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Technical Reference: Communications, Volume 2

setprotoent_r Subroutine


Opens the /etc/protocols file and sets the file marker.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include <netdb.h>

int setprotoent_r(StayOpenflag, proto_data);
int StayOpenflag;
struct protoent_data *proto_data;


The setprotoent_r subroutine opens the /etc/protocols file and sets the file marker to the beginning of the file.


StayOpenflag Indicates when to close the /etc/protocols file.

Specifying a value of 0 closes the file after each call to getprotoent. Specifying a nonzero value allows the /etc/protocols file to remain open after each subroutine.


/etc/protocols Contains the protocol names.

Related Information

endprotoent_r Subroutine, getprotobyname_r Subroutine, getprotobynumber_r Subroutine, and getprotoent_r Subroutine.

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