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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1
IMFilter Subroutine
Determines if a keyboard event is used by the input
method for internal processing.
Input Method Library (libIM.a)
int IMFilter(Im, Key, State, String, Length)
IMObect Im;
Keysym Key;
uint State, * Length;
caddr_t * String;
The IMFilter subroutine is used
to process a keyboard event and determine if the input method for this operating
system uses this event. The return value indicates:
Im |
Specifies the input method instance. |
Key |
Specifies the keysym for the event. |
State |
Defines the state of the keysym. A value of 0 means that the keysym
is not redefined. |
String |
Holds the returned string if one exists. A null value means that
no composed string is ready. |
Length |
Defines the length of the input string. If the string is not null,
returns the length. |
Return Values
IMInputUsed |
The input method for this operating system filtered the event. |
IMInputNotUsed |
The input method for this operating system did not use the event. |
Related Information
Input Methods and National Language Support Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.2 National Language Support Guide and Reference.
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