153 displays parallel port transmit error condition
3153 dual or multiple session not working
3153 line drawing or box characters not displaying
3153 not saving (losing) setup parameters
3153 not displaying correctly when using vi editor
3153 screen is wavy, flickers or jitters
About this document
This document provides information about common application display and keyboard problems
with IBM 3153 terminals.
Related documentation
- Information about the most common
questions and problems related to the 3153 are available within
the IBM Personal Systems Support web site:
At the site, enter 3153 as the machine type in the Quickpath field.
This web site contains troubleshooting tips, keyboard layouts, and other related
- 3153 Marketing Reference Guide
- 3153 User's Guide
- IBM 3153 Programmer's Reference Manual
For recommended documentation on specific subjects covered in this document,
see each individual document section.
3153 key not working: any key on the keyboard
This problem or symptom is similar to these other problems:
- The 3153 does not display anything; there is no video.
- The 3153 does not display data, information or the application.
- The 3153 does not communicate; there is no communication.
- The 3153 screen is blank, or the cursor is at the upper left corner and doesn't move.
- The 3153 does not do anything when any keys are pressed.
Recommended solution
Refer to the section in this document called
"3153 displays nothing (no video), has a blank screen, or its cursor does not move".
3153 key not working: F1, F3, F7, F8, or F12 (function keys)
Background information
Function keys typically send the host an ASCII character sequence when
pressed. The ASCII character sequence needs to match what the host
operating system or application expects. The host operating system or application
then determines how to process the function key that was pressed.
Function keys can be redefined from the 3153 setup menus and
also can be redefined from the host.
The supported function keys are also emulation dependent. For example:
- IBM 3151 emulation supports 36 function keys (unShifted,
Shifted, Control-Shift F1 to F12). IBM 3153 emulation does
not support Alt-Shift F1 to F12. 3151 emulation supports:
- F1 to F12 (requires unShifted F1 to F12)
- F13 to F24 (requires Shift F1 to F12)
- F25 to F36 (requires Ctrl-Shift F1 to F12)
- The IBM 3151 emulation "Turnaround Character" determines
if the function keys will work properly.
- DEC VT200 emulation supports F6 to F20 function keys.
- WYSE 50/60 emulation supports 32 function keys (unShifted,
Shifted F1 to F16).
When configured for 3151 emulation, the default values of the 3153 function keys
(F1 to F36) are:
Key ASCII Sequence
--- --------------------------------------------------
F1 Esc a LTA
F2 Esc b LTA
(unShift F1 to F12)
F11 Esc k LTA
F12 Esc l LTA
--- --------------------------------------------------
F13 Esc ! a LTA
F14 Esc ! b LTA
(Shift F1 to F12)
F23 Esc ! k LTA
F24 Esc ! l LTA
--- --------------------------------------------------
F25 Esc " a LTA
F26 Esc " b LTA
(Ctrl-Shift F1 to F12)
F35 Esc " k LTA
F36 Esc " l LTA
LTA is the 3153 Turnaround Character = CR, ETX, EOT, DC3.
For IBM eServer pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, the recommended Turnaround Character = CR.
Recommended solution
Users need to be familiar with:
- the host operating system or application requirements
- how and what function keys are supported based on the
emulation (IBM, WYSE, or SCO CONSOLE)
- whether the function keys were redefined in 3153 setup menus or
from the host operating systems or application
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, in most cases the
3153 Turnaround Character is incorrect. In the 3153 setup menu,
for pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, it is recommended to set Turnaround Char=CR.
If the Turnaround Character is set correctly, contact a system
administrator, host operating system specialist or application developer.
3153 key not working: Page Up or Page Down
Background information
The 3153 offers a PC-style keyboard that has Page Up and
Page Down printed on the keyboard.
Page Up performs the Clear key function. This key
generates the following ASCII sequence: ESC L LTA.
LTA is the 3151 Line Turnaround Character: <CR>, <ETX>.
Page Down performs the Erase EOF key function. This
key generates the following ASCII sequence: ESC I.
Recommended solution
Contact your system administrator or application programmer.
The host operating system or application needs to be updated to
support Page Up or Page Down keys.
For pSeries and RS/6000 customers, the AIX TERMINFO file needs to be updated
for the knp (key next page) and kpp (key previous page) functions.
For customers with AIX 4.2.0:
The AIX IBM TERMINFO file has a Terminal Type (TERM TYPE) that
has the changes to support the Page Up and Page Down keys.
Set the AIX TERM TYPE variable to one of the following:
ibm-3151-51 or ibm-3151-61 or ibm-3151-PS2.
export TERM=ibm-3151-51
export TERM=ibm-3151-61
export TERM=ibm-3151-PS2
3153 key not working: Insert
Background information
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, the user
or the host can determine the operation of the Insert key.
IBM 3151 emulation supports:
- Insert Character = Space
- Insert Character = Mode
- Insert Character = Space:
Every time the Insert key is pressed, the 3153 should insert a space
character. When the Insert key is pressed, the 3153 is sending the
host the "Insert Character" command. The host should echo
the command back to the 3153, causing a space to be inserted.
- Insert Character = Mode:
Every time the Insert key is pressed, the 3153 toggles
between Insert Mode and Non-Insert (replacement) Mode.
When the 3153 is in Insert Mode, for every alphanumeric key that
is pressed, the 3153 inserts that alphanumeric character.
When the alphanumeric key is pressed, the 3153 is sending
the host the "Insert Character" command. The host should echo
the command back to the 3153, causing a character to be inserted.
The Insert Character can be selected in the following ways:
- The user can enter the 3153 setup menu and select the F5 Keys
setup menu.
- The host application can use the IBM 3151 Set/Read Control 3 Command.
Refer to the IBM 3153 or IBM 3151 Programmer's Reference Manual.
Recommended solution
Change the 3153 setup value of the Insert Character
from Mode to Space or from Space to Mode.
For pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, the preferred setup value is Insert Character=Space.
3153 key not working: Delete
Background information
When the 3153 Delete key is pressed, the 3153 sends to the host the
Delete ASCII sequence (based on the ASCII/ANSI emulation selected). The
host operation system or application determines how the Delete
ASCII sequence is processed.
Based on the ASCII/ANSI emulation, the 3153 Delete Key
sends the following Delete ASCII sequence:
Emulation Sequence
---------------------- --------
IBM 3151 ESC Q
WYSE 50,60 ESC W
DEC VT300,VT200,VT100 DEL
Recommended solution
If the Delete key is not working as expected, contact
the programmer, application developer or system administrator.
The problem is within the host operating system or host application.
3153 key not working: Enter
Background information
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, the user or the host
can determine the operation of the Enter key.
The 3153 Enter key is the bottom right key on the numeric keypad and is
labeled "Enter".
NOTE: The key above the right Shift key is the
Return key.
IBM 3151 emulation supports:
- Enter Key = Return (3153 factory default setting)
- Enter Key = Send
- Enter Key = Return
- Every time the Enter key is pressed, the 3153 performs the Return key
operation. NOTE: The Return key can be set to New Line or Field.
- Enter Key = Send
- Every time the Enter key is pressed, the 3153 performs the Send key
operation. NOTE: The Send key can be set to Page or Line.
The Enter key can be selected in the following ways:
- The user can enter the 3153 setup menu and select the F5 Keys setup menu.
- The host application can use the IBM 3151 Set/Read Control 2 Command.
Refer to the IBM 3153 or IBM 3151 Programmer Reference Manual.
Recommended solution
If the Enter key (on the numeric keypad) is not working, use the
3153 setup menus to change the Enter Key setup parameter from
Send to Return or from Return to Send.
If the Enter key (above the right Shift, which is the Return key) is not
working, use the 3153 setup menus to change the Return Key from
Field to New Line or from New Line to Field.
For pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, the preferred setup values are Enter Key =
Return and Return Key=New Line.
3153 key not working: Return
Background information
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, the user
or the host can determine the operation of the Return key.
The 3153 Return key is above the right Shift key and is labeled
Return or Enter (depending on whether the keyboard is
ASCII style or PC style).
IBM 3151 emulation supports:
- Return Key = New Line (3153 factory default setting)
- Return Key = Field
- Return Key = New Line
- Every time the Return key is pressed, the 3153 performs
the New Line operation. The Return key sends a <CR> or <CR><LF>
based on the 3153 New Line setup option.
- Return Key = Field
- Every time the Return key is pressed, the 3153 performs the Field operation.
The Return key can be selected in the following ways:
- The user can enter the 3153 setup menu and select the F5 Keys
setup menu.
- The host application can use the IBM 3151 Set/Read Control 3
Refer to the IBM 3153 or IBM 3151 Programmer's
Reference Manual.
Recommended solution
If the Return key is not working, use the 3153 setup menus to change the
Return Key setup parameter from Field to New Line
or from New Line
to Field.
For pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, the preferred setup value is Return Key=New Line.
3153 displays nothing (no video), has a blank screen, or its cursor does not move
This item covers the following, similar problems and symptoms:
- The 3153 does not display anything; there is no video.
- The 3153 does not display data, information or the application.
- The 3153 does not communicate; there is no communication.
- The 3153 screen is blank, or the cursor is at the upper left corner and does not move.
- The 3153 does not do anything when any keys are pressed.
Background information
This is a common problem for ASCII terminals (3151, 3153, WYSE, and DEC).
The preceding problems and symptoms mostly result from the following:
Users should know:
- What the host serial port interface is:
- Is the interface RS-232 or RS-422?
- When the host interface is RS-232, is the host port
configured as a DCE (Data Communications Equipment) or
configured as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)?
- What the 3153 serial port interface is:
- Is the interface RS-232 or RS-422?
- When the 3153 interface is RS-232, the 3153 Main Serial Port is
configured as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and the 3153 Auxiliary
Serial Port is configured as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).
- When connecting, what cable is required?
- For connecting DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE devices together, a null-modem cable is
required. If a modem cable is used, no communication occurs.
- For connecting DTE to DCE devices together, a modem cable is required.
If a null-modem cable is used, no communication occurs.
- When users type or press keys on the keyboard, the 3153
sends a character or a sequence of characters to the host.
The host is responsible for processing the character
or sequence of characters. Processing may include:
- echoing the character back to the 3153
- processing a character sequence (moving the cursor up or
insert or delete operations)
Recommended solutions
If the 3153 does not display anything (there is no video):
- Using the 3153 brightness and contrast controls (on the right hand
side of the video element), increase the brightness and contrast.
NOTE: The 3153 offers a Screen Saver (CRT Saver, Auto Dim).
When the 3153 is in Screen Saver Mode, the 3153 video element
is blank. Press any key to exit the 3153 Screen Saver Mode.
- If the 3153 properly performs its power-on sequence, the 3153
should display a cursor, characters or a status line. This confirms that
the 3153 video portion of the 3153 video
element is working properly.
If the 3153 does not display any data, it does not communicate, or the screen is blank
with a cursor at the upper left corner:
- Confirm that the 3153 setup parameter Host/Printer is correct:
- If the host port is the 3153 SES1 EIA port,
Host/Printer must set to EIA/Aux, EIA/Para
or EIA/None.
- If the host port is the 3153 SES2 AUX port,
Host/Printer must set to Aux/EIA, Aux/Para
or EIA/None.
- Confirm that the communications cable (modem or null-modem) is
DTE Host Port to DTE 3153 EIA Port: need null-modem cable
DCE Host Port to DTE 3153 EIA Port: need modem cable
DTE Host Port to DCE 3153 Aux Port: need modem cable
DCE Host Port to DCE 3153 Aux Port: need null-modem cable
Problem determination tips:
The following items may assist with problem determination:
- Tip 1:
- In the 3153 setup menu, set Local=On and then exit 3153 setup.
- Press alphanumeric keys and cursor keys. The alphanumeric
characters should appear or the cursor should move. These steps indicate that
the 3153 is working properly.
- In the 3153 setup menu, set Local=Off and then exit 3153 setup.
- Tip 2:
- If there is a working 3151 or 3153 nearby, take the
communications cable from the working 3151 or 3153 and
install it on the 3153 that is not working. If the 3153 that
was previously not working begins
to work properly, this indicates that the 3153 is working
properly. The problem is an incorrect communications cable
or the host system does not have the host port initialized.
Background information
The following items will cause the application not to display correctly:
- Emulation selected in 3153 does not match host emulation
- The 3153 supports many ASCII terminal emulations (IBM 3151, DEC VT200,
WYSE 50/60). If the host operating system or application is expecting DEC
emulation and the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, the 3153 will
not display the application correctly. IBM 3151, DEC VT200 and WYSE 50
commands are different. The emulation selected in the 3153 must match the host.
- 3153 setup menus
- Many 3153 setup parameters affect the display of an application. Users need to know what the host operating
system or the application program expects. These setup values must match
the host. Review the 3153 setup menus for accuracy.
3153 setup parameters include:
Auto Wrap, Rows, Columns, Scroll, Page Length,
Character Set and Code Page.
Recommended solution
This is a common problem for 3151, 3153 and other ASCII terminals. Users
must know the host operating system or application program requirements. The
system administrator or application programmer should be contacted.
If there is a 3151 or 3153 that is working correctly, it is recommended to
compare its setup values to those of the 3153 that is not working correctly.
3153 displays extra blank lines between lines of data
The following items will cause the application not to display correctly:
- The emulation selected in the 3153 does not match the host emulation
- The 3153 supports many ASCII terminal emulations (IBM 3151,
DEC VT200, WYSE 50, and WYSE 60). If the host operating system
or application is expecting DEC emulation and the 3153 is
configured for IBM 3151 emulation, the 3153 will not display
the application correctly. IBM 3151, DEC VT200 and WYSE 50
commands are different. The emulation selected in the 3153 must
match the host operating system or application program.
- 3153 setup menus
- Many 3153 setup parameters affect the display of an application.
Users need to know what the host operating system or application
program expects. These setup values must match the host operating
system or application. Review the 3153 setup menus for accuracy.
The 3153 setup parameters include:
Auto Wrap, Rows, Columns, Scroll, Page Length,
Recev <CR>, Character Set and Code Page.
Recommended solution
This is a common problem for the 3151, the 3153 and other ASCII terminals.
Users must know the host operating system or application program
requirements. Contact the system adminstrator or
application programmer. The background information
at the beginning of this section may help.
If there is a nearby 3151 or 3153 that is working correctly,
check its setup values and compare them to the values of the 3153
that is not working.
3153 displays a large block in screen center
Problem or symptom
The 3153 displays a large block in the center of the screen
when the 3153 is powered on. The large block is approximately
1 inch high and may be 2 to 7 inches wide. The large block
may have characters, letters, or numbers in it.
Background information
The 3153 Programmable Banner is being displayed in the
center of the screen when the 3153 is powered on.
The 3153 allows a user to display a banner when the 3153 is powered on.
The 3153 banner is programmable and can include letters, numbers or
special characters. The 3153 banner can store up to 30 characters.
Recommended solution
If the 3153 Programmable Banner is not desired, disable it. To disable or edit
the 3153 Programmable Banner, follow these steps:
- Press and hold the left Ctrl key and press the Tab key.
The 3153 displays edit banner at the top of the 3153.
- Using the Backspace key, erase all characters.
- After all characters have been erased, press
Enter or Return (the key above the right Shift key) to save.
3153 displays a single row or line of characters or data
Problem or symptom
The 3153 displays a single row or line of characters or data. The cursor
is at the right-most column. There are no characters or data below
the single row or line of characters or data.
Background information
With the 3153 setup parameter Auto Wrap=Off, all data received
by the 3153 is displayed on a single row. The cursor stops
at the right-hand side (margin) of the display. The received data
overwrites itself.
With the 3153 setup parameter Auto Wrap=On, the cursor moves to the next
line at the first column (left margin). The data continues to display.
Recommended solution
Change the 3153 setup parameter Auto Wrap=On.
For pSeries and RS/6000 Attach, the preferred setting is Auto Wrap=On.
3153 displays parallel port transmit error condition
Problem or symptom
The 3153 displays the message Transmit Condition Parallel Port No Printer.
Background information
The 3153 displays the message Transmit Condition Parallel Port No Printer
- The 3153 is configured for a printer using the parallel port:
the 3153 setup parameter is Host/Printer=EIA/Para or Aux/Para.
- A printer is not attached.
- A print operation is requested from the 3153 keyboard,
host application or operating system.
The 3153 factory default setting for Host/Printer is EIA/Para.
Recommended solution
- Attach a parallel printer
(if a parallel printer is desired).
- Set Host/Printer=EIA/None or Aux/None
(if a parallel printer is not desired).
3153 dual or multiple session not working
Problem or symptom
A 3153 dual or multiple session is not working (keyboard or communication):
- Session 1 works but Session 2 does not work.
- Session 2 works but Session 1 does not work.
- Neither session works.
Background information
Dual (Multiple) sessions by multiple ports information:
- All 3153s support real dual sessions using the 3153 Main
Serial Port and the 3153 Auxiliary Serial Port.
- The 3153 is configured for two sessions (in the 3153 setup menu,
- The 3153 has two serial communications cables attached:
- One cable is attached to the 3153 Main Port (SES1 EIA).
- One cable is attached to the 3153 Auxiliary Port (SES2 AUX).
- The two serial communications cables may be connected to a single
host (using two host ports) or to two separate host systems.
- Each 3153 session can have unique setup values (emulation,
communication, and keyboard setup values).
- The 3153 Parallel Port can have a printer attached, and
the printer can be used by either 3153 session.
- The user switches between sessions using the left Ctrl
key with the Enter key on the numeric keypad.
- The 3153 status line indicates the active sessions by
displaying S1 for Session 1 and S2 for Session 2.
- When the 3153 is configured for a dual session, generally
the same communications cable cannot be used for both
3153 serial ports because:
- The 3153 Main Port is configured as a DTE (when RS-232).
The 3153 Auxiliary Port is configured as a DCE.
If both host ports are DTE, the 3153 Main Port serial cable
must be a null-modem cable and the 3153 Auxiliary serial
cable must be a modem cable. If the same
communications cable is used for both the Main and
Auxiliary Port, only one of the two sessions will work.
Recommended solution
- In the 3153 setup menu, confirm that the 3153 is configured for
two sessions (Sessions=Two).
- If one session is working and the other session is not
working, determine if the communications cable
(modem or null-modem) is incorrect by doing the following:
- Swap the communications cables between Main and Auxiliary. If the
working and non-working sessions switch ports,
the 3153 communication ports are working properly. The
session that is not working has an incorrect communications cable.
3153 line drawing or box characters not displaying
Problem or symptom
The following symptoms are similar:
- The 3153 does not display line drawing characters.
- The 3153 does not display box characters.
- The 3153 does not display window borders correctly.
- The 3153 displays letters instead of a window border.
Background information
This is a common problem with ASCII terminals (3151, 3153, WYSE, and DEC).
Host control:
- The host operating system and application program can control what
character set or code page is displayed when the 3153 is configured for
3151, DEC VT200, or WYSE 50/60. Each emulation has its own method of
displaying character sets and code pages.
- IBM 3151 Emulation:
Select Character Set G0/G1 Command
- DEC VT200 Emulation:
Character Set Selection Command
- WYSE 60 Emulation:
Select Primary or Secondary Character Set Command
3153 setup parameters:
- The 3153 setup parameters also affect the character set
and code page displayed:
- Character Set: National or Multinational
- Code Page: CP437, CP850, or ISO-1 (ISO 8859)
- EIA Data Format: 7-bit or 8-bit mode
Recommended solution
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3151 emulation, it is recommended to
modify the 3153 setup parameters (in the 3153 setup menus):
- set Character Set=Multinational and try the following
various code pages:
- Code Page=CP437
- Code Page=CP650
- Code Page=ISO-1
If this recommended solution does not correct the situation, contact the system
administrator or application programmer.
- For programming information on the 3153 and 3153, refer to:
3153 Programmer's Reference Manual (GC30-3707)
3151 Programmer's Reference Manual (GA18-2634)
- For information on character sets, code pages and keyboard
layouts, refer to:
National Language Support Reference Manual-Vol. 2 (SE09-8002)
Keyboards and Code Pages - PCDOS 7 (S83G-9310)
- For 3153-supported keyboards, character sets and code pages,
refer to:
3153 Marketing Reference Guide (G520-9415)
3153 not saving (losing) setup parameters
Problem or symptom
The 3153 is not saving setup values, loses its setup values or
changes its setup values.
Background information
There are several causes for a 3153 losing, not saving or
changing its setup values.
- Host operating system/application (change setup commands):
The host operating system or application can change many of the
3153 setup values by sending commands (3151, WYSE, DEC Emulation)
that change a 3153 setup value. These commands change the operation of
the 3153. The following are some examples:
- IBM 3151 Emulation:
- Set Control 2 Cmd: CRT Saver, Enter Key, New Line
- Set Control 3 Cmd: Scroll, Line Wrap, Insert Character
- Set Control 4 Cmd: Send Line, Send Page
- Set Control 5 Cmd: Turnaround Character, Line Control
- Create Viewport Cmd: rows and columns
- Set Cursor Type Cmd: Cursor Style
- Set Default Function Key Cmd: Resets Function Keys
- WYSE Emulation:
- Enhance Mode Cmd: Enhance Mode
- Communication Cmd: Communication Mode
- Application Key Mode Cmd: Application Mode
- Scrolling Speed Cmd: Scroll
- DEC Emulation:
- Set Terminal Mode Cmd: Auto Wrap, Scroll, Numeric Keypad
Users must know what the host operating system or
host application is controlling.
- Host Operating System/Application (Terminal Reset Commands):
The host operating system or the host application can reset
the 3153 by sending the appropiate emulation reset command.
- IBM 3151 Emulation:
- Reset to Initial State Cmd: causes 3153 to reset to
power-on values
- DEC Emulation:
- Terminal Reset Cmd: causes 3153 to reset to power-on values
Users must know what the host operating system or
host application is controlling.
- 3153 setup menus:
The user changes parameters in the 3153 setup menus but
does not save them. When the 3153 is powered off and then
back on, the parameters have not been saved.
Recommended solution
Determine if the host operating system or application is changing
the 3153 setup values. Execute the following steps:
- Set the 3153 setup parameters as needed.
- Save the 3153 setup parameters.
- Power off the 3153.
- Power on the 3153.
- Confirm that the setup values have been properly saved. (This
step confirms that a save function was properly performed.)
- Begin or start the host application.
- Periodically check the 3153 setup parameters.
If all the steps are followed, and sometime during step 7 a 3153 setup
value is changed, the host operating system or application is changing
the 3153 setup values. Users should check with their system
administrator or system programmer.
3153 not displaying correctly when using vi editor
Problem or symptom
When the vi editor is used, the 3153 does not insert, delete or update.
Background information
When the 3153 is configured for IBM 3153 emulation, the 3153 setup
parameter Force Insert determines how the 3153 processes an
insert operation (of a line or character).
When Force Insert=Off:
- If there is no space to insert a character or line, an insert
operation is not performed. The characters or lines are not "forced off"
the display. The characters or lines stop at the right margin
(for characters) or at the bottom (for lines).
When Force Insert=Line:
- The current line is replaced by a null line and the lower lines are
moved down one line. The bottom line is discarded--it is
"forced off" the display.
When Force Insert=Character:
- The current character is replaced by a null character and
the following characters are moved one position to the
right. The last character on the row is "forced off" the display.
Recommended solution
In the 3153 setup menu, change Force Insert=Both or Line.
Background information
This symptom may occur if you have another workstation (PC, Terminal),
fluorescent light, motor, or other electrical device near the 3153.
Electrical devices may create electromagnetic interference that affects
the 3153.
Recommended solution
Power off the other electrical device, or move the other electrical
device away from the 3153.
The 3153 has been manufactured and adjusted for optimum performance
(3153 factory default setting of Refresh Rate=71 Hz). To overcome
external electromagnetic interference, the Refresh Rate can be modified
in the 3153 setup menus. It is recommended to change the Refresh Rate
to the values that minimize flicker and/or jitter.
In the 3153 setup menus (press F3 to display):
NOTE: Not all Refresh Rates are available in screen formats
(rows by columns).
3153 Terminal: Common Application Display and Keyboard Problems: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/12/22~00:00 Category: zap
This HTML file was generated 2001/03/08~16:06:04
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