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Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

IMFilter Subroutine


Determines if a keyboard event is used by the input method for internal processing.


Input Method Library (libIM.a)


int IMFilter(ImKeyState, String, Length)
IMObect  Im;
Keysym  Key;
uint  State, * Length;
caddr_t  * String;


The IMFilter subroutine is used to process a keyboard event and determine if the input method for this operating system uses this event. The return value indicates:


Im Specifies the input method instance.
Key Specifies the keysym for the event.
State Defines the state of the keysym. A value of 0 means that the keysym is not redefined.
String Holds the returned string if one exists. A null value means that no composed string is ready.
Length Defines the length of the input string. If the string is not null, returns the length.

Return Values

IMInputUsed The input method for this operating system filtered the event.
IMInputNotUsed The input method for this operating system did not use the event.

Related Information

Input Methods and National Language Support Overview in AIX 5L Version 5.2 National Language Support Guide and Reference.

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