Frequently Asked Questions for the Common Desktop Environment (CDE)

1. How do I add an Aixterm icon to the Front Panel?
2. How do I change the logo for dtgreet?
3. How do I set up the Chooser List?
4. How do I change the default window manager for CDE?
5. Where can I find the new version of dtsanity?
6. How do I set the system wide environment variables in CDE?
7. How do I delete icons from the FrontPanel?
8. How do I disable dtscreen for all users?
9. How do I place the DTChooser on my display?
10. How do I create an icon that is available to all users
11. How do I manually lock the CDE screen?
12. How do I disable the command line login in CDE for AIX version 4.2.0 and above?
13. How do I disable the FrontPanel in CDE?
14. How do I make dtcm (Calendar Manager) edits effective without reboot?
15. How do I determine what session CDE returns to?
16. How do I make the screenlock default to "off" in CDE?
17. How do I add my signature to the bottom of my outgoing dtmail messages?
18. What are the ToolTalk types database (tt_db) Directories?
19. How do I designate a "hot key" on my keyboard to switch between workspaces?
20. How do I change the Dtlogin text?
21. How do I add an executable icon on the front panel that is available to all users?
22. How do I get an application to display in a particular workspace?
23. How do I "Autowrap for Compose New Message" in dtmail?
24. What are the default icon sizes for CDE?
25. How do I map the pfkeys in CDE?
26. How do I paste in the dtpad find/change field?

1. How do I add an Aixterm icon to the Front Panel?

To add an Aixterm icon to the FrontPanel, follow the steps below.

  1. Enter cp /usr/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG/dtwm.fp /etc/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG

  2. Edit /etc/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG/dtwm.fp

  3. Copy the CONTROL Term stanza and add it below the Icon_Editor

  4. Change it to read the following:
    	CONTROL Aixterm
      	TYPE                  icon
      	CONTAINER_NAME        PersAppsSubpanel
      	POSITION_HINTS        3
      	ICON                  Fpterm
      	LABEL                 Aixterm
      	PUSH_ACTION           Aixterm
      	HELP_TOPIC            FPOnItemTerm
      	HELP_VOLUME           FPanel
  5. Log out of CDE and back in.

2. How do I change the logo for dtgreet?

Retrieve the image

If converting the image from JPEG or GIF to pixel map format, it must abide by some guidelines:

If you save the image using xv's XPM format, it usually will give the file type return of: data or International Language text, which will not work with CDE. Try using xpaint which is a shareware product, and save using the PM format.

You may also try to use xv, save as XPM format with Reduced Colors and rename the file to *.pm to match the other CDE files.

Set up the CDE configuration files

  1. cp /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config
  2. cp /usr/dt/config/C/Xresources /etc/dt/config/C
  3. Edit /etc/dt/config/C/Xresources and change the bitmap line to read the following:
    	Dtlogin*logo*bitmapFile: <fullpath to pm file>
  1. cp /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config
  2. Edit the line in /etc/dt/config/Xconfig to read:
    	Dtlogin*resources: Xresources
  3. cp /usr/dt/config/C/Xresources /etc/dt/config
  4. Edit /etc/dt/config/resources and change the bitmap line
    to read:
    	Dtlogin*logo*bitmapFile: <fullpath to pm file>

NOTE: If this is the first time the logo has been changed from the default, kill and restart CDE using:

  1. /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill
  2. /etc/rc.dt

If the logo is being changed from a prior customized logo, restart the Xserver by selecting Reset Login Screen from the Options menu in dtgreet.

3. How do I set up the Chooser List?

  1. Set up the Xstation to make an INDIRECT query instead of a broadcast. In general, this works like "XDMCP indirect <HOSTNAME>."

    NOTE: This may differ slightly for your specific Xstation.

  2. On the target host of the indirect query, enter the following:
    	cd /etc/dt/config
    1. Check for Xaccess. If it doesn't exist, copy it from /usr/dt/config/Xaccess and modify /usr/dt/config/Xconfig and the line that reads:
      	Dtlogin.accessFile: Xaccess

    2. Change to read the following:
      	Dtlogin.accessFile: /etc/dt/config/Xaccess
  3. Modify /etc/dt/config/Xaccess.

    1. Comment out the line that reads:
      	* CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser
    2. Comment out the line that reads:
          #* CHOOSER %hostlist
    3. Change the lines so that the hosts you want to SHOW in the chooser are listed:
          * CHOOSER %hostlist host-1 host-2 host-3

4. How do I change the default window manager for CDE?

Add the following line to .Xdefaults

	dtsession*wmStartupCommand: /usr/bin/X11/mwm

5. Where can I find the new version of dtsanity?

The new version of dtsanity is shipped in 4.3, in fileset X11.Dt.rte, in /usr/dt/contrib/bin. dtsanity is an effective diagnostic tool for solving CDE start-up problems.

6. How do I set the system wide environment variables in CDE?

The following steps describe how to set the system wide environment and user-based environment variables for CDE.

NOTE: It is not recommended to set the LIBPATH. CDE will try to set $LIBPATH to null because by default it uses /usr/lib/lib. If the $LIBPATH is set, it is likely to cause numerous problems, including disabling CDE.

Setting Systemwide Variables for Xserver AND Session

  1. If /etc/dt/config/Xconfig does not exist, copy it from /usr/dt/config/Xconfig.

  2. Set the environment resource in /etc/dt/config/Xconfig to the following:
    	Dtlogin*environment: VARIABLE=value
  3. Use the following guidelines:

  4. If the Xserver does not use the variable, the variable is applied only to the desktop session.
    	Dtlogin*environment: EDITOR=vi

Set system wide variables for the Session only (single-display systems)

  1. Create a shell script in /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d containing variable definitions by using the following:
    	export <variable> <variable>
  2. Any scripts found in the /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d directory are run by /usr/dt/bin/Xsession.

Setting personal environment variables

  1. Copy the template /usr/dt/config/sys.dtprofile to $HOME/.dtprofile.

  2. Give the new file write permission.

  3. Edit the new file.

7. How do I delete icons from the FrontPanel?

Create in your $HOME/.dt/types an .fp file that contains the CONTROL's definition and add the line:


For example, to remove the mail icon, you would have the following entry:


8. How do I disable dtscreen for all users?

  1. Create an .Xdefaults file in the root directory if one does not already exist.

  2. Add the following lines:
    	dtsession*extension.saverList: StartDtscreenBlank
    	dtsession*extension.saverTimeout: 0

9. How do I place the DTChooser on my display?

To place the DTChooser on your display, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter:
    	cd /etc/dt/config
    NOTE: After entering the preceding command, check for Xaccess and Xconfig. If they do not exist, enter:
    	cp /usr/dt/config/Xaccess /etc/dt/config/
    	cp /usr/dt/config/Xconfig /etc/dt/config/
  2. Using your preferred editor, open the following file:
  3. In the line that reads:
    	Dtlogin.accessFile: Xaccess
    Change to the following:
    	Dtlogin.accessFile: /etc/dt/config/Xaccess
  4. Using your preferred editor, open the following file:
  5. Comment out the line that reads:
            * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser
  6. Uncomment the line that reads:
            #* CHOOSER %hostlist
  7. Change the preceding line so that the hosts you want to SHOW in the chooser are listed:
            * CHOOSER %hostlist yourserverhostname host-2 host-3 etc...
  8. Logout to command line from the options panel on CDE and enter:
      	/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -reset
  9. Enter:
    	X -indirect yourserverhostname
  10. You will now see the list. Choose your hostname and get dtlogin.

NOTE: If you want to view the list of all the machines on the network broadcasting XDMCP, you will not have to modify any files. You can use X -indirect yourhostname. However, be aware that if there are a number of systems reachable, the list will be very long, and you can only search the list visually with the scroll bar.

10. How do I create an icon that is available to all users?

  1. As root user, create the icon or use one of the system icons and change it to your liking. When you save this icon, it will place it in /.dt/icons.

  2. Create the action for this icon by pulling up the "Create Action" tool in the Application Manager. Saving this file puts it in /.dt/types with a .dt extension. The icon will be placed in your in your File Manager.

  3. Drag the icon from the File Manager to the Application Manager window.

  4. Move the icon from /.dt/icons to /etc/dt/appconfig/icons/$LANG (the $LANG is your system language, either en_US or C) and change the permissions to 755 and ownership of the icon to bin.bin.

  5. Move the .dt file from /.dt/types to /etc/dt/appconfig/types/ $LANG and change permissions of the file to 755 and ownership to bin.bin.

  6. Exit your session if you are root and login as a user. Pull up the application manager and the icon should appear. You can also drag the icon to your File Manager.

11. How do I manually lock the CDE screen?

To manually lock the screen using the CDE lock screen from the command line, enter the following:

	/usr/dt/bin/dtaction LockDisplay

12. How do I disable the command line login in CDE for AIX version 4.2.0 and above?

Disable the command line login in CDE using the following steps.

  1. cp /usr/dt/config/Xservers /etc/dt/config/

  2. cd /etc/dt/config/

  3. chmod 755 Xservers

  4. Edit Xservers. In the last line, change from

  5. /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill

  6. /etc/rc.dt;exit

13. How do I disable the FrontPanel in CDE?

This action can be useful if the system administrator wants to prevent users from readily accessing some of the features of CDE. This action essentially creates a session for the user similar to an mwm session.

To disable the FrontPanel for the user, add to the user's .Xdefaults the following line:

	Dtwm*useFrontPanel: false

14. How do I make dtcm (Calendar Manager) edits effective without reboot on AIX version 4.1?

NOTE: This takes calendar programming skills and saving a backup copy of the file is suggested.

  1. After you edit the /var/spool/calendar/callog.uid file.

  2. Kill the calendar daemon and restart the calendar.

    1. Enter ps -ef | grep cmsd

    2. Enter kill -15 <process ID>

  3. Restart the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon on the front panel. This will restart the daemon and reread your callog.uid file.

15. How do I determine what session CDE returns to?

In the .dt/sessions/home/dt.settings file, if the Dtsession*ShutdownMode line is set to 3, you will be returned to the home session. If the Dtsession*ShutDownMode line is set to 4, you will be returned to the current session.

16. How do I make the screenlock default to "off" in CDE?

  1. Enter cp /usr/dt/config/C/sys.resources /etc/dt/config/C
  2. Edit the file /etc/dt/config/C/sys.resources and set the following lines to a value of 0 as shown below.
    	dtsession*saverTimeout: 0
    	dtsession*lockTimeout: 0
    	dtsession*cycleTimeout: 0

17. How do I add my signature to the bottom of my outgoing dtmail messages?

To add your signature to the bottom of your outgoing mail, create a .mailrc file in your $HOME directory with the following line:

	set signature=<full path to your .signature>

18. What are the ToolTalk types database (tt_db) directories?

The ToolTalk types databases store the static ptype and otype definitions. These definitions declare the messages to which applications and objects respond. The ToolTalk types compiler modifies the types database when you add or change static type definitions. Upon starting, ttsession reads in these type files. The tt_db database is created by ToolTalk database server daemon (rpc.ttdbserverd). The tt_db directories contain the associations between files in this partition and the sessions with patterns interested in these files. It also contains all the object specification information for files in this partition.

The tt_db databases currently contain the following ten files:


The permissions for these files are set to -rw-r--r-- .

The ToolTalk database server daemon performs three major duties:

  1. rpc.ttdbserverd stores the ToolTalk session IDs of sessions with clients that have joined a file using the tt_file_join call.
  2. rpc.ttdbserverd stores file-scoped messages that are queued because the message disposition is TT_QUEUED and a handler that can handle the message has not yet been started.
  3. rpc.ttdbserverd stores ToolTalk objects specifications.

19. How do I designate a "hotkey" on my keyboard to switch between workspaces?

To designate a "hotkey" to change workspaces, follow the steps below.

  1. cp /usr/dt/config/C/sys.dtwmrc $HOME/.dt
  2. cd $HOME/.dt
  3. mv sys.dtwmrc dtwmrc
  4. Using your preferred editor, edit the $HOME/dtwmrc file.
  5. Go to the Keys DtKeyBindings section and add the following lines:
    	Alt<Key>n      root|icon|window        f.next_workspace
    	Alt<Key>p      root|icon|window        f.prev_workspace

In the preceding step, the "n" and "p" keys were used for "next" and "previous." However, you can use any key as long as it is not being used for something else.

20. How do I change the Dtlogin text?

To change the dtlogin text from Welcome to $MACHINE to some other text, complete the following steps:

  1. cp /usr/dt/config/C/Xresources /etc/dt/config/Xresources

  2. Uncomment the line Dtlogin*greeting.labelString: and insert the text of your choice.

    Note: All text should be on one line, with /n used as a carriage return.

  3. If Xconfig does not already exist, copy it from /usr/dt/config to /etc/dt/config.

  4. Edit the Dtlogin*resources line in /etc/dt/config/Xconfig so that it points to /etc/dt/config/Xresources.

  5. Use /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -reset so the change in Xconfig is read.

If you change the text in Xresources, you will only need to reset the login screen.

21. How do I add an executable icon on the front panel that is available to all users?

To add an icon to the Front Panel that executes an action for all users, log in as root user and proceed with the following steps.

  1. Create an action that executes the application and save the file to a directory that is accessible by all users.

    NOTE: This action will be owned by bin bin permissions and must be both accessible and executable by all users.

  2. After step 1 is completed, a file is created in /.dt/types that will have the name of the action followed by the .dt extension. Copy this action to /usr/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG (owned by bin bin permissions 755).

  3. Create an icon, no larger than than 48x48, in the icon editor and save it to /usr/dt/appconfig/icons/$LANG. The name of this action will start with "Fp."

  4. Enter cp /usr/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG/dtwm.fp /etc/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG

  5. Using your preferred editor, open /etc/dt/appconfig/types/$LANG/dtwm.fp

  6. Create a stanza like the one below and add it below the "BOX Top" stanza.
    	CONTROL "name of application"
    	TYPE		icon
    	POSITION_HINTS	"a position other than the 13 already taken"
    	ICON            Fp"the name of the icon created"
      	LABEL           "name of the app"
      	PUSH_ACTION     "name of the created action"
  7. Restart the workspace manager.

22. How do I get an application to display in a particular workspace?

To have an application display in a particular workspace, enter:

	<application name> -xrm "*workspaceList: ws0 ws1"

The following example shows the entry needed to display xterm in a particular workspace.

	xterm -xrm "*workspaceList: ws0 ws1"

NOTE: The workspace names can be either ws0, ws1, etc, or the names entered in the labels on the front panel workspace switch. The application must copy the -xrm option to a WM_COMMAND property on the application's top level window. You can usually check whether an application does this by entering xprop WM_COMMAND and clicking on the application's window. The dtterm command is aware of workspaces and will obey the resource, but it does not have any WM_COMMAND properties before the session manager asks it to update one.

23. How do I "Autowrap for Compose New Message" in dtmail?

To have the option "Word wrap" under "Format" in dtmail's "New Message" (compose) window default to True, place the following line in the user's .Xdefaults file:

	Dtmail*ComposeDialog*Work_Area*Text*wordWrap:   True

24. What are the default icon sizes for CDE?

The default CDE icons are generated in three sizes. For full compatibility, user created fonts should be created in these same three sizes. This will allow for different displays with the file manager (dtfile), and other applications that use the icons. The sizes are as follows (in pixels):

25. How do I map the pfkeys in CDE?

To map a function key or any other key in CDE, edit dtwmrc as shown below.

  1. Go to the stanza Keys DtKeyBindings.
    	# AltMenu root|icon|window f.toggle_frontpanel
        	Shift<Key>Escape icon|window f.post_wmenu
        	Alt<Key>space icon|window f.post_wmenu
        	Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
        	Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
        	Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.next_key
        	Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.prev_key
        	Alt<Key>Down root|icon|window f.circle_down
        	Alt<Key>Up root|icon|window f.circle_up
        	Alt Ctrl Shift<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
        	Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
        	Alt<Key>F10 root|icon|window DtRootMenu
  2. Add the following example line before the final bracket.
    	F6 root|icon|window f.exec "aixterm -sb &"
  3. Right click on the background and restart the workspace manager.

Remember SMIT and many applications use different keys, so do not be suprised if something else does not work.

26. How do I paste in the dtpad find/change field?

To be able to paste in the dtpad find/change field, in the /usr/dt/config/$LANG/sys.resources file, set the following:
	enableMultiKeyBindings: True

Frequently Asked Questions for the Common Desktop Environment (CDE): ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/11/02~00:00 Category: gph
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