Graphics Q & A's for Documentation

1. How do I copy InfoExplorer to a hard disk?
2. How do I install man pages on a node at AIX level 4.3?
3. How do I delete or uninstall documents in Documentation Search Service?
4. How do I list the registered indices in Documentation Search Service?
5. How do I install Documentation Search Service at AIX level 4.3.2 and above?
6. How do I view Xample man pages?
7. How do I load xlC libraries into InfoExplorer at AIX level 4.2.1?

1. How do I copy InfoExplorer to a hard disk?

To copy InfoExplorer to a hard disk, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new infocd directory, enter:
    mkdir /infocd
  2. Create a new cdrom directory, enter:
    mkdir /cdrom
  3. Mount the InfoExplorer CD to /cdrom, enter:
    mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom
  4. Copy everything from /cdrom to /infocd, enter:
    cp -R
  5. Ensure that the permissions are the same in /infocd as they are in /cdrom

2. How do I install man pages on a node at AIX level 4.3?
  1. Mount the CD on System A, enter:
    mkdir cd
    mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0/cd
  2. Copy the CD to the /export directory, enter:
    cd /cd
    cp -r * /export

  3. NFS export the directory /export 4

  4. NFS mount the /export to System B, enter:
    mkdir /export
    mount systemA:/export /export

  5. Install the bos.html fileset.

  6. Use the device name as /export/usr/sys/inst.images.

3. How do I delete or uninstall documents in Documentation Search Service?

If a document and its index were automatically registered when an application was installed on the server, you must use the uninstall process to remove the document. If you simply delete a registered document or its index, it will remain registered with the search service. This will generate error messages during searches because the search service will still try to search the missing index.

If you intend to delete a document that a system administrator manually registered, you must first "unregister" it with the search service. To unregister the indices, use the following procedure:

NOTE: This procedure uses the cmds01en index as an example.

  1. Change to root or a user who is a member of the imnadm group.

  2. Enter the following:
    /usr/IMNSearch/cli/imndomap /var/docsearch/indexes -d cmds01en
  3. Enter:
    cp /var/docsearch/indexes/imnmap.dat /usr/docsearch/indexes
  4. Enter:
    /usr/IMNSearch/cli/imnixdel cmds01en

After completion of the preceding steps, you can safely delete the document and its index.

4. How do I list the registered indices in Documentation Search Service?

To view what indices are correctly registered with the search program, enter:


5. How do I install Documentation Search Service at AIX level 4.3.2 and above?

You can now use the Installation Assistant to install Documentation Search Service 4.3.2 and above.

If you select the button Configure Online Documentation and Search, the Installation Assistant will guide you through installing a Web server, Base Documentation, and other necessary filesets. To invoke the Installation Assistant, enter:


6. How do I view Xample man pages?

To view a man page that is not in your manpath or that is not in regular man1 or man2 format, you can use the nroff command.

This will be helpful because the mage pages for the X22 sample clients need to be viewed by entering the following:

cd /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/man
nroff -man <filename> | more

7. How do I load xlC libraries into InfoExplorer at AIX level 4.2.1?

You can find the xlC Library Files on the Software Development Solutions CD.


First, mount the CD over /usr/cdrom/sws. You may need to create the /usr/lpp/xlC/info directory. Also enure that the /usr/lpp/xlC/info/cset directory exists.


Enter the following to install the xlc libraries.

cp /usr/cdrom/sws/cset/info/* /usr/lpp/xlC/info/cset
mkdir /usr/lpp/info/data/cset
cp /usr/lpp/xlC/info/cset/ispaths /usr/lpp/info/data/cset
cp /usr/lpp/xlC/info/cset/isprime /usr/lpp/info/data/cset

Also edit the /usr/lpp/info/data/cse/ispaths for rom and key paths by entering the following.


Entering info -l cset will bring up the C Set++ InfoExplorer. To access the C Set++ information, type info, copy the C Set stanza from /usr/lpp/info/data/cset/ispaths, and add it to the bottom of /usr/lpp/info/data/ispaths.

Graphics Q & A's for Documentation: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/11/09~00:00 Category: gph
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