Shapes box characters.
Layout Library (libi18n.a)
#include <sys/lc_layout.h>
int layout_object_shapeboxchars( layout_object, InpBuf, InpSize, OutBuf)
LayoutObject layout_object;
const char *InpBuf;
const size_t InpSize;
char *OutBuf;
The layout_object_shapeboxchars subroutine shapes box characters into the VT100 box character set.
Upon successful completion, this subroutine returns a value of 0.
If this subroutine fails, it returns the following values:
The layout_object_create Subroutine, layout_object_editshape or wcslayout_object_editshape Subroutine, layout_object_free Subroutine, layout_object_getvalue Subroutine, layout_object_setvalue Subroutine, and layout_object_transform or wcslayout_object_transform Subroutine.
Bidirectionality and Character Shaping and National Language Support Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.2 National Language Support Guide and Reference.