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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1
lvm_querypv Subroutine
Queries a physical volume and returns all pertinent
Logical Volume Manager Library (liblvm.a)
#include <lvm.h>
int lvm_querypv (VG_ID, PV_ID, QueryPV, PVName)
struct unique_id * VG_ID;
struct unique_id * PV_ID;
struct querypv ** QueryPV;
char * PVName;
The lvm_querypv subroutine uses the sysconfig system call, which requires root user authority,
to query and update kernel data structures describing a volume group. You
must have root user authority to use the lvm_querypv
The lvm_querypv subroutine returns
information on the physical volume specified by the PV_ID parameter.
The querypv structure, defined
in the lvm.h file, contains the following fields:
struct querypv {
long ppsize;
long pv_state;
long pp_count;
long alloc_ppcount;
struct pp_map *pp_map;
long pvnum_vgdas;
struct pp_map {
long pp_state;
struct lv_id lv_id;
long lp_num;
long copy;
struct unique_id fst_alt_vol;
long fst_alt_part;
struct unique_id snd_alt_vol;
long snd_alt_part;
Field |
Description |
ppsize |
Specifies the size of the physical partitions, which is the same
for all partitions within a volume group. The size in bytes of a physical
partition is 2 to the power of ppsize. |
pv_state |
Contains the current state of the physical volume. |
pp_count |
Contains the total number of physical partitions on the physical
volume. |
alloc_ppcount |
Contains the number of allocated physical partitions on the physical
volume. |
pp_map |
Points to an array that has entries for each physical partition of
the physical volume. Each entry in this array will contain the pp_state that specifies the state of the physical partition (LVM_PPFREE, LVM_PPALLOC, or LVM_PPSTALE) and the lv_id, field, the ID of the logical
volume that it is a member of. The pp_map array
also contains the physical volume IDs (fst_alt_vol and snd_alt_vol) and the physical partition
numbers (fst_alt_part and snd_alt_part) for the first and second alternate
copies of the physical partition, and the logical partition number (lp_num) that the physical partition corresponds to.
If the physical
partition is free (that is, not allocated), all of
its pp_map fields will be zero.
- fst_alt_vol
- Contains zeros if the logical partition has only one physical copy.
- fst_alt_part
- Contains zeros if the logical partition has only one physical copy.
- snd_alt_vol
- Contains zeros if the logical partition has only one or two physical
- snd_alt_part
- Contains zeros if the logical partition has only one or two physical
- copy
- Specifies which copy of a logical partition this physical partition
is allocated to. This field will contain one of the following values:
- Primary and only copy of a logical partition
- Primary copy of a logical partition with two physical copies
- Primary copy of a logical partition with three physical copies
- Secondary copy of a logical partition with two physical copies
- Secondary copy of a logical partition with three physical copies
- Tertiary copy of a logical partition with three physical copies.
pvnum_vgdas |
Contains the number of volume group descriptor areas
(0, 1, or 2) that are on the specified physical volume. |
The PVName parameter enables
the user to query from a volume group descriptor area on a specific physical
volume instead of from the Logical Volume Manager's (LVM) most recent, in-memory
copy of the descriptor area. This method should only be used if the volume
group is varied off. The data returned is not guaranteed to be most recent
or correct, and it can reflect a back level descriptor area.
The PVname parameter should
specify either the full path name of the physical volume that contains the
descriptor area to query or a single file name that must reside in the /dev directory (for example, rhdisk1).
This field must be a null-terminated string of from 1 to LVM_NAMESIZ bytes, including the null byte, and represent a raw or character
device. If a raw or character device is not specified for the PVName parameter, the LVM will add an r to the
file name in order to have a raw device name. If there is no raw device entry
for this name, the LVM will return the LVM_NOTCHARDEV
error code. If a PVName is specified, the volume
group identifier, VG_ID, will be returned by the
LVM through the VG_ID parameter passed in by the user.
If the user wishes to query from the LVM in-memory copy, the PVName parameter should be set to null. When using this method of query,
the volume group must be varied on, or an error will be returned.
As long as the PVName is not null,
the LVM will attempt a query from a physical volume and not from its in-memory copy of data.
In addition to the PVName
parameter, the caller passes the VG_ID parameter,
indicating the volume group that contains the physical volume to be queried,
the unique ID of the physical volume to be queried, the PV_ID parameter, and the address of a pointer of the type QueryPV. The LVM will separately allocate enough space for the querypv structure and the struct pp_map array
and return the address of the querypv structure in the QueryPV pointer passed in. The user is responsible for
freeing the space by freeing the struct pp_map pointer
and then freeing the QueryPV pointer.
Points to a unique_id structure that specifies
the volume group of which the physical volume to query is a member. |
Points to a unique_id structure that specifies
the physical volume to query. |
QueryPV |
Specifies the address of a pointer to a querypv structure. |
PVName |
Names a physical volume from which to use the volume group descriptor
area for the query. This parameter can be null. |
Return Values
The lvm_querypv subroutine returns
a value of 0 upon successful completion.
Error Codes
If the lvm_querypv subroutine
fails it returns one of the following error codes:
The routine cannot allocate enough space for a complete buffer. |
An invalid parameter was passed into the routine. |
The device entry for the physical volume is invalid and cannot be
checked to determine if it is raw. |
The volume group specified is offline and should be online. |
If the query originates from the varied-on volume
group's current volume group descriptor area, one of the following error codes
may be returned:
The volume group reserved logical volume could not be opened. |
The volume group is currently locked because system management on
the volume group is being done by another process. |
The mapped file, which contains a copy of the volume group descriptor
area used for making changes to the volume group, could not be opened. |
Either the mapped file could not be read, or it could not be written. |
If a physical volume name has been passed, requesting
that the query originate from a specific physical volume, then one of the
following error codes may be returned:
The bad-block directory could not be read or written. |
The LVM record, which contains information about the volume group
descriptor area, could not be read. |
There are no volume group descriptor areas on this physical volume. |
A device is not a raw or character device. |
The physical volume is not a member of a volume group. |
An error occurred while trying to read the volume group descriptor
area from the specified physical volume. |
The physical volume device could not be opened. |
A bad block was found in the volume group descriptor area located
on the physical volume that was specified for the query. Therefore, a query
cannot be done from the specified physical volume. |
Related Information
List of Logical Volume Subroutines and Logical Volume Programming Overview
in AIX 5L Version 5.2 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.
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