Initiates an orderly release of a transport connection.
Transport Layer Interface Library (libtli.a)
#include <tiuser.h>
int t_sndrel(fd)
int fd;
The t_sndrel subroutine is used to initiate an orderly release of a transport connection and indicates to the transport provider that the transport user has no more data to send.
After issuing a t_sndrel subroutine call, the user cannot send any more data over the connection. However, a user can continue to receive data if an orderly release indication has been received.
The t_sndrel subroutine is an optional service of the transport provider and is only supported if the transport provider returned service type T_COTS_ORD in the t_open or t_getinfo subroutine.
fd | Identifies the local transport endpoint where the connection exists. |
On successful completion, the t_sndrel subroutine returns a value of 0. Otherwise, it returns a value of -1 and sets the t_errno variable to indicate the error.
If unsuccessful, the t_errno variable is set to one of the following:
The t_getinfo subroutine, t_open subroutine, t_rcvrel subroutine.
List of Streams Programming References and STREAMS Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Communications Programming Concepts.