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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

perfstat_netinterface Subroutine


Retrieves individual network interface usage statistics.


Perfstat Library (libperfstat.a)


#include <libperfstat.h>

int perfstat_netinterface (name, userbuff, sizeof_struct, desired_number)
perfstat_id_t *name;
perfstat_netinterface_t *userbuff;
size_t sizeof_struct;
int desired_number;


The perfstat_netinterface subroutine retrieves one or more individual network interface usage statistics. The same function can also be used to retrieve the number of available sets of network interface statistics.

To get one or more sets of network interface usage metrics, set the name parameter to the name of the first network interface for which statistics are desired, and set the desired_number parameter. To start from the first network interface, set the name parameter to "" or FIRST_NETINTERFACE. The userbuff parameter must always point to a memory area big enough to contain the desired number of perfstat_netinterface_t structures that will be copied by this function. Upon return, the name parameter will be set to either the name of the next network interface, or to "" after all structures have been copied.

To retrieve the number of available sets of network interface usage metrics, set the name and userbuff parameters to NULL, and the desired_number parameter to 0. The returned value will be the number of available sets.

The perfstat_netinterface subroutine retrieves information from the ODM database. This information is automatically cached into a dictionary which is assumed to be frozen once loaded. The perfstat_reset subroutine must be called to flush the dictionary whenever the machine configuration has changed.



Contains either "", FIRST_NETINTERFACE, or a name identifying the first network interface for which statistics are desired. For example;

en0, tr10, ...
userbuff Points to the memory area that is to be filled with one or more perfstat_netinterface_t structures.
sizeof_struct Specifies the size of the perfstat_netinterface_t structure: sizeof(perfstat_netinterface_t)
desired_number Specifies the number of perfstat_netinterface_t structures to copy to userbuff.

Return Values

Upon successful completion unless the function is used to retrieve the number of available structures, the number of structures filled is returned. If unsuccessful, a value of -1 is returned and the errno global variable is set.

Error Codes

The perfstat_netinterface subroutine is unsuccessful if one of the following is true:

EINVAL One of the parameters is not valid.
EFAULT Insufficient memory.
ENOMEM The string default length is too short.
ENOMSG Cannot access the dictionary.


The libperfstat.h file defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines.

Related Information

perfstat_netbuffer Subroutine, perfstat_cpu Subroutine, perfstat_cpu_total Subroutine, perfstat_disk Subroutine, perfstat_diskadapter Subroutine, perfstat_disk_total Subroutine, perfstat_memory_total Subroutine, perfstat_netinterface_total Subroutine, perfstat_pagingspace Subroutine, perfstat_protocol Subroutine, and perfstat_reset Subroutine.

Perfstat API in Performance Tools and APIs Technical Reference.

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