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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1
getrlimit, getrlimit64, setrlimit, setrlimit64, or vlimit Subroutine
Controls maximum system resource consumption.
Standard C Library (libc.a)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
int setrlimit( Resource1, RLP)
int Resource1;
struct rlimit *RLP;
int setrlimit64 ( Resource1, RLP)
int Resource1;
struct rlimit64 *RLP;
int getrlimit ( Resource1, RLP)
int Resource1;
struct rlimit *RLP;
int getrlimit64 ( Resource1, RLP)
int Resource1;
struct rlimit64 *RLP;
#include <sys/vlimit.h>
vlimit ( Resource2, Value)
int Resource2, Value;
The getrlimit subroutine returns
the values of limits on system resources used by the current process and
its children processes. The setrlimit subroutine sets
these limits. The vlimit subroutine is also supported,
but the getrlimit subroutine replaces it.
A resource limit is specified as either a soft (current)
or hard limit. A calling process can raise or lower its own soft limits,
but it cannot raise its soft limits above its hard limits. A calling process
must have root user authority to raise a hard limit.
The rlimit structure specifies
the hard and soft limits for a resource, as defined in the sys/resource.h file. The RLIM_INFINITY value defines
an infinite value for a limit.
When compiled in 32-bit mode, RLIM_INFINITY is a 32-bit value; when compiled
in 64-bit mode, it is a 64-bit value. 32-bit routines should use RLIM64_INFINITY when setting 64-bit limits with the setrlimit64 routine, and recognize this value when returned by getrlimit64.
This information is stored as per-process information.
This subroutine must be executed directly by the shell if it is to affect
all future processes created by the shell.
Raising the data limit does not raise the program break
value. Use the
brk/sbrk subroutines to raise the break
value. If the proper memory segments are not initialized at program load
time, raising your memory limit will not allow access to this memory. Use
-bmaxdata flag of the
ld command to set up these segments at load time.
When compiled in 32-bit mode, the struct rlimit values
may be returned as RLIM_SAVED_MAX or RLIM_SAVED_CUR when the actual resource
limit is too large to represent as a 32-bit rlim_t.
These values can be used by library routines which set their own rlimits to save off potentially 64-bit rlimit
values (and prevent them from being truncated by the 32-bit struct rlimit). Unless the library routine intends to permanently change
the rlimits, the RLIM_SAVED_MAX and RLIM_SAVED_CUR
values can be used to restore the 64-bit rlimits.
Application limits may be further constrained by
available memory or implementation defined constants such as OPEN_MAX (maximum available open files).
Resource1 |
Can be one of the following values:
- The maximum size of a process' total available memory, in bytes. This
limit is not enforced.
- The largest size, in bytes, of a core file that
can be created. This limit is enforced by the kernel. If the value of the RLIMIT_FSIZE limit is less than the value of the RLIMIT_CORE limit, the system uses the RLIMIT_FSIZE limit value as the soft limit.
- The maximum amount of central processing unit (CPU) time, in seconds,
to be used by each process. If a process exceeds its soft CPU limit, the
kernel will send a SIGXCPU signal to the process.
- The maximum size, in bytes, of the data region for a process. This
limit defines how far a program can extend its break value with the sbrk subroutine. This limit is enforced by the kernel.
- The largest size, in bytes, of any single file that can be created.
When a process attempts to write, truncate, or clear beyond its soft RLIMIT_FSIZE limit, the operation will fail with errno set to EFBIG. If the environment variable XPG_SUS_ENV=ON is set in the user's environment before the
process is executed, then the SIGXFSZ signal is also
- This is a number one greater than the maximum value that the system
may assign to a newly-created descriptor.
- The maximum size, in bytes, of the stack region for a process. This
limit defines how far a program stack region can be extended. Stack extension
is performed automatically by the system. This limit is enforced by the kernel.
When the stack limit is reached, the process receives a SIGSEGV signal. If this signal is not caught by a handler using the
signal stack, the signal ends the process.
- The maximum size, in bytes, to which the resident set size of a process
can grow. This limit is not enforced by the kernel. A process may exceed
its soft limit size without being ended.
Points to the rlimit or rlimit64 structure, which contains the soft (current) and hard limits. For
the getrlimit subroutine, the requested limits are
returned in this structure. For the setrlimit subroutine,
the desired new limits are specified here. |
Resource2 |
The flags for this parameter are defined in the sys/vlimit.h, and are mapped to corresponding flags for the setrlimit subroutine. |
Value |
Specifies an integer used as a soft-limit parameter to the vlimit subroutine. |
Return Values
On successful completion, a return value of 0 is
returned, changing or returning the resource limit. Otherwise, a value of
-1 is returned and the errno global variable is set
to indicate the error.
Error Codes
The getrlimit, getrlimit64, setrlimit, setrlimit64, or vlimit subroutine is unsuccessful if one
of the following is true:
The address specified for the RLP parameter
is not valid. |
The Resource1 parameter is not a valid resource,
or the limit specified in the RLP parameter is invalid. |
The limit specified to the setrlimit subroutine
would have raised the maximum limit value, and the caller does not have
root user authority. |
Related Information
The sigaction, sigvec, or signal subroutines, sigstack subroutine, ulimit subroutine.
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